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Author Topic: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks  (Read 1449 times)


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The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:40:05 pm »

So I had an interesting idea for an adventure mode campaign. What if you brought along an army of dwarf drunks with you wherever you went? Wouldn't that make a most interesting story? I've decided to step up considering there aren't many adventure mode stories in the hall of legends. With this as a potential entry I'm sure I can use some of my writing skills to spice up the story a little. The writing will be based on actual events in the game and feature the more interesting fighting associated with unarmed combat as well as some throwing mixed in. Any feedback would be appreciated.


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 04:17:28 pm »

I'll just go over some basic information I got for character creation.

Civilization :

Dattan órdur is a dwarf of the glaze of meetings.

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Stats :

He is a dwarf demigod, I have selected the most high level because he will be an unarmed fighter and they need all the stats they can get.

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Location And God :

He resides in Hallsilvers, a fortress. He is a worshipper of the god of parties.

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Appearance :

Dattan is regular sized, I suppose it doesn't matter if he is large because that's mostly for wielding large weapons.

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Personality :

I had no real selection process for this other than he has to like parties.

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 04:23:01 pm by Arcturus »


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2017, 04:32:55 pm »

The Tale Of Dattan órdur Part 1

Dattan awoke from a deep sleep. He had, had a strange dream where he was a star performer traveling the land. He danced in taverns, he danced in mead halls, he danced on the top of a mountain and he even danced on top of a temple with no clear way of getting up there. What a wonderful dream he thought.

He felt a certain pride at his new position, he had become a hearth person of Kulet. This was not enough for him though, he dreamed of traveling. He decided that today was the day he would ask Kulet to make him an entertainer. This would give him an excuse to travel and see the world. He had no combat skills to speak of anyway, only the dodging he had learned from his hours of dancing.

It was time...

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Dattan stretched a bit before he would practice his dance routine for the last time. Luckily he was alone in this room, this would give him the space he needed. He began his dance swaying to the imagined music. He began to sing The Euphoric Silkiness as is customary when dancing the solo dance of The Petals Of Larks. Being an improvised piece he decided not to use any words but a series of groans. He raised his right arm and put his left on his hip. He made a flamboyant hand gesture with his right hand that one would usually associate with an elf. He swayed back and forth in a sort of "C" shape as he spun and groaned some more in a mid level tone. His singing was sloppy but he hoped the lord would overlook it when he performed in front of him. From the spin he crouched and spun letting out a lively kick in a move called an osmze. The groaning was far from appealing though and he practiced the moves and singing several times in the hope it would improve somewhat.

He began to overhear some conversation coming from somewhere outside the west door of the room. There was some talk about a dragon that had killed six in it's lust for murder as well as some titans. It was terrifying thinking about it and Dattan continued to practice.

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With a sweep of his leg he practiced his balance and grace. His singing voice was improving a little, he decided to practice for longer than he had originally planned. For a few hours he swayed, spun, made gestures with his hands and sung nonsensical words of certain tones. He best master his song and dance if he were to impress Kulet. During the hours he practiced he overheard more talk of great beasts, he tried not to become distracted.

He began to get hungry and stopped for a meal. Sitting on the phyllite floor he got some delicious cave lobster from his backpack. While munching on this dwarven delicacy he took sips of water from his water skin. He ate and drank until he was completely full. The rumbling in his stomach subsided and he was able to return to his practice.

With a wave of his hand and some subtle foot movements he began again. He began to sing again, not knowing if someone would hear him and come to investigate. He practiced the "strog" a move which involved a straight walk with a refined facial expression and movement of the upper body with an outstretched left arm. He went from being completely upright to a crouch and spun with a couple kicks. He continued to practice for a few hours more. He finally stopped, considering his practice sufficient to impress his lord.

He found Kulet two levels above near the fortress entrance tunnel. "What can I do for you my new fortress guard?" Kulet said in his rough voice. "Would you allow me to become an entertainer for The Furnace Of Blood?" asked Dattan curiously. "Hmmm.... Go see the mayor, that's his area of expertise." replied Kulet as he turned his back and walked into the crowded room he came from, the noise drowning out his footsteps.

