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Author Topic: Sindari: Immortals  (Read 32294 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2017, 11:36:54 pm »

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A new Sindari appears in [not sure where, will edit in later], born with a purpose in mind. To carve out a section of the world for themselves. Little else was on their mind, and Lu would spend these next twenty years solidifying his place in this strange world.

The first year will be spent traveling to Africa.
The second year will be spent founding a coastal town.
Years 3-6 will be spent gaining worshipers.
Year 7-8 will be spent gaining influence.
Year 9-10 will be spent gaining followers.
Year 11-14 will be spent on raising an army.
Year 15-17 will be spent training military strategy.
Year 18-20 will be spent conquering the area. 

Expected results:
+skill in military strategy
+conquered area


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #196 on: September 29, 2017, 09:41:31 pm »

Spoiler:  Wavbringer (click to show/hide)

Transfer worshipers to:
Masamune 10,000
Amelia 7,000
Thorondir 1,000
Zacoss 1,000

When asked for advice Kaito told his wife he thought she should send a strong force to help China. The Cisharni would not be satisfied by taking China and it was better to fight them with allies while they were still far away, then to face them alone when they came for Japan.

He also made his own efforts to provide aid. He gathered skilled craftsmen and had them train until they were at the peak of their abilities (rank 13). Then they were set to work making lightning rifles for Violet to enchant. To divert suspicion away from Japan the stockpile was given to the Chinese and they would also receive most of the future shipments although some would be given to their allies like the Japanese.
(20 Skill 13 Crafters making 3 experimental items per year = 60 rifle blanks per year.)
(Violets 13 Enchanting lets her make 30 strength 8 rifles per year * 15 years = 450 rifles.)

In addition he recruited one hundred and fifty spymasters. The fifty most trustworthy were told about the dark soul gem, and tasked with finding it. Another fifty were sent to China to gather information on Cisharni activities and troop movements. The last fifty were sent to Korea along with diplomats to gather intel and to stir up popular support for the Japanese invasion.
1x Gather followers (60 influence * 3 presence = 180)
   20 skill 10 Crafters
   10 skill 10 diplomats
   150 skill 10 spymasters
1x Organize family and followers
1x Focus on family (child male)
2x Gather soul gems (112 per year)
1x Focus on family (child female)

Once rifle production was established Kaito traveled to China. Where he planned to use his weather magic to harass the Cisharni like he had in Italy, as well as using a few new tricks he had thought up, such as blocking mountain passes with snow or if he found a valuable enemy encampment flattening it with tornadoes and deadly hail.
1x Travel to china
1x Train: Weather control
1x Support war 
1x Gather soul gems
+ 2 Willpower

He continued to sharpen his magic and began to study ways to disrupt spells and more importantly to resist that disruption.
2x Train: Lightning
2x Train: Enchantment
1x Gather soul gems
1x Train: Counter-magic
2x Train: Counter-counter-magic
2x Support war
+ 2 Willpower

Expected results:
Son Makoto age 19
Daughter Etsu age 16
480 Lightning rifles sent to China
-2 Soul gems
50 Spymasters seeking the dark soul gem
50 Spymasters supporting the war in China
50 Spymasters, 10 skill 10 diplomats, and 200 skill 5 diplomats supporting the war in Korea.
Cisharni forces experience severe bad weather.
+1 Weather control
+‎3 Lightning
+3 ‎Enchanting
+2 Counter-magic
+‎4 Counter-counter-magic
+4 Willpower
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 06:23:57 pm by Sudurandom »


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #197 on: September 29, 2017, 11:24:02 pm »

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Years summary:

3 years training short sword mastery

3 years training dual weapon/casting mastery

1 year mixing dual weapon/casting and short sword mastery

4 years acquiring and training Spell group Ta - Fire

1 year training spell forge: short sword

2 years training spell echo/duplication

3 years training evocation

2 years improving the city

1 year organizing followers and worshipers to send out to support china with trade and gathering more followers and worshipers for migration.

