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Author Topic: Sindari: Immortals  (Read 32309 times)

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #120 on: August 29, 2017, 09:49:28 pm »

I've received the message, go to smoke form now, and do my invisible stretch out thing were the smoke is so thin it is hard to see. Manipulate the soul gem I was given to boost my shadow magic, and if the Cisharni arrive, activate a field around me that makes the darkness cover their eyes so they can't see, then get to the other side of the country. Help Eltirian to escape if my help is necessary. Skills at the time were trapping +7, hand to hand +13, Shadow magic +13, and + 7 magic sensing. Activate the darkness gen only if the Cisharni are about to find my location, if they are about to write it off, or otherwise don't realize I'm there, just slink away.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 02:31:01 pm by Smoke Mirrors »
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #121 on: August 29, 2017, 10:17:29 pm »

There was a presence nearby.

A presence Eltirian knew.

That was bad. Octavian was in danger if he was near---a plan. This was a plan. A plan to help him escape. Eltirian started to bring up information in his mind. The ways he had trained, the time he had spent doing it, the meals he had eaten while he trained, everything inconsequential, yet related to more important information. He brought this information to the front of his mind, built mental barriers behind it, and then let the Cisharni into his mind.

As the Cisharni grabbed for the offered information, Eltirian would unleash the power of the soul gems he had collected, either unleashing a blast of raw mental magic, or forcing the souls of the angry slain warriors confined within. Releasing them directly into the Cisharni's mind. He would then flee through the flaw in the trap, trusting the distractions to protect him until he was freed.

If it failed, he would reach for the consciousness of Rigel, who was monitoring the situation, and draw strength, enough strength, perhaps, to smash through the Cisharni's mind, forcing him to allow me to escape.

If all else fails and my mind breaks, Glass will kill me with a stab to the head, and I will attempt to form a soul gem with my own soul as he does.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #122 on: August 30, 2017, 01:30:02 am »

Spend five years making connections for, and sponsoring, the new Empress, spending all of my gold (250+65 = 315 total)

At last, Masamune had found his materials; the smithing of a nation required the finest of leaders as ingredients, and he was sure that Noriko would produce a top-quality alloy, so to speak. The woman had the tenacity and the thoughtfulness needed to lead; things that could, at their core, not be taught. However, it took more than good iron to produce a suit of armor - for a country was much closer to that, a tool to safeguard and protect that must be proofed against all angles, and not like a blade which existed for only one purpose. He spoke of her cause to those that would listen, of the mission to finally end this pointless slaying of brothers and sisters - and to those who did not listen, he offered his services and his gold, in exchange for supporting her budding regime.

Spend ten years creating a great castle for Empress Fuuri Noriko, with the assistance of Amelia's engineering talents and Wavebringer. Continue funding it with all incoming profits from my guild. (160 gold)
Spend one year, alongside Amelia and Wavebringer, imbuing her with Sindari power.
Gain 2 Strength.

A suit of armor, much like a regime, was useless if it shattered at the first blow. So Masamune reached out to his companions: "Join me," he said, "and help me ensure that this new nation will stand the test of time." And so Amelia and Wavebringer sailed forth, to Masamune's humble abode, where he laid out his plans: combining the unique powers of himself and Amelia, and the expertise of both, they would construct a grand fortress, impregnable to all but the harshest assaults both magical and otherwise, creating the most titanic artifact known to man and immortal alike. He worked to piece the great construction together with his own hands, personally forging the gates that would need to withstand the rage of the Cishari. As he did so, he uncovered an art of magic almost by mistake; a talent for empowering himself beyond what even he should be capable of, and he slowly honed it through the course of the construction as his raw physical power increased to match.

And when the final stone was placed, and imbued with power that Amelia and Masamune both called, the three Sindari called the empress to a secret meeting, in a chamber behind what was to be her new throne room in Heian-kyō. There, they conducted a ritual that would seal their allegiance forever, placing a fraction of their own power within the woman, making her into something. . . more than human. Something much like the Sindari themselves. Masamune offered her a choice piece of caution, however; their foes would recognize her aura on sight, and seek to destroy her immediately. If it was made known that she was undying and powerful, it would only be a matter of time. It was up to her, whether to continue on holding that throne until she was felled, or to pass it on and fade into the shadows when the time came.

Spend four years constructing artifact amulets, intended to hide a magical aura from a Cishari's sight. Gain 2 Willpower.

With her fortress constructed and the woman given a base of power and prestige from which to build as the divinely-mandated Empress, Masamune sought to attack the problem that faced all of his kind; they were easy to find, painfully so, if their enemies searched in the right places, and presently they had little chance of withstanding a direct fight - a fact that their foes knew well. Acter's agony as he died echoed through his mind, as he shut himself into his forge for many, many long days and nights, creating the seemingly-insignificant trinkets that would impart the same quality to their wearers.
Spend ten years advancing in Smithing. Gain 1 Perception.

Safe for now, or at least so he believed, Masamune set about refining his talents even further, reaching heights that no mortal could hope to achieve in his command of metalwork. He worked to develop an almost supernatural sense of what needed to be done to a blade or a helm in order to render it sharp or impregnable - though this was simply his increasing experience with metalwork, and constant experimentation with new techniques. . . for the most part. His blades cut faster and deeper, taking on unusual shapes and oddly beautiful patterns in their metalwork, and his armors seemed that they would withstand the hammer blows of a dragon's limbs before failing.