He looked a level lower and found the mayor in another crowded room. Several dwarves gathered around to discuss the days events as Dattan walked past. The mayor was standing near a group of humans that had come to live in the fortress. Despite their paleness, they seemed otherwise happy. "We need more meat for our larders, get to work on the surface with some traps" Sodel told the human trapper named Tunem. "Right away, dear mayor" Tunem said and hastened away to the door to the south-east. Dattan walked up to the mayor and greeted him "Hello, dear mayor." the mayor squinted a bit and was clearly trying to remember his face "Ah Olon, hello." said the mayor. "It's Dattan!" exclaimed Dattan crossing his arms. "Pardon me, Dattan I have so many names and faces to remember" said the mayor apologetically. "I would like to become and entertainer of The Furnace Of Blood" said Dattan and raised his right arm and made a flourish. "Well very well, let's see a performance" said the mayor. Suddenly some peasants joined in at the mention of some dance and song.

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Dattan focused on his dancing with the singing covered. Seems he didn't need to practice it after all. He swayed as the amateurish peasants sung some off tune nonsense, he was not very pleased by this but he gave the dancing his best though. He spun with his right arm raised and with some subtle footwork he walked a straight line. Working from the straight walk he again spun but this time crouched and let out a kick which almost hit the nearby mayor. He swayed while he spun and raised each arm a couple times, alternating between his right and left arm. The singing was still a bit sloppy but was not too far off tune. He finished by performing a back flip and landing squarely on his feet.

Dattan hoped for the best, he had delivered a decent performance overall. "I'll need to see something impressive I said" stated the mayor. Dattan was angry, he thought his performance was good. "I'm done here, I'm going to the nearest hillock to pledge my services there!" Dattan yelled in an angry tone. The mayor began to backpedal at the angry dwarf. "What the hell is a human doing as mayor of a dwarven fortress anyway!?" Dattan yelled, nearly foaming at the mouth as if he were rabid. He stormed off to the entrance tunnel.

He came to the trade depot at the surface and got an idea. He knew they would allow him to borrow things from the tavern they had for guests. Stocking up on instruments in the tavern he said to the tavern keeper "Just borrowing these" as he walked out and took them to the trade depot. The broker was watching people browse the wares and suddenly looked up to see the dwarf stacked high with instruments. "Trading today?" He asked, his eyes a little wide looking at the stack of instruments that reached above Dattan's head. "Yes I made these myself" he said, lying his way into a set of armor. He quickly traded the instruments for some copper equipment. Dattan was however missing a chest piece. He doubled back to the tavern and picked up a barrel of wine. Trading it in he got an iron breastplate.

He stripped down and reordered his clothing. Putting armor on top of not so cumbersome clothing. He traded the rest of his clothes for a iron mail shirt and set off to the tavern once more. He would get all he could from those who didn't respect his art, he took some dwarven rum for the road.

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« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 07:42:02 am by Arcturus »


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2017, 07:14:05 am »

So the first time I tried to save it crashed. I was able to replicate Dattan almost perfectly. Same starting place, same god, same skills. I will retrace my steps and continue as if this never happened. I should be able to get more or less the same skills and equipment.


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 07:43:40 am »

The Tale Of Dattan órdur Part 1 - Continued

He set off for the exit with his copper dagger floating in dwarven rum in his backpack. He waved the broker goodbye as he stared wide eyed at the bloated backpack. The broker had suddenly came to the realization that Dattan had sold him the wine and instruments from the tavern. The broker was shaking his fist last Dattan saw of him as he rounded the corner and made his way onto the prairie. There was no going back now.

The prairie was nearly treeless but some birds were chirping in the sparse trees and some from the tall grass. Dattan headed west to the nearest hillock. He traveled a half hour and finally came to a dirt path that marked the edge of the town. He sat down on the dirt path and ate the last of his cave lobster with some water. Stray dogs and peacocks rooted around in the fields surrounding "Phrasecrypt".