Desired results:

Short sword mastery 6 - 13

dual weapon/casting mastery 6 - 13

New spell group Ta - fire 2 - 8 - The spell group is designed around the control, use, and energy conversion to produce heat. This heat can take different forms from heating objects to releasing torrents of fire.

spell forge: short sword 6 - 8

echo/duplication spell 4 - 8

evocation - 2 - 8

city improvements - starter public library - smithies

sending a group of basic followers to establish trade with China and to supply aid, Worshipers are sent as Chaplains to help convert more followers and worshipers. They are groups of 20.

population of kingdom 1121 - 40 = 1081

Immigration of 1,000 Worshipers 2081

Intelligence 6 > 8

Willpower 6 > 8
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 09:58:44 pm by Rahx »

Sir Elventide

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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #198 on: September 30, 2017, 11:09:13 pm »

1 year spent traveling to Belarus.
4 years spent formulating the Sudden Death Mark Spell.
3 years spent gathering devoted followers.
2 years teaching Espionage.
Some spies sent to Persia and Carthage. Others instructed to gather rumors.

First Acter was slain by the Cisharni, then Elthirian died under mysterious circumstances and now Ammon died from an assassin's blade. If these deaths weren't a collective wake-up call for Archaementes, nothing else will do. With most of the other Sindari in the East and some in the New World, Archaementes was certain that he was the only one still in the Mediterranean area and the closest to Atlantis the head of the snake itself. Needless to say, he has a lot of work to do.

Since the sacking of Rome, the Atlantean Empire has tightened their grip on their provinces, particularly in Greece. While taxes and levies were raised, scrutiny of governmental and administration documents and actions have increased and any sign of dissent would be met with swift brutality. If Archaementes wished to extend his reach far and wide, he must become just as cunning and ruthless. After all, it takes a (smarter) wolf to defeat another wolf.

After pulling a few strings to get one of his most influential and trusted followers appointed as headmaster of the Corinthian academy, Archaementes gathered his belongings and traveled north to a small town in Belarus named Slavohk, away from the threat of Hera and her Spartan offspring. The new headmaster will serve as his proxy when sending encrypted messages to the rest of his network, functioning as the primary leader of the Greek branch of the Shrouded Dawn. No one would suspect that Archaementes is actually the one in charge until it is too late.

After buying a humble abode on the outskirts of town, away from prowling eyes. Archaementes began work on his next spell. The superstitious natives believed in vengeful spirits who curse any offenders with death for heinous crimes. Though he doesn't know whether the stories were true, Archaementes was interested in whatever texts they could provide concerning their beliefs. Perhaps he could find some way to weaponize misfortune against the Cisharni and their Atlantean underlings.

After peering through the text, Archaementes discovered that these vengeful spirits cause death by placing a mark on each of their victims that will cause them to suddenly die a day later. However, he wanted such a mark to activate only via a sort of trigger like pain or blood for example. Such a mark could be reliably placed anywhere on his agents' bodies such as at the middle of their tongues. When faced with capture and torture, they would simply bite the marked location or get blood on it and drop dead, thus saving themselves from a grisly fate and denying the enemy information. Though he doubted that the mark would even work on the Cisharni themselves, the same couldn't be said for their mortal and perhaps their partly mortal minions.

For four years, Archaementes labored extensively to formulate this new spell. Initially, he conducted experiments on rodents he captured. Allowing the animals to reproduce for a few months, Archaementes regularly culled their numbers and studied what effect their collective deaths had on the mystical energies surrounding him. There was always a miasma that arose at the point of death, almost as if the animals' souls themselves were leaving a temporary mark in the esoteric forces. The miasma conveyed a feeling of a sudden and jarring cessation of life that was followed by eternal peace. Theorizing that the manner of the rodents' deaths would influence the effect of the resulting mark, Archaementes often went out of his way to ensure that they died as quickly and painlessly as possible. Using his prior knowledge of how to manipulate these forces, Archaementes tried to rein in this miasma, to give it form and a physical reaction and to recall and banish it at will. After finally succeeding in the first part, Archaementes tinkered with the miasmatic mark to get it to automatically connect with the marked person's heart and brain so that it can function as intended.

