Not especially for humans. I was thinking of a mix.
Player picks "creature" (human, orc, gremlin, snakeman, whatever), picks "style" (roman, samurai, viking), and picks "pets, mounts, warbeasts", "materials" and a couple of other things. So they can easily make their own civs, like:
- Evil Viking Orcs, riding Rhinoceroses, clad in iron.
- Friendly Greek Chameleon Men, riding unicorns, clad in leather.
- Thieving Samurai Antmen, riding giant beetles, clad in steel.
I can easily write the launcher to make these things, but I have no idea how to make graphics. It would have to copy a base template of clothing/weapons on a base template of creatures.
It will probably never work properly with graphics...
The alternative idea I had was this:
4x dwarves, elves, goblins, humans and kobolds. Leave the civilian graphics the same, but give them different military sprites. That's easier to do.
Dwarves, Hill dwarves, Deep dwarves, Berserker/Exiled dwarves.
Elves, High elves, dark elves, elven exiles.
Goblins, Night Goblins, Hob Goblins, Goblin Exiles.
Humans (medieval knights), Vikings, Saracens, Romans.
Kobolds, Cutebolds, Lizardbolds (fireimmune), Poisonbolds (poison bite/blowguns).
I had that idea mostly because of your over-the-top selection of military sprites. Your dwarves alone have 10 sets of military units. ^^
The end result would be a mod a bit like Fortress Defense, just with more vanilla DF feel.