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Getting up from his meal he headed further west until he saw what he believed to be the civic mound of the hillock. Dattan was sure the mayor should be inside. He opened the door to find a muscular mayor and company inside. Dattan greeted the mayor "Hello, I am Dattan 'Drunkenfist', who would you be?" Dattan said putting a hand on his chin to emphasize his curiosity. "Ah, hello I'm Doren 'Whippedteaches', what brings you to my doorstep?" asked Doren the most physically fit mayor. "I have come to offer my services as an entertainer, would you allow me to demonstrate my skills?" asked Dattan as he bowed a little and extended his arm and made a circular motion with his hand. "Let's see what skill you possess then" stated Doren. "Very well, today I will be performing 'The Petal Of Larks', sing as you will" said Dattan while he swayed to the right and extended his arm in a flourish.

The dance began as Dattan extended his arm above his head and began to walk with subtle footwork. The dwarves lined up and sang the nonsensical words and tones, he hoped they wouldn't ruin his performance. He continued to extend his arm and spun, ending the spin in several backflips. From the last flip he spun while crouching and swaying in what would be a circular motion from a birds eye view. This series of motions was masterful and sure to impress. He began to kick from the crouching, swaying and spinning motion, it nearly looked impossible to do. The dwarves were singing well and everything was going great. With some more spins and fancy footwork Dattan was putting on a very good show. It was impossible for the mayor to not be impressed. He concluded the performance.

Everyone in the mound clapped at the conclusion of the performance. Smiles could be seen on every dirty face. The mayor stepped forward "I have not seen such a performance before, you are now an entertainer of 'The Channels Of Mortification'." said Doren, his eyes twinkling. "Thank you most kind mayor, I will make you proud." beamed Dattan, his dreams were finally coming true.

"Here, we'll give you some bags of food for your hard work here today." said one incredibly muscular and smiling mayor. He was handed two pig tail bags, he suddenly remembered the rum in his backpack. He emptied one bag and gave the plump helmets to the mayor. "You keep those, I need room for my rum. He opened his backpack and emptied it into the empty pig tail bag, grabbed his copper dagger and closed the pig tail bag tight. He placed the two bags back in his backpack.

"Now for a celebration at the drinking mound" Dattan said, not even waiting for any response from anyone. He exited out of the door to the east and headed a bit north and a bit to the west.

The drinking mound could be heard a mile away as the drunks would try to talk over each other and get in fights. "Ha' 'nyone seen m' shoes?" slurred a broad drunk. "Y' left 'em 'n the stairs y' silly elf" replied a muscular drunk. Those were the drunks, entire letters missing from their vocabulary permanently from too much drink. "Hello friends, how many of you would like to join me in celebrating becoming an entertainer?" Dattan asked with a smile. "Y' need t' sho' y'ur skills t' us." said a broad drunk. Dattan sighed a little, he was getting tired but said "Sure."

He demonstrated his flipping abilities, he spun, kicked, straight walked and flourished. The dwarves began to whisper among themselves, after several minutes they came to an agreement. "We wou'd like t' join y', we gots n'thing better t' do" they said as one. Dattan was a little shocked they all just agreed to travel with him after seeing his moves.

They all got more acquainted over some dwarven rum. There was Edzul, Libash, Rigoth, Kivish, Endok, Morul, Kadol, Ablel, Bembul, Dishmab, Aban, Nish, Doren, Dastot, Urdim and Erith. They all drank together and shared stories, considering the fact they were dwarves it wasn't at all strange most of the stories took place while they were drunk. Edzul had once eaten a cat, mistaking it for a prepared meal after one incredibly long drinking session. He coughed up fur balls for weeks. Kadol had the opposite story, he once ate a prepared meal mistaking it for a cat.

