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Should we leave planet Earth

No it is really <comfy> here :^)
Sorry what was the question?
The galaxy is a hoax, nothing exists outside of planet earth.
Why don't scientists do something useful like fix the economy instead?
We don't need to go to vacuum in space, we have vacuums here.

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Author Topic: Stellaris: Never leave Earth  (Read 88949 times)


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #45 on: September 19, 2017, 04:27:18 pm »

I will point out that causing emotional harm is one of the aims of the economic sanctions we have already started using. I will further point out that the law does not prohibit causing grievous emotional and physical harm to the plantpeople using orbital firebombs, as they are neither citizens of earth nor technically "people".
Come on people, we are egalitarian, not pacifists.
But that would be mean. And not utopic.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #46 on: September 19, 2017, 05:09:16 pm »

You know what's not a utopia? Earth being on fire because of some damned xenos plants.


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2017, 06:54:55 pm »

You know what's not a utopia? Earth being on fire because of some damned xenos plants.
We cannot lower ourselves to Mandasurian levels of barbarity.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2017, 08:36:04 pm »

Just as our pursuit of ultimate harmony has freed ourselves, so too has it freed our moon.
Thinkers of Planet Earth have continued to ponder such mystery, and after exhausting their list of fallacies and solipsism, centered upon 5 main schools of thought:

The Moon has not been freed by us, as beautiful as such an image may seem, for it is a subtle poison to believe this reality is centered upon us.
The moon has always been free, it is only now that our eyes are wide open to see it.
-Guru Tandas

'How can the moon be real if our eyes aren't real.'
-Master Iron Jade

Harmonism is occult-lite. It's like baby-tier magic. The basics are there but what happens when you dig into deeper occultism is that you learn mind and body are both equally important and should be tuned and refined into a well oiled machine in order to receive maximum results. That's why land-whales and mind-fucked people stick to basic bitch harmonism. What do I always say folks? Fuck you Guru. It's because it encourages people, mostly idles, to be comfortable and proud in all their godly-like beauty, no matter the size, shape or mental condition. It also makes them feel special and in control. And they also do it to get attention for being spoopy. Fucking up the moon's rotation? Baby steps. Just you wait and watch for the real meme magic to come.
-Merlin Again

-Harmony is magic made manifest, through Godliness or ritual. Harmonic magic in a world where we are continually conquering the material limits of existence continues to show us new conundrums not outside of existence, but merely a facet we have left unexplored. Harmonic magic attracts positivity to Earth and then relays it towards its target. Where before Earth and Moon formed a dualistic pair, harmonic convergence of humanity has caused this balance to be ejected, for negativity to be expelled and the moon quite simply could not redirect all of it - resulting in it being freed from its momentous shackles, free to be seen by all. The real mystery I find is in locating where all this expelled negativity has ended up. Given the presence of genocidal plants however, I believe we have already located it. This brings up an important psychoethical question then, in that if we as a civilization turn Earth into a world of unrelenting virtue, are we causing our neighbours to slowly rot from the poisons we have given them? And can we in good conscious drink of the clear rain, if we leave the toxic excrement for the plants down-river?
-Runs With Swans, Chief of the Brainbleach Company

-His Royal Highness Karl, King of Denmark

Dunno how much my opinions matters, but I think it's justified to put unmanned lasers in orbit to burn down those dastardly Plantpeople missiles. Purely as point-defence, you understand. Aaaaand maybe later we could form a temporary fleet to go to Iblyria and "enforce our sanctions". With fire.
By no means! Space is an environmental haven, unsullied by humans, and that's how it's staying!
As for the suggestion of war... Completely barbaric!
All opinions are heard, appreciated and accepted. However this does not mean all are agreed upon! And I must say, attacking others in the dame of "defence" doesn't seem terribly moral nor logical does it? Why, on the contrary, we'd be invading them! And that would simply not do. At least, not until the 5% of UN disapprovers get anywhere near powerful enough to sway public opinion on our glorious and most harmonious nation of Planet Earth. Are we really so keen to put an end to the era of unfettered tranquility that we are to place war machines in the virgin expanse of the Sol System?
(OOC, I'm actually ok with the idea of taking offensive actions or fortifications if you guys are ok with it. But public opinion largely remains stalwart that diplomatic solutions are thus far the proper way forward).

* Egan_BW founds a xenophobe faction.
These foul Xenos are hard at work sullying space already! Surely you won't allow these plants to take Utopia away from us?
Oh... You're not one of those faction extremists are you? Rest assured, no plants are coming to earth to take our utopia.