Finally succeeding in his task, Archaementes 'redrew' the mark into what resembled a sun with a single Egyptian-style eye on it face, the mark of the Shrouded Dawn. 'Painting' it onto some of the test rodents, Archaementes tested the mark's trigger responses and speed, tweaking whenever necessary. Soon enough, the rodents died almost instantly when Archaementes either applied enough pain to the marked sites or drops of blood. He then manipulated the mark enough to make it almost invisible to the naked eye and undetectable to all but the most thorough magical inspection. Theoretically, he could make the mark activate on a time delay trigger but since it would only be used on his agents at the moment such things can wait.

Shortly after formulating his new spell, Archaementes went back into Slavohk and acquired more like-minded and trustworthy individuals for three years. Impressed by his rhetoric, a handful of natives joined his cause. Spending two years training them in Espionage, Archaementes inducted them into what would be the first of many secret ceremonies with the purpose of proving their loyalty and reaffirming their devotion to the cause. Afterward, he placed the Sudden Death Mark on the middle of their tongues so that their won't activate it by accidentally biting them. Sending some of them to Persia and Carthage to set up informant networks there, Archaementes commissioned the smartest of his spies to be his spymaster. Like Archaementes' master of assassins, the spymaster will oversee the other spies and train anyone he sends, freeing him up to pursue other tasks.

2 years spent focusing on family.

One of the townspeople, a Roman woman named Herodias, was enamored by Archaementes' speechcraft. Though she wasn't one of his followers, Archaementes found in her someone who is diligent and wise. Confiding her with his secret, he was surprised when she didn't immediately dismiss him as a lunatic. After all, her family did fled the sacking of Rome before she was born and later told her of the incident. After spending several months together, Archaementes and Herodias got married. Nearly a year later, they became the parents of a beautiful baby girl named Sophia.

4 years spent getting soul gems.

Unbeknownst to his family, Archaementes decided to gather more Soul Gems. For four years, he covertly attended executions, bandit hunts, and death beds. Secretly gathering the souls of both the slain guilty and the dying innocent, Archaementes began to wonder just what sort of lines he was prepared to cross. Sure he felt that the ends justified the means but that would mean that he was stooping to the Cisharni's level. He doubted that his wife and his more compassionate Sindari comrades would like what he is becoming. Nevertheless, Archaementes shook himself back to his senses for the umpteenth time. He would gladly see to it that the Atlanteans and their evil masters drown in blood, even if some of it belonged to bystanders. They started all of this when they slayed Sind as well as three of his fellow Sindari. They had forced his hand and he is unwilling to refrain from retaliating. It is their fault, all of it! Of course he could do his best to minimize collateral damage but sometimes there is no guarantee of success. Before the Cisharni go down, many more innocent people will die and such a time will require harder hearts and even greater resolve. Well, someone has to be willing to bear that burden after all.

3 years spend formulating the Madness Curse Spell.

Another thing Archaementes gathered from the texts is the myth of a man who was rendered insane when his kidnappers hanged him upside down above a fire and allowed the heat to cook his brain within his skull for a short period of time. As the man wandered the land in an insane fit for years, an unknown god touched by his plight gave him the power to project his madness onto anyone he chose. Still remembering those who put him in such a state in the first place, the man tracked them back to their hideout and inflicted them with a curse that drove them mad. They were so filled with insanity that they tore into themselves and each other, dragging their nails across their skin and ripping chunks of flesh off their bodies with their teeth. Needless to say, Archaementes was eager to make use of a similar skill.