They eventually got up and left the drinking mound, drunken beyond a human could believe or for that matter survive. They were ready to take on the world.

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Dattan visited the mayor one last time in his drunken state. The dwarven drunks crashed through the door and the mayor looked more than a little surprised at the party he had assembled. "We come to say goodbye, I'm taking these lovely tavern patrons into battle." said Dattan, expertly not slurring his words much. "Well if that's the case take this, I've been waiting for some kind of champion to rid us of the beasts and bandits." Said the mayor Doren as he produced a notebook and map. he continued with saying "It's the lists and locations of everything that has ever troubled our civilization." Surely Dattan could find something to slay in this book. They said their goodbyes, which for the drunks was unintelligible slurring.

Dattan looked over the map with slightly blurry vision. The nearest trouble was a camp called "Brasshops". "Right. follow me!" Dattan yelled and they made their way a bit west to a bridge over the river. The stray animals were soon left behind. They made their way onto the prairie, leaving behind the dirt path. From there they headed north-west through the sparse trees and among the chirping birds and scurrying squirrels. They passed a brook which flowed to the north. Further west they came to a river and set up camp for the night.

The crickets were chirping by the time they got the fire started. A cool breeze blew from the east. They sat and ate plump helmets and drank some more dwarven rum. The sun set shortly after. Without much to say they went to sleep around the fire. They woke up and had breakfast and were on their way by sunrise. They crossed the river and made their way just south of the camp.

Dattan gave the signal to hold position. He spotted a form in the distance. It was a swordsman, he had already seen the group of dwarves. They were clearly not expecting an attack. Dattan decided to goad them into attacking. He picked up several rocks. He threw the first one and it landed short of the swordsman. He charged towards them but just before he hit the drunk closest he ran away past them into the woods. Dattan scratched his head a little but reasoned he would be able to ping the next one with a rock. He crept ahead and threw several rocks at the swordsman that was closer to the camp. All of them fell short.

He became frustrated with this tactic and charged the swordsman instead. "Oh greetings my name is San 'Clutchsizzles'." The swordsman said as Dattan tried to punch him in the head. The fist was blocked with a shield, Dattan held his hand and groaned. The second punch missed the swordsman, San clearly didn't want to fight a big group of dwarves and immediately yielded. "We're here to kill some bandits, you can't surrender!" said Dattan and tried to punch him again. Several dwarves missed the swordsman in rapid succession. Rigoth eventually landed a punch to the stomach and the swordsman puked. Then Nish took his steel pick and struck the swordsman in the head, cutting it clear off. The battle had begun.

None of the bandits wanted to attack them, not wanting to fight a group of dwarves that large. The human pikeman just beyond the tree to the north ran for his life. The dwarves gave chase and caught only a minute later. They beat him until he yielded. Dattan walked up and said "Didn't you hear? No surrender!" and broke his ribs. A second hit knocked the tall human pikeman unconscious and the dwarves crushed his skull under their blows.

They went back to the camp and split the usable equipment they found. Kivish got a two handed copper sword, Dastot got a bronze short sword and Dishmab got a silver short sword and copper shield. As they were making their exit to the west they saw the bandit leader. Dattan ran up and punched him in the arm in the hope he would drop his weapon. He did not. Dattan missed the next punch but the leader had yielded, why were bandits such cowards? He hit him again anyway, merely bruising his leg. The leader ran and only the fastest of the dwarves kept at him. Dattan began to pant from all the running and slowed down to a walk. He heard a scream in the distance but by the time he got there the leader was dead. He picked up the copper scimitar and handed it to Erith. The job was done.

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Dattan congratulated the dwarves. They had come out of the fight without a scratch. "Rum for everyone!" he exclaimed and they returned to the camp for a party. They passed around dwarven rum, sang and danced. They performed a celebration dance called "The Sensual Periwinkle" exceptionally. The god of revelry would be pleased.

