Spent a night writing up a couple new megabeasts. First one was based on the legend of the
Am Fear Liath Mor. Took a giant and gave it powers to terrify enemies at range and even zombify someone it catches. It is terrifying. Havent gotten to test it in adventure or fort mode at all, but if it works right it will be quite the challenge with militia dwarves or companions seizing up instead of fighting and the possibility of fighting a rogue husked ally. Which sadly would probably cause a loyalty cascade.
Thinking of making its powers either subject to the silence spell or make a counter-spell like a resist fear/psychic effects or something, if it proves too powerful.
The other beastie was a giant man-eating tree with deadly venom from its thorned limbs. I think the thorns pop off if you smack them with a mace successfully, so that could be a smart strategy, but it has thorns on all six arms plus the trunk, and theyre razor sharp, so its very threatening nonetheless.
Thinking of what to do next, and couldnt help but notice I never got around to doing ghostly/incorporeal creatures. Mostly because that's technically impossible with the game requiring some form of tissue. So I'm back to deciding yet again whether theres more merit in making them super soft and easy to dispatch with a single blow and just, like, resurrect one-another endlessly in some cases or nearly adamantine-tough and requiring adamantine or other enchanted materials to damage them. The latter could be interesting, but a pain in the ass if you dont have anything made of the required materials on-hand.
...still havent fully implemented all the enchanted basins and potions I intended to. Gotta finish that too.
But I did get most of the civ-specific content separated so the player could choose to play with only the vanilla races + wizards or a bunch of other fantasy races.