Waiting until his rodent population replenish their numbers, Archaementes chose a handful of them to induct madness into by essentially putting them through the same method of torture as the man in the myth. After losing a few rodents to heatstroke and third degree burns, Archaementes finally got the procedure and timing right and produced several rodents who showed clear signs of insanity and aggression. He then muzzled and declawed them to prevent them from harming themselves and each other. Manipulating the surrounding esoteric forces, Archaementes directed them through pairs of rodents that consisted of a normal animal and one of the affected specimen, knowing that none of them possessed the intelligence and willpower necessary to detect or control them. Noting how the mental status of each rodent affected the flow of the forces, Archaementes finally isolated a certain pattern of vibration that existed in the forces that crossed the brains of the affected rodents. After practicing calling this pattern into being and dispelling it, Archaementes moved to the next step.

Spending some time tweaking the pattern to make it more powerful, Archaementes tried "connecting" it to each normal rodent's brain in a similar way that he done the Sudden Death Mark. At first, the rodents appeared to be distracted by the curse but otherwise passive. However, he dealt with this issue by making the pattern three times as powerful. This has the effect of making the affected rodents much more aggressive and deranged than even the first specimens. However, this is what he actually wanted to happen so he decided to make some finishing touches.

For the rest of the three years he spent formulating this spell, Archaementes experimented with ways of changing when the curse activates. By creating a curse that activates immediately upon exposure to within five hours, Archaementes can induct madness in his target and leave the scene before any suspicion can be raised. After perfecting the spell's 'time delay', Archaementes begin to experiment with cursed objects. The idea is that anyone who touched the cursed object would be afflicted by the spell. With more tweaking, the spell can also be made to 'leak' into its surroundings unless properly insulated with metal, preferably lead, making it particular useful in contaminating food supplies and drinking water.

To test out his newly formulated spell, Archaementes placed all of the specimens he'd experimented on and a few more normal rodents inside a makeshift pen. Binding a non-leaking Madness Curse with a 30 minute delay onto a slice of cheese, Archaementes picked it up with a pair of tongs and dropped it into the pen. When a few of the normal rodents ate the cheese, they succumbed to severe bouts of madness about a half hour later. Though some of them begin biting themselves enough to tear the skin, the rest of them attacked and ripped into the other rodents. This resulted in a free-for-all that resulted in brutal deaths followed by mortal injuries. Culling all but the few normal rodents who escaped mostly unharmed. Archaementes released them back into the general population and cleaned up the resultant mess.

1 year spending training Persuasion.

Expected Results
Informant network set up in Persia and Carthage. Important rumors known.
*1 year travel= Corinth, Greece to Slavohk, Belarus.
*4 years(Death Mark X 2) = Accomplished Sudden Death Mark User.
*3 years(10 X 3 Presence) = 90 Follower Points.
*Devoted Followers
  22 Skill 4 Spies = 2 years(Espionage X 2)
*Total number of followers = 610 = +3 Attribute Points
*2 years focusing on family
  Herodias, Female, Age 27 (Wife)
  Sophia, Female, Age 7 (Daughter)
*4 years(Soul Gems)
*3 years(Madness Curse X 2) = Expert Madness Curse User
*1 year(Persuasion X 4 due to Prodigy trait) = Legendary (14) Persuader

Attributes: Strength:4 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Willpower:8 Perception:6 Presence:3
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:16:17 am by Sir Elventide »


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #199 on: October 01, 2017, 12:53:06 pm »

Spoiler: SHEET (click to show/hide)
Spend X[Total of time until next turn] Wandering the wilderness, hunting any animals that cross my path with my bare hands.
Knowing he was less then the others, Drethnix wandered the wilds, seeking to become strong in the way of the fist by his own methods.

Desired Results:
*Training in Tracking
*Training in Hand to hand combat
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 12:58:40 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #200 on: October 01, 2017, 01:57:01 pm »

Worshiper gains invested before turn start.

Spend a year arranging things so that I will still have access to my assets after rebirthing.