They found the swordsman that had fled earlier and hit him a couple times before he yielded. Dattan wanted to let this one go but the dwarves had other plans. Aban punched the swordsman in the lower leg and the force of the hit tore some muscles in the swordsman's knee. Falling to the ground the dwarves proceeded to hit him dozens of times, Nish removed his hand and lower arm with his steel pick. Dastot finally knocked him out and cut off his head. Dattan walked up and took his sword and shield and gave them to Libash.

Dattan consulted his map on where to go next. There was another bandit camp called "chainedattic" not too far to the west. They set off towards it in a zig zag pattern due to the large amount of rum they had ingested. a quarter of day later they were almost at the camp, they stopped for one last meal before the fight.

Feasting on plump helmets they talked about the events of the day. "y' never kno', w' could b'come legend'ry fight'rs or somethin'." said Nish, he had removed more limbs than anyone with his pick. "I though' w' would b' performin' 'r somethin'. What's this th'n?" said Aban as she took a swig of rum. "We need to be prepared for any fight, the roads are dangerous. Consider it training." Dattan said in between chewing plump helmets. They finished their meal not long after and moved towards the bandit camp.

They arrived at the edge of the camp and looked around. There was a lasher asleep near a pile of loot. A perfect opportunity Dattan thought. They snuck up and pilfered any weapons they could find which included a bronze maul and an iron battle axe. He handed the maul to Morel and the battle axe to Doren.

A human hammerman came into view. They charged towards him and Dattan kicked him in the leg. Falling to the ground the hammerman tried to scramble away. The dwarves beat on the hammerman severing several body parts until Doren cut off the hammerman's head with battle axe. He took the iron warhammer from the corpse and gave it to Rigoth.

They saw the leader of the bandit's to the north with his silver pike. Rushing forward Dattan tried to punch him in the head but missed. "I yield, I yield!" said the leader, obviously scared of a large group of armed dwarves. Dattan threw another punch but missed him again. The dwarves charged forward and gave chase to the now fleeing bandit leader. Nish eventually caught up with him and used his steel pick to puncture the leader's guts. Morul bashed the leader in the lower body but just bruised it. Dastot slashed the leader in the lower leg but the attack was deflected. Nish then tore some muscle from the leader's lower body. Morul bashed the leader's arm and it collapsed. The leader was not doing a good job of striking back as he was still trying to flee. Morul knocked the leader to the ground. Shortly after he crushed the leader's head, blood and brains going everywhere.

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They returned to the camp and finished off the sleeping human bandits. He handed the silver whip to Edzul and the iron pike to Aban from the bloody corpses. They were ready for their next challenge. Dattan looked on the map and found a cave just north of them. What wonders would it hold? He tried to find a reference to the cave in his lists in the notebook, The list of beasts turned nothing up from his quick inspection. He supposed it would be no harm to explore a cave.

They went north through an area called The Worthy Steppes. Coming to a river they crossed it and found the cave not far north. There was no clear entrance though so they plotted a new destination. There was a lair a little further north, looking intently at the list of beasts Dattan discovered a roc lived there. "Looks like we're going to slay a great beast, dwarves." Dattan said with a hint of glee. There would be a grand celebration after this one, for those of them still alive.

They headed away from the cave and to the north, made their way through the mountains. The passed many falcons and piles of rocks. Night fell as they entered The Glowing Hill. They set up camp at the edge of the mountain and shortly after fell asleep. The night was going well until a pack of dingos set upon them. They were quickly dispatched with very few injuries to the dwarves. They went back to sleep and awoke the next morning. Dattan drank some rum and ate some plump helmets. The rest of the dwarves partook in the rum and plump helmets. There was nothing better than strong dwarven drink and some mushrooms. They set off to the north and found the lair a couple hours later across a river.