Spend another decade forging masterwork arms and armor for the Empress's forces and the other Sindari. Also, use all gold accrued since the last usage to continue sponsoring the Empress (312 gold). Use free time to practice Swordsman, Enhancement. Gain 2 Strength.

Masamune continued trying to aid the new Empress as best he could, using his talents as a smith. Her captains and generals were supplied with the finest armors and weapons that Masamune could devise, in an effort to preserve everything and everyone that could be valuable to her in her quest. And during this time, he continued to forge himself, for the conflicts that would surely come his way in the future.

Spend two years forging himself an artifact blade, Yakumo, using alchemy to supply hihiirokane.  The blade appears to be made of a blue fire, a twin to the Empress's in pattern if not in size, and can slash through anything, including magic.

The Cishari would inevitably come for him, regardless of his hiding. He needed a weapon, worthy of a demigod - and the only being that could provide such a thing was himself. So he created a personal weapon, suited to his own style of swordsmanship. It held a different kind of grace than the blade Purpose; if Purpose was the warmth of an open campfire, or the comfort of a breeze on the wind, then Yakumo (Eight Clouds) was the stability of solid walls, a strong foundation. A weapon meant to be wielded with power and purpose. While it lacked the explicitly magical qualities of its sister sword, it was exceptionally sharp, said to be able to cut wounds in mountains and the air itself.

Spend three years forging artifact armor, leaving the name up to the whims of time. Also using alchemy to provide hihiirokane. It is a simple gray-black across all parts of the armor, tied together with brilliant scarlet chain so fine it seems to be silk at first glance. There is one exception - it bears the sigil of the Empress emblazoned across the right pauldron. Any decoration further applied to the armor stays in place until it is deliberately removed, never suffering the damage of battle. The armor itself absorbs magic directed at it, and expends it to fuel the wearer's movements. It is also indestructible by normal means.
If necessary, spend an additional year collecting soul gems for the armor, using willing volunteers (as a form of seppuku.) If not needed, use this time to train Swordsmanship.

Focusing on only felling his enemies, however, would surely lead to his premature destruction. And, though he might have been a powerful warrior in his own right as well as a mage, he still feared what any simple swordsman would: magic, the mysteries of the universe turned against him. And so Masamune forged a set of armor, christened with no name save what those who set eyes upon it deemed it should have. A set intended to turn the power of his foes against them, while increasing his own; it would take magical energy directed at it, and use it to increase the wearer's power rather than annihilating them.

Spend three more years honing Swordsmanship. Gain 2 Intelligence.

With his great works completed - for a time - Masamune set out to perfect the art of wielding blades, rather than forging them. Though he would prefer not to be remembered as a warrior, he preferred even more not being easy meat for a Cishari bent on his destruction. He sought out the finest swordsman, samurai and onna-bugeisha and ronin alike, and challenged them until he could fight all he met to a draw.

Spend one year reorganizing the smithing guild to accept craftsmen of all varieties, investing all current gold (130) to do so, bringing gold/action to 26.

Masamune sought to be a beacon not only to metalworkers, but all who sought to make their marks on the world with their tools instead of their blades, and so he reorganized his already-venerable guild of blacksmiths into an organization accepting all varieties of craftsman, encouraging them to share techniques and information with one another, and to band together when needed.

Expected gains:
-Continued allegiance of the Empress
-Gain 1 Enchanting skill, total of 13, from castle construction
-Gain 3 Dampening skill, total of 13, from castle construction
-Gain 11 Enhancement (Magic) skill, total of 11, from refinement during castle construction+practice in free time
-Gain 10 Smithing skill, for a total of 24.
-Gain 9, possibly 10 Swordsmanship skill, total of 15. Potential total of 16.
-A quantity of artifact magical amulets, indestructible by normal means, that hide the Sindari auras of their wearers. At least enough for all living Sindari, potentially up to three times that number.
-The artifact blade Yakumo.
-The nameless magic-absorbing armor.
-A set of masterwork arms and armor for all Sindari (forged at 24 - Legendary +10 skill)
-Total of +4 Strength, total of 8.
-Total of +2 Willpower, total of 6.
-Total of +2 Intelligence, total of 6.
-Total of +1 Perception.
-13 Influence.
-13 more gold/action from expanding business (craft guild.)
-Grandchildren? Possibly with important connections?
-Unknown amount of influence.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #123 on: August 30, 2017, 02:50:41 pm »

Spoiler: The Ever Hiding Sun (click to show/hide)

First Decade

+20 Influence gained.
+13 Gold Donated.
Greece's political climate understood

The plan worked just as Archaementes expected. Though some of Corinth's nobility scoffed at the stories told about the intelligent newcomer, many were intrigued enough to hear more about him. After Archaementes' devoted nobles gave a detailed explanation, being careful not to mention his slight anti-Atlantean bent, they decided that even though they don't fully trust him yet, at least he made more sense than all of these roving 'philosophers' that visit Corinth often. Willing to support this stranger, some of them even dug into their personal treasuries for a donation that they can give to him. However, many of them were still recouping their losses ever since Greece fell to the Atlantean Empire and thus could only afford to give him a small amount of gold. Lastly, they explained that the citizens of Greece's city-states are craving for independence from the Atlanteans. However, there are many Greeks in positions of power who collaborate with the invaders for various reasons like power and wealth, to name a few. Taking this bit of news to heart, Archaementes begin to determine a course of action. First he needed to do a few things first...

1 year spent traveling from Corinth to Rhodes and another spent returning.
3 years spent learning Espionage.