No, you see, if we pollute space we become like the aliens. Besides, it would mean there's less money for developing new hypernet videos...
wait, what I was talking about? right, here's a cool video of a 5-d cat. and here are 500 more. who would want to go to space when there are cat videos to watch
5-d cats are cool but there's nothing quite like the cats of classical antiquity
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They were simpler times.

You can probably cut a few good trade deals with all the tech and resources we're accumulating...
...though you do need to explore to get new ideas, right? That's how it works?
Nah, we're coming up with all sorts of great ideas here at home! Don't really see what's out there in space that is worth risking many lives over. Perhaps a trade deal could be useful, but we are yet to find a species that wishes to trade with us sadly.

Not even GOING to space now, they're drones. Orbital laser drones.
If we put drones on orbit, they'll block the view of the night sky! That is obviously unacceptable! It'll be even worse if they fire!
Oh... How ghastly. And just think the light pollution concentrated laser beams could cause! When I look up at the night sky I want to see the stars, not an empty blackness threatening to misalign my reawakened chakras. I could probably live without seeing the Sponsored by Sodabeans Energy Bullet Startm though.

you don't understand physics kill yourself kindly
Aww you too <3

It's bad enough that our moon has become unstuck, now we have to look up and see drones? Eugh, no!
I hear another good argument against orbital defence platforms. The void is a pure space

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2017, 08:52:52 pm »

I will point out that causing emotional harm is one of the aims of the economic sanctions we have already started using. I will further point out that the law does not prohibit causing grievous emotional and physical harm to the plantpeople using orbital firebombs, as they are neither citizens of earth nor technically "people".
Come on people, we are egalitarian, not pacifists.
While we are egalitarians and not necessarily opposed to war, we are xenophiles committed to the respecting of cosmic diversity. Who are we to judge the value of a species' life simply because it does not conform to our anthropocentric definitions of 'people'? They remain as they are, a species to be treasured as part of the galactic community, regardless of the actions of their leadership. Our goal is not to punish the Mandasuran, but to show their leaders that we will fight for ideals. If we build a fleet and attack them on their terms, they have won, they have made us become the warlike evil they believe us to be. If we show them otherwise, then perhaps we will be the first to make peace and harmony in a galaxy that as far as we know, may habour no other sapient life. We are joined by destiny, no matter how turbulent our introductions.

They will see the truth in our ways, in time.

Senator Liu of the UN Interpersonal Happiness Council politely suggests at a major conference that we shouldn't go into space until we've properly considered the possibility of inadvertantly causing its inhabitants emotional harm.
President Aarohi Varma commends Senator Liu for their most sagacious and empathetic concerns, and promises they shall be considered most seriously by a select Committee for the Study of the Emotional Impact of Terran Warships in Cooperative Space (EITWICS). It would certainly not help win the plantstems and minds of Mandasura to be distressing the Undercanopy class of Mandasura simply because the Emergent Plants have tricked them with xenophobia into fighting for their own oppressive darkness, while their overlords bamboozle them with concepts and spreadsheets of trickle-down starlight. With our help they will see the light of equality, where a plant's happiness in life is not determined by the chlorophyll in their dermis nor by how many meters per year they can grow nor how many meat organisms they can consume.

My brothers a huge fan, may as well PTW.
Please don't die. Not until this is done, at least.
Thank you, I promise to take longevity treatments for as long as this continues.

You know what's not a utopia? Earth being on fire because of some damned xenos plants.
I feel uncertain, because I imagine that possible outcome is merely part and parcel of living in a galactic community where occasionally, tempers flare and xenos plants have to work out a few issues before we return to amicable relations. And do not worry - Earth is not defenceless, we are shielded, and we have the Five Continent Forces!


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2017, 10:05:25 pm »

Fanatic purifiers cannot be tolerated. The whole species is irrevocably tainted, not just the leadership. I daresay that the entire Mandasuran biosphere is a dark reminder of the evils in our own past. They must be purified, the same way that we have purified our own planet of conflict and hate. Only when the xenos home planet is nothing but a smoking dead world can our galaxy know peace.


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2017, 10:35:57 pm »

Fanatic purifiers cannot be tolerated. The whole species is irrevocably tainted, not just the leadership. I daresay that the entire Mandasuran biosphere is a dark reminder of the evils in our own past. They must be purified, the same way that we have purified our own planet of conflict and hate. Only when the xenos home planet is nothing but a smoking dead world can our galaxy know peace.
No Egan, you are the Mandasurans.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2017, 11:20:45 pm »

And then John was the Mandasurans

Spoiler: 2292:06:26 (click to show/hide)
The elusive Kobold returns to its homelands and reports the existence of the United Nation of Earth. It doesn't take long before they hail the UN government in the second ever contact with extra-terrestrial civilization. With some awe mankind witnesses the full scale of this newly contacted alien civilization, easily five times the Empire in size and population than the Mandasuran Berserkers. Hope for a diplomatic resolution for our galaxy seemed within reach.

