Please do not quote:
Condolences, for what that may be worth to you.
Tape Recording: Make sure you understand if you are in a one party consent state or a two party consent state (assuming you are in America).
So, I am not a medical professional, etc. That stated, the "crease" you mention, I've heard it called an inguinal cleft, delicate stuff, as you have found out.
I might consider the following, call your physician's office, explain situation, ask them about keeping a journal: pain, symptoms, etc. Do they approve of the idea of writing down symptoms each day / occurrence? Severity 1-10, characteristic (sharp, dull, radiating, concentrated, deep, shallow, made worse by something, made better by something, etc. Ask them if they think documenting your range of motion issues would be helpful to the doctor, including things you used to be able to do but now no longer can do or do as well, mechanical restraint or pain restraint? Etc.
Ask them if there is anything you could do or not do to help the situation.
Again, I am not a medical doctor, and that is expressly why you should ask your doctor. My only intention is to direct you to your physician and provide a reasonable question to ask him or her with the goal of helping you communicate. Your M.D. D.O. may approve or disapprove, of course. Basically, it appears you are having difficulty communicating your concerns to your physician. Perhaps consider explaining that you are ... frustrated at the situation? Do not understand why your recovery hasn't been faster? Are concerned about ______. I recommend politeness, quite generally as a communicating style / tone. Either the physician did or did not screw up, and in either case, you're not going to resolve that with a question or 12 and I would imagine the goal might be placed on a solution. In any event, of course do what the physicians have instructed.
For what it's worth, I've recently had some medical issues and I can sympathize somewhat. It can be oddly difficult to recover medically, especially when other people have certain expectations and our bodies do not meet them for whatever reason.