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Author Topic: Sindari: Immortals  (Read 32299 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #90 on: August 22, 2017, 03:39:38 pm »

Spoiler: To See The Future (click to show/hide)

Spend time using Past Sight to review the area I'm in, and see who has been there.

Spend two years formulating a Spell of Longsight, capable of "looking" down from the sky, at things far away from where I am.

Spend a year to find the source of the prominent magic of the South.

Spend two years studying clothes-making.

Using a year, make a very fine set of robes.

Then, enchant them for protection as best I can, as a foray into such enchantment. One year.

Spend two years making contact with nearby peoples, making allies and converts to Sind wherever possible.

Intended results:
Information on the local area, and the limits of my magical ability.
10 points of Influence
A decently powerful new spell
Four points in weaving or whatever
A new set of protected robes
Information on what's going on in the South
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #91 on: August 22, 2017, 05:32:04 pm »


The sea breeze was always a comfort to Wavebringer, having a taste of salt and brine that reminded him of freedom. The fat cow of the ship he sailed, however, did not.

His transport ship made its way calmly through the water, part of a larger fleet. Ammon had forged a few papers, and a few bribes to the right people had gotten Wavebringer into this transport convoy.

Rome was in a bad shape. A year of low harvests had left Rome and the rest of Italy desperate for more outside grain, and they demanded Atlantis respond. The Empire finally did, but due to a pirate attack and then a case of corruption, this convoy of grain was needed to keep Rome from sliding into open unrest. Which was why Ammon asked him to be on this boat.

Wavebringer looked around again. No mages, but there were several warships on the lookout for pirates. But he doubted that they would be much trouble.

Now, what should he do?

A. A little too risky, lets just complete the task and earn a tidy profit. (10 gold, 10 influence)

B. Take out the fleet with a spell (How?) Take your ship down with it (luckily you can swim!).

C. Take out the fleet, but spare your own ship. The people would see you as a hero, though some may be suspicious. (25 gold, 25 profit).

D. Something else?
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #92 on: August 22, 2017, 07:20:25 pm »

There was nothing left to do but wait. Throughout the journey so far Miles had slowly moved his ship from place to place within the convoy, using his magic to make the grain ever so slightly damp. By the time they reached port the mold and rot should be becoming noticeable. Add in a few well placed rumors that the empire knowing sent bad grain and rebellion was a near certainty.

Of course his inability to hold station wouldn't help his reputation. But it was a small price to pay and besides he was being no worse then the undisciplined rabble that made up the typical convoy.

Wavebringer kept scanning the sea hoping for pirates. He could do with a bit of excitement.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #93 on: August 23, 2017, 01:36:42 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*1 year spent traveling from Egypt to Corinth, Greece.

         -After Sind talked to him, Archaementes felt forever changed, no longer human but something... greater. An onrush of knowledge and a divine imperative filling his head, he knew what to do. These Atlanteans and their Cisharni overlords must be brought down by any means necessary. However, going on a rampage would draw unwanted attention so a more subtle approach would be more effective. Athens, Greece seemed to be a great place to start. As the philosophical capital of Greece, Athens is fulled of people who would appreciate the novel but strangely meaningful rhetoric of an enlighten newcomer. Many philosophers and senators would flock to heed his advice... and that would complicate things. In a large city like Athens, news will travel fast and a Cisharni will visit the city to hear about this 'enlightened fellow'. Another city he could visit was Sparta. A highly militaristic society, Sparta could provide the muscle needed to fight the Atlanteans should the time comes and are very brave. They are also very sneaky as their men learned from a young age by ambushing and killing hapless helots without being seen, a skill that has a cruel origin yet can still be used against the not so innocent Atlanteans. However, though the Spartans valued philosophy despite the claims of their rivals in Athens, they valued strength more and Archaementes clearly wasn't a good fit. Finally, he decided to start in Corinth. Sure it wasn't as populous or well known as Athens but it can serve him well.

*2 years spent learning Teaching.
*2 years being paid to Teach.
*2 years spent practicing Persuasion(x4 due to Prodigy).

         -Arriving in Corinth a year later, Archaementes found his way to the local academy where he met the headmaster. Despite being unwilling to admit foreigners into his academy, the headmaster became impressed when Archaementes displayed his knowledge on various subjects, including but not limited to philosophy and poetry. When the headmaster offered him any education he wanted plus room and board, Archaementes chose to learn how to teach others. After all, what better way to train agents than to do it yourself? After completing his education, he taught at the academy for two more years.

