Roughly five minutes have passed while the party argue with each others and Vigil take a shot at looking over what's remained of the bug's corpse. [Vigil Bio roll, 73: Good Success!]
Vigil can make out, despite the mangled nature of the body, a few key biologic features that could tell him more about the bug.
Using field science equipment for basic tests shows that the Bug's blood have low acidity, not that much more than that of a human's. And shows no obvious toxicity. Suggesting that it is not a bottom feeder, and there are something below it on the food chain.
It seems that while it looks somewhat like Earth's Arachnid, it is actually a beetle. With hard exoskeleton and protective carapace that is hard enough that you can't break them with bare hands.
The 'beak' and claws on it's legs seems suitable to dig into soft dirt and some softer stones, you imagine that they would be useful to peel the carapace off of other bugs so that their small mouth could eat the soft innards tiny bits by tiny bits. Or maybe they eat plants or berries, which suggest that their mouth have far less chomping power than their beak and solid food might be a bit difficult for it to eat. Or maybe they have some other bugs to process their food into liquid like that of ants, it would make eating not that much of a problem.
It's a bit strange, but you suppose that it is an alien after all. The bug seems suitable as both hunter gatherer as well as builder. And though it does not seems flight-capable, you could imagine that other things would have quite the fright if a few dozen of these dropped onto them and they didn't have armored everything-resistant spacesuit that cost more than your family each armed with weaponry that makes gunpowder-based firearms looks neolithic..
for the most part. Looking at you Legolas.