Visiting the Corinthian academy, Archaementes perused the library until he found a couple of scrolls depicting legendary deeds of famous thieves and spies. Borrowing them from the librarian, he gathered some of his followers, who then helped him create a disguise that would make him look like a vagrant. Bidding his followers farewell, Archaementes traveled to the nearby city of Rhodes and begin reading the scrolls for a few hours. Once he became certain that he understood the actions of the characters depicted as well as made mental notes on how to make them more realistic, Archaementes got to work.

For a year, Archaementes crept from house to house in the civilian district, watching the comings and goings of each family before sneaking into their places of residence. Each time, he rifled through their personal letters and other pieces of information. After copying down 'relevant' information, Archaementes made sure to leave everything as he have found it before leaving. Once he was in a safe place, he would tear up every information he copied as he was more focused on practicing how to copying and possibly stealing valuable documents rather than actually stealing personal information. Thanks to his now heightened agility, such practice was easier.

The next year, Archaementes went to the noble district and practiced how to plant items and to sow discord as well as how to watch for patrols. Remembering a tale from one of the scrolls about a thief who managed to sneak into a fortified palace to free a captured friend, Archaementes learned to map and time the routes the patrols will take. Eventually, he was able to slip pass each patrol without alerting either of them. He then watched the nobility go about their daily business, taking notes of who they were, and what they were like. Whenever an opportunity presented itself, Archaementes would break into a noble's house and steal whatever item they were obsessing over. He would then leave a note implicating another noble before leaving. Later, he would then break into that noble's house and placed the stolen object into a place where it would be easily found. Though he was almost caught several times while doing this, Archaementes managed to succeed in getting the nobles to bicker with each other with none the wiser. Satisfied, he left the noble district to practice something else.

During the third year, Archaementes practiced how to evade capture. After spending a few weeks mapping out potential escape routes, he would practice running through the city as if someone was chasing him. He would leap over obstacles, slide under tables, and dive through openings only to roll and keep going. Occasionally, a guard would notice him running and assume that he was a thief, which isn't that far from the truth, and each time he lost them in the confines of the city. Only once did a guard managed to catch him. However, thanks to his skill at persuasion, Archaementes only got the guard to let him off with a warning.(X2 Persuasion) Since that time, he'd changed his disguise every week and made sure that he didn't use the same routes. By the end of the year, he returned to Corinth, feeling confident that he'd learned enough about espionage at least for now.

1 year spent gathering followers
2 years spent teaching Espionage
2 years spent learning Cryptography

When Archaementes returned to Corinth, he received news that shocked him. Five years ago, Rome was sacked when it rebelled against the Atlantean Empire. From what he could gathered from the rumors, the rebellion started when the Atlanteans sent rotten food to Rome to ease her underfed populate. Having enough, the Romans rebelled and took over the city only to be slaughtered by a handful of Spartans who can blink into another location. Though he didn't know the exact details of this incident, Archaementes knew that his fellow Sindari had an hand in the rebellion and that a powerful Cisharni crushed the revolt. If that was true, it meant that he could be within striking distance of this Cisharni. Needless to say, Archaementes was frightened into action.

Returning the borrowed scrolls, Archaementes begin to gather more helping hands. Not knowing who to trust besides his devoted followers, he spent a year gathering extra helping hands. Picking twenty people who looked promising and were eager to serve him in less... honorable business, Archaementes trained them for two years to make them proficient in espionage. However, he still wasn't satisfied.

It wasn't until he was perusing through the library when he stumbled upon a replica of something called a scytale. A wooden rod used to send encrypted messages to various military commanders, a scytale was used by wrapping a ribbon around the rod and writing a message on the coiled material, such a message could only be correctly decrypted if wrapped around a rod with a similar diameter. However, feeling that the method of cryptography was too well known, Archaementes decided to invent a new method from scratch. For two years, Archaementes formulated a new set of codes using symbols that he was certain belonged to no known language. Substituting each symbol to a random character in the Greek alphabet, he though for a moment before changing his mind and making the symbols look vaguely like Egyptian hieroglyphics just to fool the Atlanteans. Finally, he designed a process to first jumble up the message, then replace each character with its symbol to encrypt it and vice versa to decrypt it. That way, even if the Atlanteans and their Cisharni masters somehow managed to deduct that the symbols represent characters, they won't have an easy time figuring out which language they belonged to.

After the cypher was firmly established, Archaementes gathered the twenty spies to him. Separating them into pairs, Archaementes taught each partner half of the cypher. That way, if a Cisharni was to kill one of them and capture the other the cypher would still be too much of a jumbled mess to be solved easily. That would give him enough time to make a better cypher or even relocate. Only he knows how to create the cypher.  Giving each pair 4 gold to take care of their needs as well as to establish a network of informants in their assigned city, Archaementes sent them to the follow cities: Rhodes, Athens, Thebes, Halicarnassus, Byzantium, Sparta, Odryses in Thrace, Sardis, and Crete. After a moment of thought, he decided to assign the last pair here in Corinth. They can relay any encrypted messages to the others without him drawing attention to himself as well as determine whether there are any Atlantean sympathizers in the city.

Lastly, he telepathically sent the basics for creating a good cypher to the other Sindari. After the sacking of Rome, he felt that they could really appreciate the information so that they can create their own cyphers. After he sent the message, a sudden idea popped in his head. Though having a name would take away some of the mystery of his emergent secret society, Archaementes figured that it would give it a bit of solidarity. Like the rays of a hidden sunrise, they should cover everything they touch and by the time the Cisnarni realizes this, it will be too late. Therefore, his group shall be known as the Shrouded Dawn.