They approached from the south. Dattan began to sneak his way north towards the lair. Seeing only bodies at first he moved closer. The roc looked out over it's domain, penched upright on a fallen log. Dattan was stealthy but the other dwarves were loud and disorderly. The roc immediately flew up and closed the distance. Dastot was the first to feel the immense bird's fury. His arm flew across the landscape and landed 20 feet away. The dwarf screamed in pain. Dattan struck out at the roc but missed as the bird dodged. Kadol was next and had his left ear torn off. The roc finally took a strong hit from Dastot swinging with his remaining arm and sword, the roc fell over. Dattan attacked with a bite and latched on to the roc's right leg. The roc shook him off and Dastot stabbed the roc in the wing. The roc was grounded now, there was no way to escape this many angry dwarves on foot. The roc attacked Dattan but he dodged two times as the dwarves were bashing and slicing the roc. Dattan punched the roc in the foot but to little effect, the roc missed him again. The roc moved away and bit Dastot on the head. The roc shook him around and his skull collapsed. Dastot was flung aside and the dwarves tried harder to end the fight. One lucky bite from Bembul knocked the roc unconscious. The dwarves beat and slashed the roc for some time after that. Libash finally cut off the creature's head.

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Dastot was still alive but in a great deal of pain. His arm was cut off, his skull was caved in on one side and he was looking pale. The bleeding had stopped however and he was sitting there. Dattan handed him some rum, it was all he could offer him. "m' arm, 't got m' arm!" shouted Dastot, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. He drank some rum and settled down. " 'twas a battle f'r the ages though." Dastot finally said and teared up a little as he looked at his arm laying across the field. "Dastot be brave, you fought well" Dattan said to the one armed dwarf. Taking another swig of rum he said "L-let's keep goin' I'm n't re'dy t' give 'p jus' yet." They sat for a while and drank some rum, there was no celebration just quiet drinking. Dattan consulted the map for the next destination and decided to double back across the mountains and strike the necromancer tower.

They quietly got up and followed Dattan far away from Dastot's severed arm. They went south directly through the mountains, Dattan worked on his sneaking footwork all the way. He wanted to be as silent as possible for future encounters with enemies. They snuck past peregrines and were in the mountains for a fairly long time. Passing a river they came to even more mountains, it seemed endless. They stopped for a meal when several of the dwarves complained of hunger. Plump helmets were served with more dwarven rum, a reoccurring theme on this trip. They made their way further south shortly after. They passed two rivers before coming to the dark tower. They stopped just north of it.

It was nearly nightfall. The dwarves were not interesting in fighting the undead in the dark so they made camp. Hopefully none of the undead would come to fight them in the middle of the night. They slept well and the next morning they ate a breakfast fit for a dwarf. They ate the plump helmets with some blueberries for a change. The dwarven rum was as strong as ever.

They readied themselves and charged the tower. They charged to the west side but found no door. Suddenly fighting erupted to the east as Doren and Kivish charged some walking corpses. The corpses struck back but one of them broke a silver boning knife on Kivish's leg. The rest of the dwarves soon caught up with Doren and Kivish and the melee was in full swing. Aban took his iron pike and struck off the head of one of the corpses. Dattan finally came within range of an elf corpse. The punch he delivered to the head of the corpse knocked the corpse back a little and bent the neck but to little effect, these corpses were tough. Suddenly a muscular dwarf corpse slashed Endok in the lower leg and fractured it. The dwarves continued to pile in all the same but Endok was left on the ground clutching his leg. Edzul had the courage to even bite one of the corpses in the arm but to little effect, must have tasted gross. Dastot came and slashed off one of the corpse's legs, it fell to the ground.

The fighting didn't die down for a long time, body parts flew everywhere. Several of the dwarves sustained minor injuries, some of their clothing was torn apart. Endok, Doren and Edzul entered martial trances simultaneously. The real fighting began there. Endok managed to punch off a corpse's foot. The fighting simply intensified as time went on. One of the dwarves was finally felled as a corpse lodged an iron knife in Rigoth's skull. Aban fled towards the north, this was madness. What had Dattan led them into? There were too many enemies here. He stuck it out, fighting with all his strength. Several of the corpses were struck down but there were many more. Dattan had fought his way into the middle of a group of corpses. He was struck in the hand and he heard a crack and felt some pain in his left hand. The madness of the situation got to him and he desperately fought to kill them all. He knocked out a corpses teeth for whatever good that would do. Wild punches left and right kept them off of him for a while. He had fought his way to the other side of the undead simply by dodging attacks.