Archaementes had always knew that he has a knack for persuading others into seeing his perspective on things, to accept whatever opinion he held. He'd convinced some children to obey their parents and others to defy their elders. He'd convinced people to see even their best friends as enemies and entire families to make amends. Using his understanding of people's inner desires and insecurities and when and how he should take advantage of them, he'd learned whose emotions he should appeal to, whose logic he should shatter with a question that cuts deeply, and whose character he should challenge. In fact, at times all he had to do was to write his argument on a parchment and anyone who read it would've agreed with him. As the years gone by, Archaementes' skill at wrapping people around his fingers became so easy, so second nature, that he felt as if he can not only persuade a Cisharni to commit suicide but feel that it was the right thing to do. However, even he knew that his skill would be useless if the enemy doesn't feel like listening.

*1 year spent gathering devoted followers.

         -Archaementes have met many people during his time in Corinth. From the lowest citizen to nobles who held an interest in intellectual pursuits, Archaementes enlightened them in ways they didn't expect through rhetoric that seemed as if a god had touched his lips, which wouldn't be far from the truth. He spoke of a state of mind where a human can gain more understanding than possible. He also made a few offhanded comments about the Atlanteans and their quest to quench this state, which drew a few discontented grumbles. It was during this time when he found out that the city-states of Greece craved their freedom from the Atlantean Empire. However they were afraid of possible retaliation from Rome, one of her lapdogs. By the end of the year a handful of people, mostly students and teachers but also a few craftsmen, have devoted themselves to his teachings. They saw him as the embodiment of higher understanding.  However, as fortune would have it, the rest of them belonged to the city's upper crust, an advantage that Archaementes never failed to exploit. Sending those followers off to persuade the rest of the nobles to hear him out, Archaementes hatched a brilliant plan. His plan is to form a secret society in Greece that will destroy the Atlantean Empire from within and he needed all the resources and connections he can get. Such a society can infiltrate the lands, plant the seeds of rebellion into the hearts of civilian and nation alike, assassinate problematic people, etc. Like puppets dancing to the string pulling of the puppeteer, kings can be made to pass any agenda he chooses, whether they are willing or not, while he get to remain inconspicuous right under the Cisharni's noses. Perhaps the nobility of Corinth is a great place to start. Perhaps he can obtain some Influence as well as a small donation? Maybe he can also receive news about Greece political climate too?

*2 years spent formulating the Force Shield Skill.

         -Upon hearing of Acter's death via the telepathic link he shared with the other Sindari, Archaementes decided that unless he start finding ways to defend himself, he too will die an ignoble death. Spending weeks focusing on the space surrounding a straw dummy he received from one of his followers, Archaementes experimented with various ways to manipulating it into forming a protective envelope around the object. After he spent months learning to stabilize it, Archaementes attacked it with sticks and thrown objects and made a mental note of the results. This continued for two years before he became satisfied with the results.

Expected results
*1 year travel= Egypt to Corinth, Greece.
*2 years(Teaching x 2)= Proficient Teaching.
*2 years(Proficient Teaching(4)x52 weeks)= 416 silver= 41 gold and 6 silver.
*2 years(Persuasion x Prodigy(4))= Accomplished Persuasion.
*1 year(10 x 3 Presence) = 30 Follower Points.
    Devoted Followers
   8 Skill 1 Scholarship Followers (Students)
   3 Skill 3 Teaching Followers (Teachers)
   1 Skill 2 Crafting (Wood) Follower (Wood Crafter)
   2 Skill 1 Woodworking Followers (Carpenters)
   2 Skill 3 Doctor Followers (Nobles)
   3 Skill 1 Fighting Followers (Nobles)
Total number of followers = 19
Possible influence and gold gain and possible news of Greece's political landscape.
+2 Attribute Points gained due to # of followers.
2 years(Force Shield x 2) = Proficient Force Shield.

Attributes: Strength:2 Agility:3 Intelligence:6 Willpower:4 Perception: 4 Presence:3
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 10:22:46 pm by Sir Elventide »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2017, 07:27:31 pm »

   For a master of the sea like Wavebringer, their was little challenge in gradually moving his ship through the convoy, getting close to each ship and working the magic that would gradually ruin each ship’s supply of food. The hardest part of the whole exercise was the maddeningly slow pace of it all. Wavebringer glanced longingly at the warships guarding the convoy. Someday.