Expected Results: (I decided to not add the years traveled from this point on since it would be redundant.)

Wealth: 41 + 13(Donation)= 54 - 40(Gold given to spies) = 14 Gold 6 Silver
+ 20 Influence from connections with Corinth nobility
3 years(Espionage X2) = Expert Spy
Persuasion X2 (due to use and Prodigy trait) = Master Persuader
1 year(10 x 20 x 3) = 600 Follower Points
General Followers
20 Skill 4 Spies = (2 years(Espionage X2))
520 general followers
19 Devoted Followers currently held
Total number of followers: 559 = 3 Attribute Points
Giving tips about creating cyphers to other Sindari
2 years( Cryptography X2) = Proficient Cryptographer
Spies have been sent to targeted cities in pairs to create informant networks.
Attributes: Strength:3 Agility:4 Intelligence:6 Willpower:4 Perception: 6 Presence:3
Second - Third Decades

4 years spent learning Fighting (Dual Weapons)

Though Archaementes initiately intended to talk himself out of any situation he finds himself wrapped in, even he knew that he would be decimated if he comes across a Cisharni who's not interested in listening so he decided to learn how to fight. After persuading a trainer to reduce his price for the lessons to 6 Gold, Archaementes followed him to the arena. (x2 Persuasion). As the years gone by, Archaementes learned how to block, parry, strike, and counterattack with a sword in each hand. Granted, fighting with two swords was harder than using just one weapon and his instructor even advised him against it. However, Archaementes wanted to ensure that he was still able to strike a killing blow just in case he loses one of the swords. As the training became more grueling, Archaementes resisted the temptation to use his Force Shield as he wanted to learn to resist the pain in case he was somehow unable to use the skill.  Regardless, Archaementes' skill in fighting rose closer to the trainer's own level and, by the end of the fourth year, surpassed it. When Archaementes took the trainer down almost effortlessly, he knew that there were nothing else that he could teach him. Impressed, the trainer congratulated Archaementes and rewarded him with two of his bronze swords. Naming them Secret and Mystery, Archaementes thanked him and went on his way.

5 years learning the Force Vibrate Skill

Now that he felt confident that he can at least hold his own against anything short of a dedicated Cisharni warrior, Archaementes decided to address their annoying blinking ability. He needed something that can stun or even kill them should they ever managed to blink within range. Finding a suitable spot far from the city, Archaementes sat cross-legged on the ground and concentrated. He could sense the eldritch energies around him, vibrating rapidly. Directing these energies, Archaementes sought to strengthen them, to give them more force and purpose.

He believed that if these energies are to be slammed into a target with enough force, the resulting effect would be best described as an artificially induced seizure. Such a force would be able to stun even a fearsome warrior through his armor or, if powerful enough, kill him by liquifying his innards. In the case of an opponent using Blink, this ability can also be manipulated into radiating from the caster to stun him just as he is reappearing.

For five years, Archaementes practiced manipulating this force. It was difficult in the beginning. The vibrating energies were unsurprisingly unstable and he struggled to keep them under his control for a minute without them breaking away. However, he learned that by keeping them in constant flux the energies were at the very least more stable. Once he mastered this, he begin to direct the energies at objects. Whenever an object was too dense to be warped or internally damaged, he applied more force. However, though he was more than capable of liquifying mortals from the inside, it seemed as if he needed something else, something that will boost his power.

4 years spent training Force Shield

For four years, Archaementes continued to improved him ability to force a shell of force around himself. He'd even got some of his devoted followers to aid him. Each time they would attack him with weapons and each time he would block them with his Force Shield. He also practiced forming shields around each of them and maintaining the protection while they sparred with each other.

3 years training Cryptography

Archaementes spend the next three years improving his  skills at encrypting and decrypting messages. Satisfied, he updated his cyphers to be harder to crack and sent the new version to his spies, as well as three new directives:

Find any job openings in their assigned city's government and military for him to fill with handpicked recruits.

Identify those who wish for their city's independence and those who are collaborating with the Atlanteans.

Find more information about the strange Cisharni who led the Spartans to sack Rome.

With these orders, Archaementes envisioned a new era for Greece and other cities, one in which the Shrouded Dawn is pulling the strings of the kings who will be dancing to their tune.

4 years working as a teacher

Running low on funds, Archaementes decided to return to the academy to work as a teacher. Though many have wondered why he didn't take over as headmaster when the one who took him in thirty six years ago died, Archaementes personally chose the position to keep a low profile and to keep the true face of the Shrouded Dawn a mystery. It's quite fitting that the place where it all began would become the heart of it all.

Expected Results
4 years( Fighting (Dual Weapons) x 2) = Accomplished Dual Wielder
Items: 2 Bronze Swords
5 years( Force VIbrate X2) = Master Force Vibrate
4 years( Force Shield X2) = Grand Master Force Shield
3 years( Cryptography X2) = Master Cryptographer
4 years(Proficient Teaching(4)x52 weeks) =  832 silver = 83 gold and 2 silver
Previous balance = 14 - 6 gold, 6 silver = 8 gold, 6 silver
New Balance = 83 + 8 gold, 6 + 2 silver = 92 gold, 8 silver
Persuasion X2(due to use and Prodigy trait) = Grand Master Persuader
Information concerning job openings for Archaementes' agents, high ranking officials and their allegiances, and possible clues concerning the Inquisitor.
Fourth - Fifth Decades

1 year gathering followers
2 years teaching Espionage

Gathering devoted followers in Corinth, Archaementes trained eight of them to be spies. Giving them the same instructions and cyphers as the others, he gave each pair 5 gold and send them to Sicily, Southern Italy, Northern Italy, and Gaul to set up informant networks.