Masamune took pride in his accomplishment. He had found Japan a broken and warring land, and in less than a century had forged it into a united front. That pride, however, was tempered by loss. His wife of many years, Junko, passed away in this year, and so he retreated to their home, speaking only rarely with those outside of his family when it was for matters of importance. Still, he had to continue his ultimate mission. After grieving for his wife and their mother, he spoke with his children at length about his plans. They would still be hunted, even here; he needed to disguise himself, and so did they, but he also needed to retain his assets after doing so. He would pose as a grandchild of Ichirou's, and the man would inherit from Masamune after his "death" and then pass it to him once again.

Spend a year rebirthing. New appearance is a short, stocky man, but with a powerful build, and dark hair/eyes. Pose as my own great grandchild.

And so Masamune put his plan into action, disappearing for a year to reform his appearance and purge the ravages of time from his frame. When he reappeared, he assumed the role of a grown grandchild of Ichirou as previously discussed. He "inherited" his own works, so that he would not be defenseless against Cisharni attack.

Spend eight years reforging Yakumo and my nameless armor (x4 = effective 32 years of labor, +2 years of labor in them originally for a total of 34). Yakumo gains complete indestructibility, as does the armor. Yakumo gains the ability to conjure lightning, up to a small lightning storm (or the equivalent in bolts of fury at a target), at the will of the wielder. It can also cut magic. The armor enhances one's physical prowess normally, and alerts the wielder to a Cisharni or Sindari presence nearby, effectively enhancing Perception as well. It also speeds the owner's regeneration enough to recover from wounds mid-fight. At year 10, gain 2 STR.

Perfection was a journey, not a goal; his works were second to none, but with the newfound power surging through him, Masamune felt he could do so much more. He worked for years and years inside the royal workshop, only halting his work occasionally to forge a mundane (but still exceptional) weapon as he worked tirelessly to improve the arms and armor that he would carry into battle against their ancient foes.

Spend 10 years fighting in China against Cisharni forces, gaining skill in Enhancement and Electromancy. Gain 2 Will.

Now, though, there was another hot iron that needed striking. China was under Cisharni assault; if he assisted it, he could help bring it under the banner of the Sindari. So he went alongside the forces Empress Fuuri sent, and fought personally alongside them using his great strength and powerful artifacts. During this, he began to learn to manipulate the flow of electricity without any assistance from his blade, and to control it better while he was using it.

Expected gains:
-Much improved artifacts
-Throw off Cisharni pursuit temporarily
-+2 Enhancement (total 13) +8 Electromancy (total 8 )
-+2 STR, +2 WILL
-Influence/events in China?
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #201 on: October 04, 2017, 02:25:12 am »

((I noticed I made a mistake on calculating some skills, so I subtracted 1 from Bending/Teaching, and added that to my Nu-Sindari instead. Oops!))

In the 100th year since Sindari creation
First Decade (1 out of 2 of this turn)
With the loss of Ammon, Amelia was distraught--much like the first loss she had encountered at Acter's death--but she had a support network now. Friends, both mortal and immortal, valued equally and of whom valued her equal as well. The people, from the elders who she had met long ago as children, and from the spirits of their ancestors, were also her supports in facing an emotional loss; these people understood, both from her sharing her own perspective and from their own subjective, yet unique, experiences themselves with loss. This motivated her to find more and commit herself to aiding the people, especially with a lingering suspicion in her mind of how anyone would've slipped a knife on Ammon in such a way that all his skills, and all his potential, was caught off-guard.
> 1 year into imbuing a Sindari myself, alone.
> 2 years into training Warding [Defense against Magic]
> 1 year on Implementing Warding, expanding local enchantments against hostile magic/perception/scrying.
> 1 year on aiding Octavian's work with Serena, alongside adding in her own insights--as a last resort, if ever, she reveals the hand of Sind; the Cisharni face a God reborn with the living, using enchantment as visual-aids rather than just her persuasive voice. Also Warding emplacements on Adjilia. {Warding is the skill worked on, but others aren't leveled because only one skill is a focus, but Persuasion and other social skills are the focus here}