   The port was clogged with ships. Only a day or so ride from Rome, merchant ships came here to unload their goods, and so the convoy made way. Carthaginian and Greek ships scurried out of the way of the convoy, led by a proud Atlantean warship. Following shouted directions, Wavebringer brought his ship into dock.

   Already a great crowd had gathered. Wavebringer spotted a few tribunes and a couple senators, and the Gracca brothers.

   Born commoners, through their ambition and oratory they had picked up, they had become important figures for the plebes of the city. One of them, Brochos, was running for tribune, and was favored to win. Nonetheless, their words carried weight in the city of Rome, and wise senators kept their eyes on them. Wavebringer suspected that Ammon may be involved with them, but he had many fingers in many pies and it was starting to get hard to keep track.

The crowds cheered as the first sacks of grain were offloaded the ship. One of the tribunes, with an Atlantean captain at his side, took an upraised platform and began to extol the virtues of Atlantis, and how they have provided for the people of Rome in their time of need.

“We have asked, and Atlantis has responded to her favorite son!” The tribune declared, “Our time of famine is over with this shipment of grain! No longer will your mothers and daughters go hungry to bed! Look upon the favor of Atlantis!!”
To the cheers of the crowd, the tribune had a soldier bring up a sack of grain, and dumped it in front of the platform. A grey lump of rotting grain fell out of the bag, splattering on the ground, and coating the first few ranks in filth. The crowd silenced, shocked.

The tribune blanched, and looked around desperately. “Uhh, must have been a bad bag. Grab us another!” The soldiers and workers began checking the bags, and the cries of dismay heard confirmed their worst fears. The crowd began to demand an explanation, but the tribune was speechless.

“Look upon the measure of Atlantis’s esteem for you!” Cried out one of the Gracca brothers. “We have starved and plead with them for months, and they have finally responded with moldy, worthless grain! They care not for us Romans, even as they send us to die in their wars half the world over!”

With his words the crowd was further inflamed. The soldiers quickly hustled the tribunes and senators out, while the
Atlanteans returned to their ships, brandishing their weapons to keep the crowd back. Merchant ships began to scramble to get out of the dock. Wavebringer saw too, that the crowd was beginning to come to his ship.

What do you do?
A. Get out of there!
B. Stay and try to calm the crowd!


   Ammon had, of course, anticipated the events that would take place in Rome. News of the corrupted grain spread like wildfire, and the city was in chaos. This was a moment Ammon was waiting for. He sent his agents to Rome with a few orders. . .
Ammon has 30 Influence points to spend, what do you do? You can pick multiple of one option. (You should have more than 10, consider these shadow influence or something.)

   A.Corrupt positions of power. Use the chaos of the time, and perhaps good old fashioned leverage to put your own men in power. Grants either 5 influence or 20 gold per turn. Costs 5 influence.

   B. Steal artifact. Roman senators and generals sometimes receive magical gifts from their Cisharni overlords. Send an agent to steal one. Costs 25 influence.

   C. Subvert an army. Misdirect an army somewhere, send confusing orders, and perhaps make them fight against each other if you are lucky. Costs 20 influence.

   D. Kidnapping. Take someone important, demand a ransom for their release. Can reward any where from 25-100 gold. Dangerous, however. Costs 15 influence.

   E. Cover Wavebringer's tracks. Destroy and replace documents mentioning his involvement in the affair. Costs 5 influence.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #95 on: August 24, 2017, 05:51:17 am »

Ammon had sent his agents to Rome with an array of orders and forged documents. First and foremost he had arranged to protect Wavebringer from any fallout from this incident. (5 Inf Spent on [E]) It was important to protect those willing to help you. It would be easier to convince people to side with you if they knew you would in some way stand with them against the consequences. Secondly he had people infiltrate important positions in the confusion. Unnoticed they climbed the ranks and helped each other reach ever more influential positions of power. (5 Inf Spent on [A])

Finally he sent orders to Atlantean military forces to suppress the unrest in Rome. They were to make examples of some 'dissidents' by way of public execution. The ever helpful Ammon sent a list of known dissidents along with those orders. Of course the list didn't detail actual dissidents but it was full of people whose removal would allow his operatives to advance further up the hierarchy and gain more control and it also had a great many people who were vocally supportive of Atlantis. If this worked the army would march in with the goal of restoring order but in the process wipe out the voices from the population that supported them. The funny thing about ideologies and political beliefs is that they tend to cluster. People pass on ideas to their children, they tend to adopt ideas similar to the people around them who they like and respect. By having friends and family members plucked from these clusters of loyalists and killed publicly it will poison the whole lot against Atlantis. Nothing is quite as zealous as a fresh convert. Some people have been grumbling and agitating about the empire for years but they likely would never be as desperate to harm and destroy Atlantis as the people who gave it their loyalty only for that loyalty to be betrayed. (20 inf Spent on C)