5 years learning Assassination.
Bounty paid for hunting bandits.
Soul gems

Feeling that creating a spy network to locate potential adversaries wasn't enough, Archaementes decided to learn methods to taking them down. He already know how to sneak through defended locations from his days of training in Espionage and he is already good with fighting in melee so such a course of action seemed natural. Having received tips from the trainer on how to take down foes during his time training in fighting, Archaementes asked around for any bounties placed on wanted criminals.

Finding a few, Archaementes tracked each person to their locations. Identifying his targets, Archaementes formulated many ways to kill them, using the current situations to his advantage. For five years, he practiced using distractions to lure the bandits into a trap or separating their bodyguards so that he can go in for the kill.

In other situations, he often engineered accidents that killed his targets without alerting their comrades. Any bandits who survived the encounter had their souls forged into soul gems. On a number of occasions, Archaementes trained himself to wait for hours, even days, for the right moment to strike. Taking notes of his techniques, Archaementes continued to hunt down the wanted criminals until they were all dead.

4 years spent gathering devoted followers
5 years teaching Assassination.

Returning to Corinth, Archaementes gathered more followers for four years. Surprisingly, one of them was none other than his former trainer. He desired to do everything he could to free Greece and bring down the Atlantean Empire. Naming him Chief Assassin, Archaementes trained him and the other twenty new followers in assassination techniques. To maximize their education, Archaementes separated them into two groups and trained each group for a period of two and a half years. This resulted in them becoming adept assassins who are eager to prove themselves and are capable of doing so.

3 years spent learning Force Dash

After training the assassins, Archaementes went into the countryside. Closing his eyes, he focused on the primodial energies as he has done many times. This time, he attempted to incorporate them into his muscles, to greatly improved his speed and reflexes. However, as such a task was more advanced than what he tried before, it took over a year before he could accomplish what could be considered a minor success. Nevertheless, it was good a success as any so he went to the next step. First, Archaementes made shorter dashes, keeping the energies within his muscles as he moved. Next, he practiced making sidesteps and dodges with the skill.

Naturally, his body and senses weren't used to such enhanced movements and Archaementes found himself rolling on the ground or plowing into nearby objects. If it wasn't for his Sindari physiology, Archaementes would've succumbed to broken bones and internal bleeding. However, he didn't quit and as the months went by, he was making progress on the skill. By the beginning of the third year, Archaementes was able to breeze effortlessly pass trees, boulders, and other obstacles.

During the third year of his training, Archaementes went back to the city to train every night. He would practice his skill within the confines of the city by zipping around obstacles and avoiding slamming into the buildings. He also trained himself to move as fluidly as possible, often turning on a dime and making sharper turns. Though he couldn't dash very far with his skill, Archaementes can cross gaps between buildings and across opened doors without being seen. Unlike a Blink skill, Archaementes' Force Dash doesn't cause him to disappear and reappear at another location so much as allowing him to move so fast that he'd practically a blur. Of course, if he needs an extra boost, he has plenty of soul gems to spare and the ability to make more.

Expected Results
1 year(10 x 3 Presence) = 30 Follower Points.
4 years(10 x 3 Presence) = 120 Follower Points.
Devoted Followers
8 Skill 3 Spies = 2 years(Espionage X2)
21 Skill 5 Assassins = 5 years(Assassination x 2)/2 groups
Total number of followers = 588 = +3 Attribute Points.
5 years(Assassination x 2) = Master Assassin
3 years(Force Dash x 2) = Expert Force Dash
Soul Gems.
Bounty rewarded .
Spies forming informant networks in Sicily, Northern/Southern Italy, and Gaul.
Gold spent: 20 Gold
Remaining balance: 72 gold, 8 silver.
Attributes: Strength:3 Agility:5 Intelligence:6 Willpower:8 Perception: 6 Presence:3

(I noticed that if I trained the assassins for three years they would become Expert Assassins despite that fact that mortals can only go up to Adept. Since anyone who is training a skill is essentially going up two levels each year, I did the math and figured that it'll take two and a half years to go up to Adept, hence a total of five years for two groups )


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #124 on: August 31, 2017, 09:31:07 am »

((Updated my stats, and moved several details for hopefully better formatting. WILL edit more tomorrow. I just lost 2 hours of writing because of a stoopid 15 second brownout, probably due to local rains.

Also fixed my stats, where 13 is the capacity at the current time, as I've not done any focused training after Legendary status, and added +2 to INT as that was my last stat addition in the previous turn.

Most of those two hours was spent flavorcrafting. It's all gone now. :'( and I'll in...later.))