Find out more next week, if humanity lives that long


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2017, 11:28:28 pm »

Okay. Right now? Not the time for Xenophilia. Now is time to prepare ourselves and PURGE THE XENOS. Seriously, how can this not have support? If the UN can't see the reality of the situation, someone else will have to step in, and defend our glorious planet...

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2017, 01:09:37 pm »

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They've got a lot of nice planets and their species seems similar to earth foxes. No idea how large their fleet is, though of note is that they seem similar to us in terms of technological progress! The Adnori unsurprisingly live in Adnor, which itself orbits the Adanir star. They're very strong, are natural physicists and are a nomadic race, but they are not terribly adaptive outside of their native glacier environments and are also rather short-lived.

Most interesting of all is that they are currently at war with an alien civilization we are yet to make contact with! Possible friends?
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Funnily enough despite the UN having decided not to pursue any colonial endeavours humanity is doing disproportionately well for itself. The hyper-efficient usage of our time and resources has delivered unto our species such prosperity and happiness as to be incomparable in the cosmos; the Adnori Kobold, with its far larger Empire, has a rough equivalence with our technology, its happiness is not nearly as universally harmonic as humanity on Earth and much of its technological progress is geared towards the pointless waste of war - for example, it is clear their robotics technology is only at the point where we were decades ago!

Okay. Right now? Not the time for Xenophilia. Now is time to prepare ourselves and PURGE THE XENOS. Seriously, how can this not have support? If the UN can't see the reality of the situation, someone else will have to step in, and defend our glorious planet...
I think even in these dark times there is no need for brash xenophobia or such destabilizing rhetoric. Nevertheless, we shall declare a state of limited emergency from 2292:11:01, ending 10 years hence, wherein utopian economics will be suspended to fund for an increase in the defence budgets of the Earth Defence Force. As of now no orbital defence platforms or installations of any kind will be constructed, not without serious consideration from the United Nations Security Council. As it stands it could very well be that the Adnori Kobolds have already successfully eliminated a spacefaring civilization that resided in the Jehet and Orellia star systems, and is currently in the process of eliminating another - so it is a great deal more energetic than the Mandasurans.

We are confident that Earth is completely fine, and that a diplomatic resolution can be found.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2017, 03:06:16 pm »

Fantastic! Another future link in the daisy-chain* of stellar peace and harmony.

*Metaphor edited by Auto-Harmony AI: potentially upsetting connotations.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #56 on: September 22, 2017, 02:28:32 am »

Posting to watch this wonderfully creative let's play that sadly hasn't broken the game yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #57 on: September 22, 2017, 09:47:44 am »

Our goal is not to punish the Mandasuran, but to show their leaders that we will fight for ideals. If we build a fleet and attack them on their terms, they have won, they have made us become the warlike evil they believe us to be. If we show them otherwise, then perhaps we will be the first to make peace and harmony in a galaxy that as far as we know, may habour no other sapient life.

In the midst of all this ridiculousness I was surprised to find this gem of ideological brilliance. That's an excellent argument for stoicism in the face of injury - that if we react in a warlike manner, then we become what we fight.

However, it stands noting that for some people, ideologies are better delivered with firepower...
At least we killed the boy and hurt an old man.
SPAMOVERLORD - play as the Empire and break ALL the cliches! | Doomhollow - A reasonably sane succession fort! | Give a Damn!

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #58 on: September 22, 2017, 10:39:05 am »

2293:05:01: The greatest thing about our ideals is in the truth of them; whether Earth survives or not, the truth will persist on if there is any truth to be had in them at all.
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Kobold King Gorliffe I, a radical leader of his time, in the midst of war against their Kobold rival - took charge of their faction of pacifists and dramatically reformed the Adnori Empire. Out of encouragement, the United Nation opened Terran space to Adnori Kobold vessels once more and while human-kobold relations aren't friendly:
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They are appreciated. Had we gone to war with the Adnori and forced them to defend their lands, would King Gorliffe ever have managed to overcome resistance to his reforms? Doubtful. Yet while we had little influence over this welcome change to the galactic community, our policies allowed their souls to grow, be mindful and prosper.


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Re: Stellaris: Never leave Earth
« Reply #59 on: September 22, 2017, 11:30:06 am »

Amazing. Did you cheat this out with some editor or something, or did peace really just win over a Fanatic Purifier?
At least we killed the boy and hurt an old man.
SPAMOVERLORD - play as the Empire and break ALL the cliches! | Doomhollow - A reasonably sane succession fort! | Give a Damn!
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