Alright. I'm bringing back my Government suggestion, with some edits. Let's apply a sledgehammer to some things yeah?
Hadaean League CouncilThe primary seat of our Government shall be composed of a Council of where every City-State will have 2 seats.
One of these seats will simply be decided by however the leadership of that particular City-State chooses. The only restrictions are that only someone that is actually local to the town is allowed to be elected and participate in deciding who gets the honor of the Council seat. This Seat will hold 2 votes in the Council. This Seat will be held until death, resignation, being forcibly ejected by the Council, or by having the leadership of the City-State they're from make a fairly unanimous decision to take them off.
The other seat is to be decided upon an election happening in the City-State where every Adult Citizen may vote for who will claim said seat. The definition of 'Adult Citizen' shall be defined as a local landowner who does not have a criminal record, can pass a basic literacy test and is above a certain age defined by the City-State. While it is expected that only Aristoi will be able to gain the influence and free time needed to really get their name out there and truly compete, unusually well connected and popular members of the periskoi should be able to compete with them, and potentially win the Council Seat. This seat will hold only a single vote in the Council. In addition to that, holders of this seat can only hold it for 6 years, at which point another election for the Seat will be held. Of course, ownership of this seat can be terminated early through death, resignation or being forcibly ejected by the Council.
A system will also be in place to enable the removal of blatantly corrupt, or just plain incompetent councilors, although this will require a heavy majority vote to accomplish.
Finally, the Council elects a single member among its own to be the Head Councilor, a position that can only be held by a member of one of the greater seats, and this member shall have 3 votes on the Council. This title will last for as long as the Head Councilor maintains ownership of their Seat, they can be ejected just like any other Councilor.
This Council will be the highest court in the Archipelago, able to mediate and arbitrate on any inter-City-State issues and feuds. In addition, the Hadaean League's military will ultimately be under the Council's command, and intermixed to help ensure loyalty to the League, and the League alone. Of course, each City State will be allowed to raise their own personal defense force, of a size proportionate to their military contributions to the League.
There we go, democracy to keep the periskoi happy (they are getting fairly miffed at our recent endeavors...), while power remains mostly concentrated where it already is to keep those currently in power content, and a fair bit of autonomy retained by the City-States that make up the League as well.
Troop Re-AllocationFleet Two and Three will each be reinforced with half of any newly built ships, leaving Fleet One with only what they have now. Any excess Pentokroter transports in Fleet 1 (6 of them) will be moved to Fleet 3 as well. Kroton will send their reinforcements towards the defense of Nippi.
There we go, stops us from having our timber being locked up reinforcing Fleet 1 (As extra ships will be less than useful unless we direct more cities to navally reinforce Front 1), as well as reinforcing Nippi. If they go all in, we'll have troops there ready to meet them, if they leave their deployment as is we'll probably push them back, or obliterate enough of their numbers that they have to spend a die to re-allocate their own forces in order to push.
Dice Spending:
Troop Re-Allocation: (1) Jilladilla
Save it:
Something else?
Free Actions:
Budget: -5% Ships, +5% Hoplites: (1) Jilladilla
Move Aphrokema Deployment?
Keep them at Front 3: (1) Jilladilla
This thing: (1) Tack
Hadean League Reforms: (1) Taricus
Hadaean League Council: (1) Jilladilla