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Doren sliced off another head with his axe. Endok entered another martial trance. Kadol became unconscious from pain. Ablel's leg was cut off. The chaos of battle unfolded in spectacular fashion. Dattan was not doing much damage to his enemies but at least he was distracting some of the zombies. A human necromancer appeared at the door. Edzul lost a leg. This battle was not going well for the dwarves. Edzul was decapitated and it didn't seem they were going to even barely win this fight anymore. Dattan panicked and retreated, he looked back just in time to see Morul's corpse begin to move on it's own. Libash got caught up in the wave of zombies. They were overrun and Dattan knew they probably wouldn't make it.

Dattan waited beyond the edge of the necromancer tower for any survivors. Suddenly Nish stumbled into view a bit battered. Dattan waved him down. Nish was panting and sat down for a while. "I will neve' d' tha' again." Nish said with a clear look of horror on his face. Dattan felt so guilty at what he had led his companions into, his over-confidence at defeating the roc had been his downfall. Nish was clearly a cut above the rest though if he survived. They quietly got up and moved in a sort of "r" shaped pattern around the tower and to the south.

They traveled an hour or two south when they spotted a human lasher running away from something. Suddenly a large alligator burst from the bushes. Nish felt more inclined to chase the lasher and left the alligator to Dattan. Dattan landed several punches that merely bruised the creature. He was able to dodge all of it's attacks but was not doing much damage. He landed a punch to the creature's lower body that left it retching. He beat on the giant alligator and dodged it's attacks until he eventually knocked it out. With the creature's tough hide it was hard to break any bones. He beat on the creature's head for what seemed like hours. It woke up and began attacking him again. Dattan sighed as he dodged each attack. The alligator passed out from over-exertion. Nish finally came back from chasing the lasher and struck down the alligator in one blow to the head with his steel pick.

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 10:38:54 am by Arcturus »


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2017, 05:29:48 am »

Copper weapons? Now you've got a mob.


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2017, 04:03:15 pm »

Copper weapons? Now you've got a mob.

It almost seems like cheating doesn't it? Until they cap the number of people I can get to join me as entertainers I could possibly get a bigger mob.


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2017, 10:44:07 am »

The Tale Of Dattan órdur - Part 2

Dattan went north to see the fate of the lasher. As expected he found his body on the ground. Dattan picked up and gave the bronze whip and iron shield to Nish in exchange for his steel pick and some things he had crafted from dingo bone. He thought it was time to craft his own things, went back and butchered the giant alligator with his copper dagger. The were many large bones he could and he got to work. He carved a dozen rings, a dozen earrings, just as many scepters and amulets, 4 bracelets and 4 crowns. Now Dattan needed somewhere to sell these. He consulted his map and noticed a town called "Notchedfamous" not far to the west from them.

They left the area and traveled towards the hamlets to the west. Before the town they stopped at a hamlet called "Brushedsnacked" so they could brush up on their snacking skills. The usual plump helmets were served with dwarven rum. Nish seemed to be taking the death of his friends well, all he did was grumble mildly at inclement weather for most of the journey. The fields near "Brushedsnacked" were filled with rope reeds with occasional blueberries and raspberries mixed in. It was midday with a breeze blowing from the east. They finished the mushrooms and headed further west. They crossed a desert and entered the town.

It was not long before they found a bone carver's shop and traded the goods for 600 coins, mostly silver. They perused the local shops to see if there was anything they could buy. Dattan found a weapon shop and went inside. The shop was bare other than a single pile of weapons in the middle of the room. He sorted through them and found an iron whip for Nish. An idea came to him and he purchased every smaller weapon in the pile. "Well that will be 5235*" said the armor smith. Dattan paid and with 200 silver coins left he gathered the weapons. He decided to go back to the hillocks to the east to gather another group of hardy dwarves.

