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Author Topic: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.  (Read 6003 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2017, 09:08:47 am »

I've decided to agree to helmacons plan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2017, 04:35:47 am »

Eager to test your new spell you call for you eat a hearty dinner, lock the door and call for your rat minion whilst lying in bed, you touch the rat and your soul transfers to the zombie without a hitch . Your perspective shifts radically, you suddenly have access to a heady sense of smell and hearing, you can hear Arbus pacing in his study as muffled thumps and smell the sewers through bolt holes in the wall. You follow the smell to the bolt holes, your vision adjusting to the almost total absence of light with easy and you spend a good amount of time wondering the tunnels, your improved senses help you notice quite a few useful bits of information.

First you have noted the location of several intact corpses and could probably track them down in your human form. The most interesting is a skeleton secreted away in a cavity in the walls, there seems to have been a cave in of some sort in a more natural area of the sewers and a child was trapped here, this must have been a while ago as there flesh has long since been eaten away, leaving a skeleton behind. Another is a dog that appears to have been torn apart by rats quite near an entrance to the sewers and forgotten about. You find three more mostly intact rat skeletons, though it is impossible to tell whether any of these had enough interaction with humans to have acquired souls.

You also notice several areas where the rats seem to be swarming strangely, moving together in packs of about a hundred or so. From a distance the rats appear to be moving with purpose and patrolling the area, though you notice at least one swarm coming apart and scattering for no apparent reason. You’ve found four areas where this is happening.

You also happen on an alcove below the temple district, it seems to contain a worn altar etched with images of corpses rising from their graves and stained with ancient dry blood, you notice that nothing has been near this altar, the dust is thick all around with only your rat footprints showing any sign that a creature has been near in decades.

After a while night watch patrols begin appearing. The city watch which guards the walls and polices the city during the day does not come down into the sewers. The watchmen move in patrols of four to six with a more heavily armoured paladin and a priest in robes in each group. You keep your distance as the priests could well detect your presence through some divine means. Though you do see a patrol happen upon a swarm of rats and forging through them, apparently with some renewed purpose.

The time you have spent using new senses and searching out secrets contributes to your rapidly building confidence in the art of noticing things, hopefully you won’t be caught out by something as silly as urchins again.

Unfortunately you sense the tugging of your own soul wishing to return to your body and have to head back up to your slumbering form. You nuzzle your head against your own hand and find yourself back in your body. It is dark out. Taking a moment to make sense of the information you’ve just gathered you consult the book.

It seems your city has a ghost problem. Ghosts are spirits who were released from their body in ways which eclipsed every other aspect of their life. Giving them a malign intelligence and powers related to the manner of their death. It seems a particularly powerful ghost has formed recently and has been busy creating lesser copies of itself. It would be sensible to conclude that the largest swarm is controlled by the original ghost. Ghosts make useful and intelligent servants though they rarely serve willingly. They have several drawbacks though. First their incorporeal forms prevent easy communication without the expenditure of mana. Secondly they have their own will and goals, which means they must either be negotiated with or bound, as their desires are often simple the ease of negotiation depends on how willing you are to help them achieve what they want. Binding them bypasses this problem but necessitates trapping them in an object, although it neatly solves the problem of having to talk with them. This brings us to the third obstacle, ghost are naturally tied to objects, areas or people who were important close to their death and cannot operate far from whatever they are tied to, this presents a problem with ghosts you have negotiated with if they are tied to something inconvenient, like a certain place in the sewers for example, binding them neatly sidesteps this problem. Bound ghosts are mostly powerless until they are transferred to a suitable vessel which translates their raw power to that vessel, the four main types of vessel used are organic materials, items, constructed bodies and living flesh. Whilst it is useful to understand both binding and communicating ghosts for now it is best for you to decide which path to take with these ghosts, do you wish to learn to negotiate with them or bind them for later use. As having a single ghost in your service will multiply your capabilities, though you may wish to collect more corporeal minions first lest you are made into a ghost of slow death by gnawing rats yourself.