Ammon sat on the docks in his city of residence. He watched the ships load and unload as he considered his plans. He smiled to himself a vicious and predatory smile. It was time to get this ball rolling.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #96 on: August 24, 2017, 08:02:54 am »

Miles grabbed a shroud and quickly swung himself up onto the gunwale, shouting out to the crowd. "My friends please stop! A riot will do nothing but bring the Atlantean boot down upon us. We must stand together in this time of abandonment! Share what food we have, take no more than you need, while our merchants seek out reliable sources of grain.
If we stand together Rome can weather this storm!"

Send a message to Lily to use her wealth to provide food for the poor and to avoid having even the slightest hint of excess in her household.

Quickly return to my home port and put my company's full force behind shipping food to Rome and it's surroundings. Sell at a lower than normal profit.

(The last two actions assume I'm not having to deal with a mob storming my ship.
Let me know how much they cost if they go through.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #97 on: August 24, 2017, 08:39:16 am »

It was a strange feeling, feeling another one of a person "die". Amelia was traveling at the time of Acter's death and the feedback was personally hard. If it were not for other travelers around her, especially those who had grown accustomed to traveling with her in the previous decade, she would have been affected for longer than a year. However given the ancient heritage and culture of the lands, she was gladly supported in her prolonged sadness and reluctance to speak--those who knew her gave their personal support, and despite her secret of immortality, Amelia believed that she would always be grateful of the humility of her homeland. It would only be after months of healing and learning that she would return with vigor to her purpose and cause: to prepare the sentient races for the future with or without the immortals, and to benefit the society and life of those around her. Therein, she realized she had stumbled upon an opportunity that she hadn't seen before, if she had continued in pursuit of philosophy alone: Realizing the potential of those around her, and the potential of their culture. The people of these lands dwelt with the spirit of community--difficult to translate into the most common language she knew, but focused on 'otherness', pertaining to the unity of people and interaction in keeping these bonds alive. They had a peace-oriented perception, alongside one of togetherness, of feeling other people as similar as themselves on many levels, despite the different ways they act and relate. In but a decade until now, Amelia had been traveling throughout the lands in learning this art of speaking, of understanding, and of relating with those who may most likely be gone in the next century. In a way, she was grateful for the opportunity in spite of the trials she faced through proxy.

Through telepathy and recollection with those others like her, she mused on the notion of 'imbuing' another of these 'mortal' people the power of the Sindari--those who had the personality, attitude, and unique personhood (even if it did not align with her personality, at least in that of dignity and resilience) would be chosen to receive such. With this great power would come the great responsibility akin to what the Sindari already bore, if not the enmity to the Cisharni, the responsibility to act and aid the others around them. She had to choose one, as a start, and through the weeks of travel--one person stood out. A young women similar to herself (as Amelia did not show the distinct signs of aging in the 25 or so years she spent in the lands, although she was uncertain that she had not met anyone that could particularly familiarize themselves with her other than her "middle age"), who had a bold spirit, a witty perception, a welcoming personality, and a calm heart. She had the spirit of a warrior, even if she was raised within the social atmosphere of one who tended to others and the land, and Amelia could see her potential as a scholar and avid learner, if not a future leader and elder, as she was also well versed in the oral traditions and legal matters of the lands.

Upon looking back from this insight, she had refreshed her initial obsevation of seeing the aptitude of using magic present in the many tribes she traveled to in her journies--not only within their elders and leaders, given the local culture being one with the spirits of nature and the environment, but also in the youth. This was rare, on a major scale, but significant and in hindsight, valuable, given the community culture present.