In the 50th year since Sindari creation

First Decade
Quote from: First decade expectations/summary
+ 1 x 10 years = 10 gold from the decade profit from Business
+ Invest that 10 gold back into business
> +1 to Persuasion [cap' at 13]
> -35 influence; gain in connections with spirits [probably by event] in relation to local base
> +2 Teaching
> +1 Bending
> +3 Enchanting
> +3 Mining [cap' at 13]
> Examining that one Gemlock rifle, dispelling its enchantments or destroying it (maybe saving its soul gem), and otherwise making it either safe for use, or memorized its use and function in discreet detail. Also rendering it gone from the Cisharni.
> Helping out with the Empress' castle, alongside further knowledge in minerals, metals, and how to better alchemize it.
> Chief event being triggered as per Turn 5 update, Spirits event (possibly)
> Local Romans and other followers being integrated well with local culture and social climate, adaptation of skills in different contexts, and especially the starting presence of general education (+ to follower maximum skill capacity)
> +2 WILL
All years prior, within, and after to her journey to Masamune, in Japan, were intertwined. Amelia was glad she had someone as Octavian to transport here where she needed to be.
> 1 year of Focused Enchanting, learning the general foundations of wards and lasting enchantments on items.
> 1 year of Enchanting, focused on that gemlock rifle I put in Ammon's stash, upon realizing that it can be tracked and should be destroyed henceforth--learning its process, alongside Engineering skill, to replicate and memorize or adjust from its base structure.
> 1 year of Persuasion; expend all 35 influence in getting more connected with local shamans/spirit speakers and THEN inquire about a mutual pact with the local spirits. Persuasion is used to deal with local chief, focus on peaceful attempts, and connect to local Kings.
> 1 year of Teaching; inspired by the Roman senator/scholar, Amelia began to create a local/general translation book, and to also spread education (or the notion of it, adding in Persuasion and awareness in how she spoke), alongside integrating the skills of the Romans with the locals, and passing more of her skills onto her Nu-Sindari follower (and others)
Spoiler: Flavor (click to show/hide)
> 1 year of travel; bringing my Nu-Sindari follower and the Romans, alongside other devotees to Masamune/Murdoc in Japan, and back (this'll be accommodated after the 2nd decade, but I do believe the travel won't take 1 year to be fully spent on)
> 3 years Mining; providing for the materials in both alchemizing (as done with me and my Nu-Sindari buddy), and making the foundations of the Empress' grand castle, but also prospecting and identifying metals for easier alchemical catalogue in the future.
> 1 year on Teaching and-
> 1 year on Bending, with teaching for passing over Bending foundations/skills to Nu-Sindari, and other utilitarian skills (engineering/administration) to the local followers in aiding construction.

In the 60th year since Sindari creation

Second Decade
Quote from: Second decade expectations/summary
+ 2 x 10 = 20 gold from second decade profits from business
+ Invest that 20 gold back into the business (ending up at +4 gold per year at 2nd decade end)
> +3 to Administration
> +3 to Teaching
> +2 to Engineering; becoming [15 Legendary+]
> +2 Enchanting [cap'd at 13]
> +2 WILL
> Aiding Masamune (in his earlier post) in making those invisi-amulets, based on an engineering prototype of a larger scale object in projecting/hiding the Sindari magic/glow or its residual magic from either Cisharni. Using Artificer skill, either making it soul-bound to the wearer, or adding a stat bonus to those who equip it (preferably WILL)
> Engineering spent to make the prototypes for the smallest of crafts (ie invisi-amulets), but also in being the follow-up to the Empress' castle.
> Empress' castle being lightly enchanted in turn, and made susceptible to more adjustment by Masamune
> Travel back home, alongside Nu-Sindari and all other followers on my part.
> 1 year Focused Teaching (assimilating new information around, etc)
> 1 year Focused Administration, to learn the local culture and climate, alongside its intricacies if ever adapted to the Empress' ideas (and also making it compatible with the benevolent Sindari idea in general)
> 1 year Teaching the locals Engineering, Administration, and Enchanting, to take care of the Empress' castle and Masamune, or otherwise aid them in efficiency.
> 1 year Administration of applying the above, along checking possible officials for service in the Empress' service alongside the systems/laws in place.
> 2 years Focused Engineering, to ponder over and thoroughly test a focused idea of Masamune's invisibility-to-Cisharni-or-possible-devices device.
> 1 year Implementing This Engineering, by first starting with a prototype in a larger scale (to also be used at my base), but to finalize into amulets as a written template solely for Masamune, and next to fortify/make more durable, the castle (alongside preparing it for enchantment or any modifications Masamune wants, by leaving templates/schematics in his knowledge)
> 2 years Enchanting, as with 1 year spent in enchanting the totality of the Empress' castle, in making it more susceptible to Masamune's enchantments, alongside acting as its own 'locality of awareness' so that we're aware of what's going on there--by his permission alone. In between, much of the 2 years are also spent on the amulets in perfecting them. This includes imbuing the Empress given the time.
> Travel home with companions in full.

Spoiler: Flavor (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 11:46:19 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #125 on: August 31, 2017, 10:39:47 am »


Eltirian   glared   daggers   as   he prepared   his   mental   trap.   This   would   be his   chance,   he   would   have   to   act   fast.   The pressure   around   his   mind   was   building, and   cracks   started   to   widen.   Once   he lowered   them,   there   would   be   no   turning back.

The   Secondborn   leaned   forward, “And   now,   I   will   get   what   I   want.”   He grabbed   Eltirian’s   head   in   his   hands,   and then,   the   Cisharni   was   there.   His   mind was   vast,   more   calculating   and   quick   then Eltirian’s   own.
But   the   Cisharni   was   right   where he   wanted   him.
As   the   Secondborn   processed   the flood   of   insignificant   memories,   Eltirian reached   out   and   drew   the   power   of   the   8 soul   gems   he   carried,   each   carrying   the spirit   of   a   powerful   warrior.   He   felt   the Secondborn   react,   pulling   away   in   shock as   he   realized   his   mistake.   He   was connected   deeply   with   Eltirian   now,   and his   defenses   would   be   useless   against   his fury.
They   both   cried   out   as   Eltirian channelled   the   power   of   the   soul   gems.   A hot   blue   light   slammed   into   the Secondborn   and   threw   him   across   the white   room.   Eltirian   felt   the   rush   of   power, a   raging   river   coursing   through   his   mind. The   Cisharni   screamed   in   anguish.   White fire   filled   the   room,   and   the  walls of the room  cracked   and   broke   open,   and blazing   suns   shone   their   light   and   shared their   fire. 