The war in western China was predicted to be long-going. With the loss of Ammon, Amelia felt that the Cisharni were becoming either very leery, or magnifying the dangers they faced and would begin a wholesome extermination of anything they felt was Sindari. On that matter, she was grateful for Masamune's recent deliveries of equipment and weaponry, and she knew as much that her people would be receptive to what she would say--they were hunters, warriors, and overall a strong people, regardless of gender. Therein, she wondered to make a niche into something that would benefit in the long-run, creating career soldiers and a profession rather than an occupation, although this would also be decided to come from those excelling in education given how delicate war was, with both the mind and working with...uncommon experiences via more exposure in reality.
> 2 years using Administration/Teaching {working 1 each, for mechanical reasons} to hone a dedicated military force focused on Ranger/Cartography, basically elite scouts and experts of terrain traversal, movement, and logistics. {+Quality of military; Quality fully over Quantity.}
Spoiler: Flavor (click to show/hide)
> 1 year into honing a Nu-Sindari with Octavian; Mecuritia Caste--focused into Agility, Perception, and Intelligence.
> 1 year on Persuasion/Orienting the populace about the War with the Cisharni, on trusting the Sindari, and in general briefing everyone locally regarding the trouble in China, alongside asking for trust and their aid. {+Worshippers/additional diplomacy with China}
> 1 year spent using my ARTIFICER skill in imbuing EVERY SINDARI's equipment, including their family and my local military, and then any elite forces I can reach out to in a year's time, using my Nu-Sindari teleporter to get that equipment for transport, and a generic note to ask permission.

Spoiler: Other Tasks (click to show/hide)

In the 110th year since Sindari creation
Second Decade (2 out of 2 of this turn)

With time, Amelia found herself pondering over the Gemlock rifles that were prolific in concern--it made war impersonal, much like how the Cisharni treated...everything. They did not care, at least how their ideology came hardened in concept to be, because they did not "see" people with the potential she saw, or what her brothers saw them, within them, with them. This was both an enigma to her, and something that brokered necessity. Their technology was innovative, but used ineffectively against their 'enemies'; it was not efficient in the long-term, made only for war. As a tool would affect the user, in adapting their environment, so too did Amelia believe, the tool was a symbol for the user to envision the environment in turn. With a heavy heart, she decided to re-imagine the soul gem as something of better use than a weapon of death.

**Deployment of military scouts into the battlefield.
> 1 year transcribing {using Artificer} the Gemlock Making skill to shove onto Masamune instead. Transplant ideas into Soul-Gem Armor with Masamune, and transcribe all details for his knowledge. {Probably meaning, rip away all my Gemlock making skill, and shove it onto him}. If time is available, spend the rest of it Artificer'ing the armor/equipment of my scouts, for a very subtle method of communication with home base; deploy them alongside that one other Sindari I imbued acting as military commander.
> 1 year working with Octavian on finding and imbuing a Nu-Sindari, Mecuritia--using his Adjilia pocket Dimension ability. His post details specifics.

With Authority was power, and responsibility. Corruption pays more attention to the former, with the latter being affixed onto the self rather than the numbers one controlled representing people, or any distinct value under one's control. This was interpreted from browsing literature coming from Rome and many other sources--it was a very complex entity, but understanding in its many parts. In hindsight, this was merely one idea in trying to understand a dead Dragon Prince, but Amelia wondered why there was so much...intensity with how people bargained and traded for power. In giving and sharing, she learned and saw, there was mutual gains, and both grew stronger; perhaps it was through insight and vision that these gains would even exist in the first place. The lack of impulsivity and short-sightedness. But that was a very real concern considering how Sind envisioned the world--how would one know, if what is sensed by them is what is first in thought, coming from what is around them? What if people grew up in a hurtful and lackluster environment? What if they were not guided or brought up well? Many questions, mirroring those as similar as those she thought of long ago, and those that were repeated in different forms, came by her. Questions that reflected thoughts that she knew were had by those who had lived in centuries before her, but lacked the materials around to create reality from the thought.
> 1 year on Administration, working in China to expedite process of our aid into China, and in dealing with the locals by aiding their government structure {+Quality/better relations with Chinese Emperor?}