In discovering that her plans to travel to Japan and aid another smith in planning against detection from the Cisharni were postponed, Amelia had to resort to training herself and protection of those who chose to follow her or her ideals in the meantime. Therein, she could not focus on pure skills and training within the years to come, but blended those with the experiences that came with them. In the least, she was sure that with the person she chose to raise like Sind had done to herself, she would be very apt in organizing the social stability of the followers she had, alongside the matters of local law, culture, and social adaptation that would follow. Through the years after her mourning of Acter's death, she began to integrate on the spur of insight, both the martial arts and battle forms she had learned from her travels, and her innate attunement to magic to harness its potential with what she had always felt (but not overtly noticed) as the energy of the 'mind', as best as she could describe it. The feelings and emotions which flowed and weaved through the forms of combat and movement, which felt invariably different from emotions of anger, happiness, and other social ones, had some kind of niche she noticed in this merging of practices. She noted that it had potential even with using weaponry, but was best used without, and could even be hindered by keeping the hands occupied--although she did not discard the possibility of it being bolstered by the aid of channeling through tools and devices akin to handheld objects.

In a way, she was also having an idea that this person liked her, in a way. She was not sure, being particularly inept in the communication of love, orienting herself in the love of ideas and knowledge instead. Either way, she was optimistic of what would occur, and planned to train and hone her skills and understanding with what she would reveal.

Other matters to take in mind over the years was the focus on her planned home for the Sindari, and eventually, their home of operations and aid. This would particularly govern the expanse of the hollow caverns, including designing and strengthening the foundations of the under-earth (as it was also suitable for defensive purposes, not including the natural layer of protection in between), which gave Amelia the idea of magic-reactive metals which would either hinder or bolster those using them. If she could fashion them into armor or otherwise, this was a possibility to be used very well. If not, it would act as a natural defense anyway, but also something that could be guided to adapt its potential for more various means and uses. As a total aside, with the potential for a flourishing ecosystem underground, Amelia wondered if there were even fauna or unique flora around. She would begin expeditions of such in the coming years, alongside planning and reinforcing the area for modifications. Through insight, she noticed that the famous terraces used for agriculture over land could be transported in idea underground, too, with freshwater already being filtered by the earth overland, and from the sea miles away, but this would take a feat of engineering better done in the next decade.

The next ten years were intermingled, with 'one year' being interspersed in between many activities.
> One year to 'imbue' one of these followers akin to a Sindari.
> One year cataloguing and identifying the different ores and minerals in my area for archiving/future use (with a subtler motive in detecting "magic sensitive metals" and their common locations/methods of safe handling, and extraction) [Mining]
> Spend my 10 gold on creating an agricultural zone above the underground base, and starting a business--agricultural caravans! Terraces all over! (This is included in the "Engineering action" below)
> Two years spent on Teaching (2x), focused as a skill.
> One year spent on Teaching (1x), focusing on teaching my Sindari follower the needed skills of governing and organization, with focus into either engineering, or persuasion, or on all those if possible (with a future plan of the gift of insight for other people). Including Bending--if no time, Ive edited the above to give that time.
> Two years performing Administration (1x), setting local laws and relating them to the local laws already presented (as to match history here--our place has a very broad and extensive store of the legal laws. They are mostly oral in nature, and it will take time to assimilate and accommodate), alongside focusing on minor industries and other aids to educate and better the lives of the population underground.
> One year learning, performing, and honing the art of 'Bending'--unarmed martial art combining the concept of natural sentient energy, discipline, and the physical arts (acting as Amelia's combat art, reliant mostly on Int.
> One year teaching Bending (using the skill itself instead of Teaching?) to new Sindari, giving her freedom to teach others using her discernment on picking apprentices.
> One year preparing the whole underground complex and cavern for being able to be modified in the future, depending mostly on engineering and other related skills, but also open for enchantments. This includes the aboveground framework as an agricultural/preserved forest zone, to aid against weather erosion. (Engineering)

> Mining to +1 [10]
> Teaching to +5 [5]
> Bending to +4 [4]
> Underground base being readily able to accommodate future modifications: wider-scale modifications and even enchantments being possible. Aboveground area transformed into a preserved agricultural area. Also +1 to Engineering [15]
> Administration to +2 [8]
> Spend 10 gold on starting a business, purely aboveground, purely agricultural in nature. (Potentials being: herbs for doctoring, food production, and exportation of extra for either influence, followers, or money--but primarily a venture for the betterment of people rather than economy) {If I can also train them with less than a year's worth of persuasion and communication training, I'd love that too!}
* I've been putting my decade stat points into Intelligence, with only one into Willpower, on the note of 'unmentioned editing'. :P
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 09:16:22 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #98 on: August 24, 2017, 04:23:49 pm »

   Wavebringer tried to calm the crowd, he really did. Maybe they couldn’t hear him over the roar of the crowd, or perhaps they didn’t care. They overwhelmed the sailors who were trying to stop their entry and began to beat them. A large group of them stormed the ship, breaking open containers and fighting with the ship's crew. A few angry civilians rush towards Wavebringer, fists raised.

