Mission 3-Anya Report
The Akras Board of Directors considers this mission to be a great success. Despite damage to Akras' property, no major injuries were sustained by Akras personnel. The detonators were placed correctly, and the excavation team has begun work on digging out the gate. The demolitions team were able to return with spiderbeetle eggs, which will have a high value at auction, and samples of the alien digestive fluids, which may hold clues to their biology.
The discovery of either a parasite or symbiote living within the hive's food stores raises important questions about the reproduction of hives - could that massive creature contain a larvae small enough to be contained within a young queen? The team collected all of the samples that would be needed to answer these questions, no doubt providing a high sale point to the academic community.
Each Astronaut was awarded 5kc.
Danh Loi, Demolitions Specialist - 100 shares
Mr. Loi provided his usual level of excellence on this mission. While his personality disorder remains a barrier for him, bringing him into conflict with other members of the team, and creating a hostile work environment, he demonstrated a firm commitment to the mission on multiple occasions, actively vetoing attempts to abandon it and taking tremendous personal risks to minimize the risk of failure, including wading through digestive fluids, entering a dangerous cluster of aliens, being subject to experimental psionics, and working through an 18 minute firefight on a live bomb with a mis-set timer. He was able to do this while maintaining extreme combat effectiveness and making frugal but excellent use of his grenades. Akras once again recommends Mr. Loi to take a course in non-violent conflict intervention.
Kaito Yoritomo, Gauss Specialist - 70 shares
Mr. Yoritomo's file here will be brief, but this should be considered as a positive recommendation. Throughout the mission, he acted with quiet professionalism and good tactical acumen, making effective use of his weapons. He was able to coordinate his shots well with the team, working in tandem particularly well with Danh, who frequently struggles with interpersonal interaction. He provided realistic assessments of the team's abilities, and prevented unnecessary risks from being taken.
Ricardo de Castillo, Spiderbeetle Wrangler - 60 shares
Mr. de Castillo's performance in this mission was mixed. While he initially took command, the stress of the situation quickly rattled him. When Vigil was in danger, he leaped into digestive fluids to engage the aliens at point blank range, instead of providing fire from better footing along with the rest of the team. This was likely an effort to draw attention from Vigil. Once Vigil was placed under quarantine, de Castillo's attitude changed, and he began to suggest deviation from the demolition schedule that would have led to total mission failure, including attaching bombs to moving aliens, and abandoning efforts to set up demolitions at the most critical point in the hive. He was, however, the source of valuable scientific finds, including scans of a colossal alien parasite or symbiote, and spiderbeetle eggs. Ricardo also escalated his conflict with Danh on this mission. Akras recommends that he take a course in non-violent conflict intervention.
John Boiy, Archaeologist - 25 shares
Mr. Boiy's newly discovered psionic abilities received their first field test on this mission. Akras notes that he made minimal use of these abilities, and encourages him to be more proactive in future - in particular, it's noted that the larger spiderbeetles may lack wall-climbing abilities, and pinning one to a far wall may have trapped it. Boiy's lack of tactical training was apparent in this mission, as he seemed at times unaware of what he should be doing, and struck an ally with his firearm. He attempted early in the mission to use his knowledge of biology to plan out a good use for the pheromone grenades, but the team ultimately opted against his experimental plans. This was much to his detriment, as a scientist with psionic abilities, his capabilities are very much experimental. Akras encourages Boiy to be more forward in future about field testing abilities and equipment, and to either make better tactical use of psionics and/or to purchase training in gun combat.
Vigil Henderson, Martial Artist - 60 shares
Mr. Henderson was not able to complete the mission after becoming injured. His circulatory system was exposed to alien digestive fluids, and he required a little over four hours of surgery. This injury was sustained while gathering valuable samples of an alien digestive chemical, unwittingly provoking the hive. Despite an initial panic in which, waist-deep in thick biomatter, with his half-ton suit's servomotors unpowered, he attempted a series of kicks to clear himself of attackers, Mr. Henderson was able to repair his suit with an autodoc's power supply and return to Akras for treatment. Despite an exemplary performance on resource acquisition, there were a number of problems on this mission. Mr. Henderson began this mission by escalating a personal conflict with Mr. Loi, threatening to make tactical decisions on the basis of his personal relationship. He also interrupted tactical planning at times to advertise his home business. Akras requests that Mr. Henderson firmly separate his two jobs, confining the conflicts and advertisement of his martial arts academy from missions. It is recommended he take a course in non-violent conflict intervention.