You consider the information and what to do next, the night is still young and you might still get some scouting done, however your mana reserves are starting to feel depleted and rest will help with that, though the Path to Power might be able to suggest a quicker way of gaining power, you know that it’s theoretically possible. Perhaps there are other things you think the book could tell you about?

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  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm just here, because actually I don't know*shrug
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2017, 07:14:05 am »

I think something odd is going on with the rats, we should investigate it more later.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2017, 12:57:10 pm »

That'd be the ghost. I wonder what the circumstances of its death were, killed by rats or murdered in the sewers maybe?

On our lesson for tonight, I personally favour learning to negotiate with ghosts. We can always fall back on the binding if that falls through. I'd also recommend asking the book about that altar we found, and any potential other ways of gaining mana.

I'm not sure what to do now, though. I'd like to have a full tank of mana when we go down to the sewers, so we can raise up the child and the dog, so resting would be my first option.

I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Just a smol Angel
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2017, 01:17:10 pm »

We can negotiate with the sewer ghost for passage to and usage of the alter down there.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2017, 01:20:35 pm »

Maybe. Hopefully we'll be able to get to it without passing through any of the ghost's rat-swarm patrolled areas, though.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2017, 04:28:22 pm »

You think through your options and decide to learn the communicate with ghosts spell from the spellbook. This spell can be cast on yourself to allow you to understand the wailing and moaning which is the primary method of communication for ghosts, it also allows you to communicate more complex ideas to ghosts as the text seems to suggest ghosts can normally only perceive the feelings of people rather than hear their voices.

That done you attempt to ask The Path to Power a question, this is a bit of a strange experience as it entails keeping topics in the forefront of your mind while touching the cover then opening the page to see what it has to say:

There are three ways you can obtain more mana to aid your rise to power. The simplest is to feed me souls, I am able to covert souls into mana relative to the strength of the soul, all I need is for the death of the creature to be in my vicinity, it goes without saying that I can transfer mana to you with trivial ease. Secondly if you mix the blood of a sentient creature with reagents you easily have access to in this tower you can create a potion which infuses you with power, it is of course less efficient than directly tapping into the soul, but it would allow you to tap your own life force for power if you become that desperate. The third and least useful is what the lesser mages call meditation, it takes time, it requires an act of will and should you fail to channel the magical energies you will find yourself dispirited, this technique I only mention because your capacity to shed blood and release souls has not yet blossomed, beware the mind becomes inured to meditation for mana and the act becomes more difficult with each attempt. I cannot teach you this technique, try it for yourself or else as your tutor, even if he is incapable of it some other amongst the lesser mages of this town will know it, surely not all of them can rely on the meagre mana gained from sleep.

That answers one question, but you still have no answers about the altar. You try asking the book again. This time you get something approaching an altar.

That object and the area around it is dangerous, do not go near it, perhaps when you are more powerful you may think on this issue again. Now, instead you should imagine a spell, think of something within the realm of souls and death and touch my cover, if it is knowledge I can grant I will gladly scribe it on my pages. Call it a gift for my talented student, take care though the most powerful of spells require you to spend currency you do possess, grasp what might be within your reach.

Do you choose to accept the tome’s gift? If so, what do you ask for? Regardless it seems that you wish to fill your reserves before you venture into the sewers, so several days will probably pass in the next update, with that in mind I’d like to remind everyone of what you’re currently doing with your time.

Interaction with Arbus: Try to get sent to see Ifeus
Tutoring: Learn summon stone
Spare time: Undecided then go to see Ifeus when sent.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2017, 05:57:26 pm »

Accept the book's gift. Ask for a ranged necromancy spell
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2017, 06:35:01 pm »

Naw, lets ask for the ability to stitch souls. To modify them, like a potter shaping clay.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #54 on: August 31, 2017, 11:35:23 am »

Once again conflicted about what you want to know more about you decide to flip a coin, heads to cripple enemies from afar, tails to alter the nature of souls. You get heads, and make your decision, beginning to read the book.