   What do you do?

   Positions of Power: (6) Ammon’s middleman selected the agents very well. These Roman citizens were devoted to seeing Rome fall, and if they need a shadowy patron to do that, they were more than willing to oblige. Various tribune openings were taking, and a few senators found very helpful new advisors when their old ones mysteriously disappeared. 10 influence per turn.

Covering the tracks: (1) Your agents, unfortunately, were killed in their attempt to cover the paper trail. This has renewed interest in determining what happened, and why someone would want to alter the details of the convoy formation.

Subvert an army: (6) An Atlantean peacekeeping group was dispatched from Sardinia to restore order to the capital. A few replaced messengers and orders ensured that their actions were quick and brutal. The force stormed the city of rome, rounding up instigators and loyalists alike, and killing them all. This only served to inflame the populace and the nobles against Atlantis even further, turning angry discontent into outright rebellion. Several Roman legions in Italy, under the command of angry generals, marched toward Rome. The peacekeeping force, heavily outnumbered, was forced to withdraw north, where it awaited for loyalist forces.
What do you do?

A. You have done enough, the embers have grown into a raging fire. Best not to get burned.

B. Don’t quit when you’re ahead. Cause some more trouble (Remember you are out of influence this turn. Actions you take will have to be direct.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #99 on: August 24, 2017, 06:51:25 pm »

As Miles' bodyguards stepped in front of the rioters, he quickly assessed the situation.
It was important to cut off the rest of the mob before they overwhelmed the crew. He shouted an order, "Cast off! Get us clear of the dock."
But they could use an advantage. The clouds had been threatening rain all day so with a muttered curse Miles called it down to dampen the mobs spirit.
The first few drops would quickly become a downpour, giving the upper hand to his men, the veterans of many a storm.
With the magic done he drew his sword and turned to the fight.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #100 on: August 25, 2017, 06:05:47 am »

B)B. Don’t quit when you’re ahead. Cause some more trouble (Remember you are out of influence this turn. Actions you take will have to be direct.
Rome was powerful and it's legions could give Atlantis some considerable trouble. But the resources they could bring to snuff out the fire Ammon had started were still too great. He needed to divide their attention. Of course the next phase of his plan needed his magic anyway, even if he had had some agents to spare he'd probably need to do the next bits himself. He redirected his attention to Egypt.

He planned sneak his way into the largest local garrison in his area of Egypt using a combination of stealth and acrobatics to case the place listening to conversations and ultimately checking if there are any Cisharni around. Once that was done he would return the next day cloaked in an illusion disguising him as a messenger with forged orders and reports of a growing rebel force lurking out in the desert. Using a combination of mind magic to implant suggestions, illusion to deceive their senses, deception and forged documents to convince the garrison's officers and generals to gather their forces and crush the rebellion in the desert before it becomes a problem. And also convince them that they need to keep it secret lest more people learn of a powerful rebellion brewing and race to join.

He would give them a week or two after leaving before passing reports to the other military commanders in the region of a formerly loyal group going rogue for unknown reasons and disappearing into the desert. What they do with this information Ammon will leave up to them but he will use this event to sow rumors that there is disloyalty infesting the ranks and that the officers are planning to purge a wide swathe of troops in order to prevent further problems. He will use stealth, trickery and illusions to insert these rumors into the Atlantean military, letting people overhear conversations that aren't happening. Letting soldiers 'overhear' the officers talk about how important loyalty is and how they have to do something drastic to ensure no more forces go rogue when the conversation itself is just an illusion.

After letting those rumors fester a little he would pick out a number of vulnerable officers and soldiers and use mind magic to 'suggest' to them that the rumors are true and that something must be done. He will trick them into thinking their impetus to act is their own decision.