Dattan and Nish traveled through the town streets and eventually came to the edge of the town. There was little to keep them there any longer and they headed east towards the hillocks. Night soon fell and they took refuge in the mead hall just east of "Notchedfamous" in a hamlet called "Cradlesieged". The outside was a tangle of ducks and dogs still refusing to sleep, one dog had even laid down with a duck on his back. They entered and found 4 occupants in the main hall including a chubby goblin poet. The lord with narrow eyes, eyes narrowed even further as the travelers entered. "Can I help you?" the lord said to Dattan "We would like to reside in your most glorious mead hall for a night." replied Dattan with a smile. "Ah, permission granted dwarf" stated the lord with eloquence. Dattan's stomach grumbled, it was time for a bedtime snack. The dwarven rum has increased in potency since the beginning of his journey, the plump helmets had grown stale and had a bit of mold on them now. He didn't really care, he suddenly missed his drunks, the way they laughed and drank at least he still had Nish. He fell asleep with images of the group that he lost at the necromancers tower flashing through his head.

With all the lord's guests still asleep they made their way out of the mead hall and headed further east through "The Worthy Steppes". They traveled half a day and didn't stop until they came to "The Notched Murk", they entered the swamp just as it began to rain heavily. "It rain'd 'n me, I d'nt m'nd though" slurred Nish as they sat down under a plum tree. The rain splattered against the leaves and some leaked through onto the plump helmets Dattan had just taken out. More plump helmets and dwarven rum later they got up and headed a little further east to a river. They were already wet so crossing a river wasn't very annoying at this point. They traveled, crossing several brooks until the were in a hillock just as night fell.
Dattan came to the realization this was the same hillock he first got his group of dwarves from.

From the south he could hear a clamor, he went to investigate. To his surprise the tavern was once again full will dwarven vagabonds. Hunger began to gnaw at Dattan and he sat down and watched the dwarves have a merry time. He ate his moldy mushrooms and dwarven rum, the mold added a certain desirable flavor to an otherwise bland ration. He began to look around for desirable recruits to add to his band. There were two particularly strong looking dwarves having an arm wrestling competition in the corner.

It was time to recruit some drunks. He got everyone's attention and began a performance. He began a solo dance and soon all the dwarves joined in singing. Dattan tried to match his body movements with the sounds the dwarves were making, this was very difficult as the drunken dwarves were babbling incoherently. He bent his knees and began kicking with his arms crossed. The music took an especially disharmonious tone and he spun while continuing to crouch and kick. Dattan did a back flip and landed square on his heels. With some fist pumps he walked while moving his feet back and forth. They entered the finale and Dattan finished by doing a hand stand moving to a laying down position in a sort of sexy pose with his hand on his hip. The dwarves let out a cheer and clapped then promptly went back to drinking with a more cheerful attitude than when Dattan began.

Dattan began to recruit dwarves. He began a conversation with a muscular dwarf. He discovered his name was Kivish and quickly persuaded him to join him. He then got Edzul, Erith, Dastot, Lorbam, Rakust, Morul and Dishmab to join him. Dattan was sleepy and decided to spend the night at the drinking mound. The thick smell of booze didn't bother him much and he quickly fell asleep. Dawn came and Dattan woke the drunks. They all piled out of the drinking mound and Dattan began to pass out the weapons that were weighing him down. Once that was complete they headed to the hillock to the north. Dattan was determined to form an army of drunks.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 10:22:56 am by Arcturus »


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2017, 11:21:45 pm »


The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2017, 06:35:57 pm »

Really enjoying this so far, nice work!
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'ere the Chias get hungry...


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Re: The Tales Of Dattan órdur, King Of The Dancing Drunks
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2017, 01:38:22 am »

Back after a very long break. Sorry to leave you hanging. Will update through previous post.