You got a lot on your plate for sure! How did it end up needing reactions for each item? Can they not be generically made or what?
In my own efforts, ive come up with a few new interactions wizards can teach. Im trying to make their teachings more unique to them and less spitting out the same spells you can get from any of the schools, and balancing it with their being a sort of true/neutral good character archetype like a race of gandalfs, not handing out dangerous or all-powerful spells to mortals like candy. So most of the cruder or evil-oriented spells, and really any fire spell since they could set the world ablaze, are right out.
For now, all they can teach are magic missile, which is just a weak aether bolt. They now also have Vanish, a hide effect which i dont even know if it will work with the sneak/observation mechanics thwt were implemented a while back. Theyve also gained self polymorphy, which just turns you into a normal fox, and Lucky Whisper, which is a self-only 200% skill roll on 100% of attempts, for 5 ticks adventure mode or 80 ticks dwarf mode. The last is "party Tricks," which is a greeting that spews a gas which gives people strong good thoughts like delight and joy.
Im really just struggling to come up with doable in-game, unique, morally neutral or good, not-all-powerful spells for them to teach. And i also disnt want them making your life difficult in fort mode, like turning all your livestock sentient and stuff. Theyve already got a big repertoir of their own.