Then he would prepare some fabricated evidence in the form of an incriminating letter and other documents that implicated a top very trusted general in causing the unrest in Rome and any troubles that will result in Egypt in order to draw forces away from Atlantis so he could preform a coup and alludes to him having found a way to steal some form of power from the Cisharni if he were to gain control of Atlantis. Once the whole ordeal was underway he would sneak into the office of one of the officers and slip the incriminating note into some neglected paperwork before leaving. With luck the inevitable investigation into what the hell is going on would stumble across it. Lying about ways of stealing Cisharni power may seem like a strange choice to some but Ammon had his reasons. The power gap between the Cisharni and ordinary people was too great for betrayal to be something the Cisharni worried much about. Few ordinary people close to the Cisharni would likely dare to try anything. The Cisharni could trust them. Ammon had decided to poison that trust and make it so the Cisharni could no longer know if their subjects were loyal and obedient or envious and greedy. It was an essential part of turning the Cisharni against their own subjects and in turn their subjects against them.

And with all that done finally he will back off to see what happens.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 06:26:37 am by Jerick »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #101 on: August 25, 2017, 05:52:20 pm »


   Mile’s bodyguards crashed into the charging men. The brawl gave Miles enough time to set the rain pouring from the sky. The cries of dismay grew louder, and the crowd noticeably grew smaller as people rushed inside. It also gave the crew on Mile’s ship the upper hand to push back some of the rioters. A few continued the brawl, while others began to push the ship away from the dock.

   Miles finished calling down the rain, and drew his sword and brandished it in the face of one of the rioters. Maybe it was the rain, the ship beginning to leave, or the sword inches away from his face, but the man raised his hands and backed away, and then and turned and ran off the ship. The rest of the rioters, bruised and battered, quickly beat a retreat off the ship. Mile’s sailors raised a cheer, and the ship was on its way.

   The rain lashed Mile’s face as he stared out over the port. The rest of the convoy sat in the middle of the bay, frozen in indecision. Miles was not. He ordered the ship down the coast, and trusted one of his bodyguards with the message to be frugal and share food with the poor and wanting, and that he would soon be back with more.
   Back at his home port a few days later, Miles began to buy up all the food stocks that he could and loaded it into the transport. On his return journey, loaded with unspoiled grain this time, Miles wasn’t looking to make much of a profit, but to help the desperate of the city. Though there were sightings of warships on the horizon, Miles was able to coax the ship on and make it to the port of Rome, where his goods this time were received with open arms and joy. His daughter heeded his advice of coarse, and sheltered many a hungry soul in the city. Her two sons and her daughter helped the servants care for those who came to her door. However, she was beginning to become frightened of the events that were taking place. She looked to you for guidance on what she should do further.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

   With the greatest of ease, Ammon snuck into the local garrison. A base for the force that patrolled the waterways around Dashun, it was made up of some professional warriors, with the rest levies raised from Dashun and communities around it. No Cisharni or other irregularities here, and so the garrison seemed ripe for his plan.

   Coming back the following morning as a royal messenger, Ammon told the garrison commander, a brash young man who seemed eager to prove himself, that the Pharaoh received reports of bandits and rebels in the desert by Dashun, and that he wished them to be eliminated immediately. Though the garrison commander had not heard such reports himself, he would not argue against the royal command. Soon the garrison, nearly a thousand men, were marched out.

   Over the next week, Ammon went to the fort at the nearby junction of the Nile, where a large army was kept. Its numbers grew daily as concerns over the Rome situation increased. Ammon worked insidious magic, sowing doubt and false conversations in officer’s minds. Only the top general and several priests seemed resistant to his mind altering magic.

   One commander, one immediately subordinate to the general, became fully convinced of a rogue force in the desert that happened to be where Ammon had sent the garrison to look for rebels. He came to the general, who was not quite convinced, but allowed him to take a detachment to secure the area
The detachment marched out from the fort was thousands strong, and upon confronting the “rogue force”, asked them to surrender. Confronted by many times their own number, the garrison surrendered, and the brash commander of said garrison, along with several of his leading officers, lost their heads.

   Ammon then planted evidence that one of the Atlantean generals was planning on betraying the Cisharni and taking over Atlantis for himself. The plant itself went flawlessly, Ammon went in and out like a shadow of the office of an ambitious officer in the Atlantean army based in Arkanus. The paperwork implicated the General of Egypt of causing the disturbances in Rome and that of Egypt. Ammon heard reports that the General and his staff were taken in by Pharaonic guards, and his best efforts revealed that the General was mind examined by the Pharaoh himself to determine the truth of the matter. The General and most of his staff were later released, and priest began to interview those involved in the incidences involving the garrison.

Result: Increased scrutiny and management placed upon Egyptian army.

