Zerg/Tyranid-like race mod!
They'll be called the
Mantids, like the ones from World of Warcraft but with next to no relation.
Two castes: Worker Mantid and Warrior Mantid. The first can't learn military skills, and the last can't learn working skills. They're both male.
In order to obtain more citizens, you will need to order
Drones (intelligent arachnids that can't learn skills) on embark, or buy them from your civ caravan. The drones will produce (summon) larvae, once per year and only two each time. These larvae can be turned into different monsters if you pasture them around a
Pylon (an immobile creature) and wait for a year or two.
There are multiple types of pylons, each one causing a different transformation in your larvae.
- Purple Pylons will turn your larvae into drones. You'll need to wait for a year until the larva transforms.
- Amber Pylons will turn your larvae into warrior mantids. You'll need to wait for two years until the larva transforms.
- Green Pylons will turn your larvae into worker mantids. You'll need to wait for two years until the larva transforms.
- Black Pylons will turn your larvae into mawlocs (WH 40K). You'll need to wait for two years until the larva transforms.
- Gray Pylons will turn your larvae into roaches (Starcraft). You'll need to wait for a year until the larva transforms.
- Crimson Pylons will turn your larvae into rippers (WH 40K). You'll need to wait for a year until the larva transforms, and two rippers will be produced by the same larva.
- Aqua Pylons will turn your larvae into biovores (WH 40K). You'll need to wait for two years until the larva transforms.
- Clear Pylons will turn your larvae into broodlords (Starcraft). You'll need to wait for two years until the larva transforms.