In application, there was so much to do--she knew everyone had their own grand thoughts, but only few became existent. Therein, she started with the quality of life from the smallest portion of society she could see, the individual's health. She learned there was at least two components to one's health. Their thinking, and their being. Physical wounds could just be as damaging as thinking wounds--or mental wounds, which she felt was a better term, as coming from her erudite friends. This tiny snippet of thought in a day would compound to change more in the years to come.
> 1 years on training Doctor; using myself as the test subject.
> 2 year of focused Diplomacy.
> 1 year spending time in China, covertly but openly, aiding the populace with a full mix of my skills--focused on Doctor and Administration/Persuasion/Diplomacy, especially the lines behind the warzone.
> 1 year of (Scholar, bonuses with Teaching/Persuasion/Administration) revising the education within the academy; systematizing with focused training on teachers and with respect to culture, diversifying instead of just one academy, structuring the society alongside education, and introducing these concepts to earlier ages--alongside providing for the elderly.
> 2 years of spending that Diplomacy helping Octavian and the Aoraki tribes, covertly as a wise woman.

Spoiler: Other Tasks (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 12:51:20 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #202 on: October 06, 2017, 07:52:39 pm »

Spoiler: Flak (click to show/hide)

Spend seven years trianing swordsmanship
spend one year undergoing rebirth
Spend one year going to china on foot taking with me only basic supplies
Spend eleven years fighting with the chinese

+7 swordsmanship
My new body looks like a young Filipino man
I take only that which is needed to travel to China
+13 soldiering
I am well integrated with the Chinese army. I try to use my powers as little as possible.
+2 to INT
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 05:51:38 am by codybob1999 »
Please don't revive Dan, they have suffered enough.

Edited for possibly misgendering a fork.
The wheels of progress frozen motionless/Unless we thaw all these unspoken spokes/Then death is coming home/The wheels of progress frozen motionless/Unless we thaw all these unspoken spokes/Well then we're going home

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #203 on: October 07, 2017, 08:47:43 pm »

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Year 91-110
Spend 7 years training Archery
Spend 5 years training force arrow
Spend 7 years training poisons
Spend 1 year infusing another wolf

By decades
1/ will to 5
2/ strength to 4
Expected results
+7 to archery
+10 to magic arrows
+13 to poisons
+1 Sindari wolves with shadow magic

Fluff and stuff later.
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #204 on: April 16, 2018, 11:24:10 am »

Event: War in China

The forces of the Cisharni were restless after conquering India. Months of inactivity followed, as rebellions were easily crushed. The Cisharni were hungry for vengeance for their fallen brother, and some of them would see the world burn. They soon turned their attentions to China, land of the Dragon Emperor. He had resisted their influence, and would not bow his head. And so the war simmered to a start.

Atlantis forged supply lines and made great stockpiles. Armies mustered and marched to the edge of the empire. There they waited, until a signal was finally given.

The armies of Atlantis surged into war. The forces of the Dragon Emperor were determined warriors, and the average soldier had better morale than an Atlantean conscript. But there was no true answer for the Spartans.

Paddies and fields and crushed beneath armored boots, and hundreds of towns and villages burned as armies battled.

With the reinforcements from Japan and the Sindari, the Atlantean army was stopped outside of the fortress of Dragon’s Tooth. Circled by 2 stone walls, it was centered on a hill, and controlled the easiest path to the heartland of China. It was commanded by Prince Tal, with 6,000 warriors holding the walls. They have a couple dozen of the lightening guns from Japan, and they have demonstrated their potency a few times when an enemy soldier came too close to the wall.