   The Atlantean peacekeeping force withdrew to a small town north of the city of Rome. There it bunkered down, awaiting loyalist forces, and reinforcements from Greece. The 8th Legion, lead by Fabius Publionus, besieged the town. The Atlanteans, only a thousand so strong, were heavily outnumbered, but had a small contigent of gemlock rifles, which provided an edge in firepower. Publionus awaited reinforcements from other rebel legions, and then commenced the assault.
   Events transpired against the Atlanteans. A heavy rain made the rifles ineffective, and the inhabitants of the town turned against them. Their defenses were stormed after a heavy 3 days of fighting, and the sheer number and the rage of the roman legion overwhelmed the skill of the Peacekeeping force. The captain of the peacekeeping force was paraded in chains through Rome, before being sent to be devoured by 27 lions in the arena, each paid for by a noble family who lost a family member to his purge. The strong arms and armor of the peacekeepers was distributed to various generals, and the gemlock rifles were highly prized by the nobles.
   It was one of the worst defeats of an Atlantean force in recent memory. Rome celebrated her victory, even as many went to bed hungry. However, soon there were reports of a Greek force landing on Italy’s eastern shores, and many wondered what Rome’s response would be.
Does you character do anything to take advantage of Rome’s recent victory?
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #102 on: August 25, 2017, 06:12:35 pm »

...this looks like a good place for a trade. ;)
Do some teleport trading in Rome, bringing food and military goods in for low prices, to reach inland areas that Wavebringer can't take food to. Only make small profits, and one trip a week. In addition, use my teleports to bring key people out of Rome to safe locations, such as Amelia's base in the Phillipines.

In addition, I can take anyone who wants to go to Rome with me, opening this Opportunity to all players.
Spoiler: Octavian Grey (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 10:16:37 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #103 on: August 25, 2017, 09:44:23 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spend 1 year preparing my pocket dimension
Spend 2 years increasing the size of my pocket dimension and creating a house inside a hill (basically a hobbit hole)
Spend 5 years studying golemancy
Spend 2 years studying magic, learning to displace others' perception of me.

Expected results:

Pocket dimension: The key is a small pebble, It is situated in a deciduous forest in the northern island (Hokkaido) ,The entrance is in between two deciduous trees that form a natural arch. Inside the pocket dimension, the forest is almost identical, the size of the dimension is about 15X10X15, and there is a small hillock. Upon the hillock is a round wooden door, through which there is a cozy house, filled with stone and wooden limbs of all sorts.

Golemancy: Can create basic golems out of wood and stone. These golems are stronger than average humans, but do not posses intelligence, and obey my commands.

Displace (Level 4): Ehnadren can use magic to confuse enemies, causing them to percieve him one metre away from where he really is, beings powerful enough in magic can see through it.

Increase presence by 1
Increase golemancy to 10
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 12:06:52 am by thorondir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #104 on: August 25, 2017, 11:33:07 pm »

Does you character do anything to take advantage of Rome’s recent victory?

((Using my Turn 4 stats, as this happens in between the 40-50th year, the usual summary is in bolded portions for ease of action. The flavor is moreso flavor--unless you would like particular aspects also added :) ))

Somewhere within the 4th decade since the Sindari came into the world. . .

Amelia conversed telepathically with Octavian Grey--who beheld the soul of Acter within him--as she trained alongside her fellows, news of Ammon's work was shared between the rest of the Sindari. She decided to step in, having an opportunity herself what with her philosophy of openness and integration, following her domain of kindness (or at least that was the conceptual notion she had read and saw in practice when browsing what little she knew of the Cisharni). She called onto her fellow Sindari-in-training and delegated several orders for her in her absence for a few days or such. With that, she set off to meet Octavian at the designated teleportation point, far from scrying eyes and in the safety of her 'money cave', where she would soon spend her honest gold on a business designed to aid others. Now was the time for Rome.

Having been briefed by Octavian on Ammon's cover up and disruption efforts, she made sure to focus her skills in the same manner too. Putting herself in a more suitable attire, she met up with Octavian and teleported with him into Rome. Adopting the guise of a Roman sympathizer and noble scholar, she began to start her efforts from the roots--even before the news of a Greek force arrived.

> Amelia teleports to Rome by the help of Octavian Grey. She uses her a skill mix of Enchanting/Persuasion, Administration, and Engineering (in order of priority and focus) during the span of time between now and the conclusive event to aid the people of Rome and to persuade those higher ups and important people to come with her in the meantime, to be teleported back.

Spoiler: Possible details (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 01:26:58 am by Tiruin »
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