Eltirian was like a sun himself, burning with energy. In this fragile state he could feel the power, courseinh through him. He could finish off the secondborn, but in doing so he might be killed himself just from the blowback. Or he could try to direct the energy to destroy the trap and escape.

A.Destroy the Secondborns mind !!!
B. Destroy the trap and escape !
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #126 on: August 31, 2017, 12:55:48 pm »

Power was a useful tool. Some spent their entire lives dedicated to gathering power.

But there was greater power in letting go. Learning that power comes in many forms, and that sometimes you don't even need it at all.

As Eltirian smashed the walls of the trap on his hasty exit, he reflected that it was good to be able to let go of power.

Even better if you knew where to put it.

Eltirian dumped all that soul-gem power into the Cisharni's mind, directing it towards the back of his mind, towards the psychic connections he shared with the other Cisharni, wondering in a scientifically detached way how much it might hurt. No malice involved, of course. Just scientific curiosity.

And now, he was free.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Quis custodiet ipsos Renegade?
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #127 on: September 01, 2017, 06:36:36 am »

Spoiler: First - second decade (click to show/hide)

Decade three
Spend seven years training in knife throwing
spend one year get use to fighting in armour
spend two year training with Ramah
attribute point:Strength~12
+13 knife throwing
Use to wearing armour
Ramah and I are use to fight together

Decade four
Spend seven years training dodging
Spend three years making a personal cipher
attribute point:Agility~12
+13 dodging
A personal cipher established
attribute point:Strength~14

Decade five
Spend ten years training Ramah to detect magic
attribute point:Agility~14
Both Ramah and I are better at sensing magic, when it is close.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 08:09:10 am by codybob1999 »
Please don't revive Dan, they have suffered enough.

Edited for possibly misgendering a fork.
The wheels of progress frozen motionless/Unless we thaw all these unspoken spokes/Then death is coming home/The wheels of progress frozen motionless/Unless we thaw all these unspoken spokes/Well then we're going home


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #128 on: September 01, 2017, 09:30:59 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Action Summary:

5 years performing guard duty by the locals to fit in along with doing things similar to the locals for influence and spending money.

5 years discerning event of vanishing villagers and exploring.

Quick Summary for desired results:

Familiar 0 > Familiar I
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Add more influence and a follower, dryad Kissiae
Perform jobs in order to pay for expenses
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 10:58:33 pm by Rahx »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #129 on: September 01, 2017, 09:52:27 pm »

Octavian watched as the soul gems began to rise into the air around Eltirian. This was going to be bad.

He had been running for a thirty seconds when the first gem started to crack.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #130 on: September 01, 2017, 10:33:03 pm »

Spoiler: Roll (click to show/hide)

  Eltirian had the advantage, at least for the moment. He decided to try use his power to escape the trap, but he would inflict just as much pain on the Second Born as he himself received. He unleashed his assault. The power flowed like a raging river. Too much power.

The   white   trap   room   was   no   more, instead   they   both   hung   in   space,   locked   in their   duel.   The   suns   grew   hotter   and   more intense,   and   he   could   feel   the Secondborn’s   mind   begin   to   shatter. The Cisharni's form blazed with heat, and he  cried   out. His  mind/body form exploded, and the excess power flowed back to Eltirian.
 Fire enveloped Eltirians form, and he could feel his mind dissolve under the intense energy. Desperately he tried to contain it, but it was too much. The fire overwhelmed him.

Eltirian   drifted   in   a   sea   of   stars.   His mind   was   dying,   ravaged   by   the   energies he   could   barely   control.   He   felt   Octavian nearby,   and   he   sent   him   a   last   message, to   put   the   empty   soul   crystal   in   his   body’s hands.


Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #131 on: September 02, 2017, 04:21:12 pm »

Spoiler:  Wavbringer (click to show/hide)

Lily's death was only the first hammer blow to strike Miles and his family. It was decided that it would be best to leave the children in the care of the trusted family servants who had been sent to care for them during the evacuation. While Miles was helping them get established at Amelia's base in the Philippines, Olivia came down with a terrible fever and within week she too had died.
With his life in ruins Miles felt he couldn't go on living where everything reminded him of who he had lost. So he made sure his sons were prepared to take over the family business, gave them ways to identify his messages, and set sail for Japan with Violet and his most devoted followers. He arranged for a large storm to cover his disappearance by making it look as if he had been lost at sea.
1x Focus on family
 -Find foster parents for Lily's children
 -Transfer business to sons
1x Travel to Japan with Violet

Arriving in Japan Wavebringer found a secluded place to begin his rebirth.
One year later he emerged as a new man. He still missed his wife and daughter, and he would still have his revenge on the Spartans. But Miles had died and so to had his crushing grief. Kaito was free to live his own life.
1x Rebirth into Kaito a handsome Japanese man of the empress's age