The host of Atlantis lays siege to Dragon’s Tooth, consisting of 2 companies of Spartans, and 20,000 Greek and Indian soldiers. It is unknown if any Cisharni are present with the army.

A relief force of both Chinese and Japanese warriors numbering 2,000 warriors harass supply lines and skirmish on the outskirts of the siege camp. 

Preparations are seen among the siege force for an assault. Ladders, rams, and gem lock cannons are readied. A Spartan Champion, gloried by countless duels and battles, begins to stride before the wars, offering to challenge any brave enough to face him.

The defenders are grim, for their chance of success is low. But they determined to not go quietly into the night. And there is a spark of hope, for the Sindari are there, and perhaps they can change the tide of this conflict.

(So this is back after a long absence! I figure the best way to gently bring this mostly dead game back to life is to do some events that will set the stage for the next turn and decade of the game.

So if you have spent an action fighting in China you are available to participate in the event. I’ll leave it to you and your character where you are, either in the fortress , with the relief army, or somewhere else. What you do is also of course up to you, whether harassing supply lines, assassinating enemy commanders, or leading a force into battle. Also one person can challenge the Spartans champion. Let me know if you need more details or have questions about what you are planning on doing.

The Sindari are back!)
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #205 on: April 16, 2018, 12:12:20 pm »

Octavian is, like Acter before him, teleporting along the roads between China and the West, looking for the most important stops... but instead of making a profit, he’s making mischief.

Hay bales burned.

Crates of supplies, smashed during the night.

Animals untethered, lost to the wilderness.

And sometimes - just sometimes - a note.

“The Silver Legion never surrenders.”
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #206 on: April 16, 2018, 09:28:07 pm »

Spoiler:  Wavebringer (click to show/hide)

Dragon's Tooth was the most likely route for the Cisharni, and so Kaito made preparations. The garrison commander was warned to make sure there were strong roofs for the troops to shelter under during extreme weather. Then when the enemy came in sight he began to build the most terrible storm he had ever used,
a killer hail storm able to threaten even well armored men. And then when it was finally ready he bent it's path to hammer the Spartans and their army.

Spend soul gems as necessary to create a killer hailstorm to pummel the Cisharni army.(8 soul gems available)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #207 on: April 17, 2018, 10:44:49 am »

The future was turbulent. Rolling events and dark clouds of uncertainty boiled around Turangol. He had to discover what lay ahead, to protect his friends, to save what he could.
A path opened before him. Of a fortress, surrounded by darkness. He sees brother and sister Sindari fighting there. A Spartan Champion stands, and he fights against one of the Sindari. Plans and reactions appear before him, along with the traps of the foe.

But he  also sees another path. Of a dark Pharaoh, taking a gem into the heart of a land. There is an explosion of darkness, past which he cannot see.

But both paths are closing, and you only have the ability to go down one. What path does Turangol chose?

( Madman, due to your seeing the future action, you can choose a buff that will give an automatic success to everyone’s first action in the War in China event, or you can discover the time and place of the Pharaoh detonating his dark soul soul gem, and have a chance of preventing it. )
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #208 on: April 17, 2018, 01:24:05 pm »

Masamune served as a stalwart backbone to the Japanese forces assisting in the fight. Ground gained under him would be ground held, and that was final. Fortifications were raised and rearranged as needed to meet the needs of their army, and should any Cisharni forces dare to challenge them, they would find the Lord of the Blacksmiths awaiting their advance with the same patience with which he approached everything. He avoided unleashing the true power of his blade, but its uncanny ability to cut through anything in its path, combined with the unyielding nature of his armor, would suffice to stop all but the most powerful assaults dead, quite literally in many cases.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #209 on: April 18, 2018, 11:18:54 am »

The future calls...

Two paths and yet one pair of feet, as it were. Thinking quickly, Turangol realizes that the Sindari need no help in China--if they cannot win that fight without his help, they will know that they have erred terribly in revealing themselves. He must seek information about the plans of the Pharaoh, search the black for an answer.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.
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