It is not a simple matter to do direct harm with necromancy. Necromancy is the magic of commanding souls and ready souls are in short supply. Fortunately humanity is filled with essence ready to become the soul on the death of its vessel, so it is possible use mana to encourage a soul to break free of its cage prematurely. Whilst you will have to build your powerful before using this spell achieves its desired goal the side effect of a body’s magical essence striving to break free is considerable pain. A soul can be called in this manner from anyone within sight but the spell is best controlled if you touch the victim. Here follows the particulars of this spell.

This spell is rather different from the necromancy you have learned so far, but it is easily learned nonetheless. You have a lovely nights rest, with the plan to continue on with your life for a while to get your mana back, as you are currently unwilling to take any of the outlined steps to recharge your mana more quickly.

You settle into a routine of picking up a bit more of the slack you’ve been leaving as you’ve been delving into necromancy. You decide to take a more subtle approach to getting sent to see Ifeus, it’s slow going, but at least Arbus doesn’t seem quite so irrationally suspicious of the idea as he was when you first broached the topic and after a couple of days Arbus decides to send you to on an Errnad to see Ifeus. Meanwhile summoning stone is still eluding you, but the practice you’ve had with necromancy is helping your normal magecraft come along in leaps and bounds.

So as night falls on your second day of rest you make your way to the tower of Ifeus, the tallest in the city, with a strange contraption pointed at the sky. Ifeus does her work by night as is too anti-social to have the time for apprentices. Still, after your errand has been done with she doesn’t seem to mind your company so long as you are willing to hand her bits of equipment as she squints up into the sky through your telescope. So you bring the conversation round to the old times where magic was powerful.

“Master Arbus was telling me about how you once walked to the stars and back. What is it like?”

The woman, whose hair is white while her skin is smooth chuckles. “I think you misunderstand my boy, I was merely around at the time, my old master could walk to the stars, though he didn’t do it very often.”

“That’s amazing, and he never taught you the spell?”

Ifeus’ body slumps and she turns to you, her face sad.
“No, he didn’t boy, he taught me everything I know, but he kept the most wondrous secrets of the magic of the stars to himself. I’ve spent the rest of my life trying to imitate his spells, but something seems to be missing.”

“I wouldn’t want to find out that my spell for walking to the stars didn’t work halfway through the spell.”

“Exactly my boy, which is why your mast has been such a boon to me, we’ve been sharing theories about why the great spells died out and how to bring them back.”

“Is that what the message I got sent with is about?”
“Hmm? Oh yes the note.” Ifeus picks up the letter that you were sent with and casually looks at it, her attention still mostly on the telescope. After a moment she gives her full attention to the note, she looks a little panicked and mutters “It can’t be.” after a moment she remembers you are still there and composes yourself, turning to you and saying in a clipped tone. “Go back and tell Arbus to double check his findings. He needs to be certain, do you understand? “

You nod, and sensing you won’t be getting any more out of Ifeus today you head back to the tower wear Arbus receives the message solemnly and thanks you.

You still have three days until your mana reserves are full. Would you like to do or practice anything in your spare time? Or examine any of the methods used to regain mana more quickly?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #55 on: August 31, 2017, 11:41:05 am »

Let's look into the second one. The mana potions and all.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2017, 12:14:13 pm »

Let's look into the second one. The mana potions and all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2017, 12:32:03 pm »

Just so I'm clear, does anyone have any strong opinions about whose blood they want to use for these mana potions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2017, 01:35:48 pm »

Our own, preferably.

If we could stitch souls we could just make a sentient blood machine, but instead we can make people hurt bad.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm just here, because actually I don't know*shrug
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Re: (SG) You are an aspiring necromancer.
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2017, 02:03:29 pm »

Try and find the smallest human corpse we can in the sewers, preferably a skeleton, for ease of concealment.
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