Meeting up with Masamune he began preparing to help Empress Noriko unify Japan. The first thing was to establish a source of income so he started building the one thing he knew, ships.
1x Build a business (Shipyard) 140gold (14g x 7years = 98 Gold.)
1x Train skill: Shipwright

He then began to court the Empress winning her over to himself and to the path of Sind. What started as politics slowly became more, each one being charmed by the others wit. And by the time they were married they were thoroughly in love.
1x Train skill: persuasion
1x Gather a devoted following.
1 Skill ? Empress
1 Skill 5 Crafter
1 Skill 5 Diplomat
1x Focus on family (Marry the Empress)
1x Train skill: Swordsman
1x Train magic: Lightning
+ 1 Presence

When the shipyard had grown large enough he began to build the Empress a navy. It was starting small, but he was pouring every ounce of his skill into it and if he had his way it would one day be the finest in the world.
He also did what he could to help her on land, sending out diplomats to convince worthy rulers to swear fealty to her. And when diplomacy failed he would turn the weather itself to her aid.
1x Expand shipyard 140g + 60g (20g x 10years = 200 Gold)
1x Start navy (38 Gold)
2x train shipwright
2x Gather followers (3 presence x 20 influence x 10 x 2 Years = 1200 Points)
-80 Skill 5 Sailors
-40 Skill 5 Fighters
-40 Skill 5 Archers
-80 Skill 5 Diplomats
1x Assist the unification campaign

Eventually when the palace had been finished and the empires foundations were firmly established they could take some time for themselves.
With Masamune's help Kaito imbued Noriko with Sind's power.
And soon they were blessed with a family. The twins Namiko and Akemi
1x Imbue the Empress with Sind's power
1x Focus on family (Daughter Namiko)
1x Focus on family (Son Akemi)
+ 2 Willpower

Over the next two decades the empire and Kaito's family continued to grow.
He also worked to hone his magic, learning to create powerfully enchanted items.
1x Expand shipyard 200g + 100g (30g x 10 years = 300Gold)
1x Grow navy 38g + 100g
2x Gather followers (3 presence x 30 influence x 10 x 2 Years = 1800 Points)
-120 Sailors
-60 Fighters
-60 Archers
-120 Diplomats
1x Assist the unification campaign
1x Focus on family (Son Hideaki)
1x Focus on family (Daughter Mitsu)
2x Train magic: Lightning
1x Train skill: Enchanting
+ 2 Willpower

1x Expand shipyard 300g + 50g (35g x 10 years = 350 Gold)
1x Grow navy 138g + 250g
1x Gather followers (3 presence x 35 influence x 10 = 1050 Points)
-150 Skill 5 Sailors
-30 Skill 5 Fighters
-30 Skill 5 Archers
1x Assist the unification campaign
1x Focus on family (Son Takeshi)
4x Train skill: Enchanting
1x Train skill; Shipwright
+ 2 Intelligence

Using his new found skills Kaito began working on weapons suited to fighting Cisharni forces.
Spoiler: The Lightning Rifle (click to show/hide)
When the prototype rifle was finished Ammon asked Kaito to build him one that looked like a crutch.
Shipyard income (35g x 10 years = 350 Gold)
1x Grow navy 388g + 350g
1x Gather followers (3 presence x 35 influence x 10 = 1050 Points)
-150 Skill 5 Sailors
-30 Skill 5 Fighters
-30 Skill 5 Archers
1x Train magic: Transformation
3x Collect soul gems
 -Transfer 6 gems to Amelia
1x Develop lightning rifle
1x Create disguised lightning rifle
2x Make lightning rifles
+ 2 willpower

Ammon receives a disguised lightning rifle
Amelia receives 6 soul gems
Spoiler:  Summary (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 05:16:41 pm by Sudurandom »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #132 on: September 03, 2017, 12:17:40 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Activity Summary:

2 years translating the ruin's record of spells

2 years developing a tome to record translated spells

2 years training on spell forge

2 years training on battle style skill

2 years exploring areas for The Codex or clues to find The Codex

Desired results summary:

Presence 2 > Presence 3

Follower increase of possibly 10 to 20 from fluff related events

Fighting style increase I > III

Spell: Spell forge: Short sword I > III

Created item: part translated tome of fire

Skill: Archaeology and translation 0 > II

Either finding The Codex or getting clues to finding The Codex or any other possible areas to gather more magic related information.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #133 on: September 03, 2017, 10:11:46 am »

Footsteps, from the woods.

At the edge of the newly created clearing, a man stared across the devastation, looking at the faintly glowing crystal being held to an obviously dying man's hand.

In the destruction, a ruin of a small homestead, a man knelt, and heard just the barest of whispers, seemingly from everywhere, yet nowhere...
Him, Octavian....him...
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sindari: Immortals
« Reply #134 on: September 03, 2017, 11:15:46 am »

Octavian was, at the moment, sitting up in a tree, watching the smoke rise from what had, about half an hour ago, been Eltirian's camp. It was actually somewhat pretty, if one didn't stop to think about it.

Then he heard a vague voice, but one whose ownership was quite clear:
Him, Octavian....him...


It was ten minutes later. Octavian was at the outskirts of the camp. There was a lone man kneeling at the remains of Eltirian's hut, sifting through the ashes.

"You'd be one of Elt's men, yes?"
The man turned around, startled.
"Don't worry," Octavian continued, "I was a friend of his. I heard that he might have wanted something with you... and I think I may know what that was. Come with me, and bring the gems. We may need them."

It would be nine years before the survivor would be ready for the ritual. On the tenth, he became Sindari.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 02:07:32 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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