If I make a room safe with the above spell, is there a time limit on that, or is it permanent? If I cast "target room becomes farm" or some equivalent spell, is that permanent or temporary? It's important for how much modification I need to do.
First is temporary, second permanent. Anything that results physical transformation is permanent, unless spell states otherwise.
((Wait, did I miss an opportunity to join?))
Yep. Waitlist is more like a priority list. When there's a slot open I'll say so and those higher in the list have priority over others, assuming they announce their readyness before next turn. That's because I like to have active players.
Jeremiah casts his spell clearly saying his own name. Bone plates grow on his back in pattern that allows the plates slide over others. The bat wings on his back suddenly double their size and he has barely enough time to orient himself horizontally so the wings have room to grow. Now his wings are twice as tall as he is, even when they are properly folded to take minimum space, not to mention the size comes with considerable weight despite of the hollow bones. Amount of additional skin, bones, muscles, and blood is easily around 20 kilograms. Jeremiah finds himself in short of breath and his pulse skyrockets. His heart and lungs are having hard time to supply enough oxygenated blood everywhere. There's no way for him to go into the central hallway anymore, so he's pretty much locked into the treasure room.
Shannon finally took up to wander in newly opened rooms to recharge his spells. Only room he doesn't visit yet is the one Walter opens.
Little Finger returns to the treasure room where Jeremiah wheezes under weight of his wings and checks the jewelry displayed there. He finds
bracelets, pearl necklaces, brooches, and
many exquiste rings. More wealth than he has ever seen before in his life! However no matter how much he tries, he cannot sense any magic anywhere. Perhaps it is because he's a fledling wizard and can barely sense his own spells in action.
In mess hall Rosie walks to inspect the boxes and barrels, leaving her foot prints in sand. One barrel that's lifted on the counter has a tap in it. She finds a mug from shelves and releases a small amount of liquid into it. *sniff sniff* Hmm, this definitely beer. Slightly different smell from usual beers she has come across, but the smell cannot be mistaken for anything else. Boxes are mostly nailed shut, but in the open ones she finds rye bread, fruits, salted meat, and fishes in cold salt water. Shelves contain wooden bowls and spoons and some metal knives. "Now only if there was a kitchen" she prays and opens the other door.
However there are no kitchen behind that door, only a stone walled room of apparently arcane nature. Green flames of braziers in every corner light the room. There are unknown runic writing on walls written with white chalk and same chalk is used to draw a large magic circle in middle of the floor. In between the door and the circle is a podium and an open large tome. There's a some sort of demonic creature featurer on one page and on other page is a magic circle similar to the one drawn on floor.
While crafting their new spells Rosie and Octavian both run into a same problem; overcoming magic forces dominating the space here requires extremely large amounts of power. It seems the Infinity Mansion is heavily protected against tampering. It is not impossible, but at their current power level it will take long time to get their spells ready. One must become stronger if one wishes to master the Infinity Mansion.
Rather than being discouraged by this, Octavian lifts off doors together with Walter to ensure nobody closes them ever again. Audience hall door is first to go quickly followed by mess hall door. Morgue cannot be really considered safe with those angry golems, so that one is left alone. The classroom seems safe enough despite of the weird pattern the plants are growing. Likewise courtroom and treasure room doors are removed. The room with arcane runes and magic circles is left alone. That smells like potential trouble. If something bad comes through it would be nice to be able to disconnect it. Octavian returns to the main hallway and casts the translation spell on himself. It's not permanent spell, but at least he can communicate with people.
Finally Walter goes to open the morgue door. Behind it is another stone walled cool room. Heavy duty shelves on walls and middle hold various boxes, barrels, and bottles. Seems like a larder. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take off this door too. Only shady thing about the room is its ceiling. Despite of being clearly wooden it's very translucent, exposing infinite darkness beyond.
1 burning torches
Walls: rough stone blocks
Floor: stomped dirt
4 crude benches
6 simple wooden doors on wall
Door 1: Treasure room, lifted off
Door 2: Courtroom, lifted off
Door 3: Classroom, lifted off
Door 4: Morgue
Door 5: Audience hall, lifted off
Door 6: Mess Hall, lifted off
2 simple doors on ends
Door 7:
Door 8:
People here:
No lights
10 Wooden caskets
8 Animated poor stone statues with real swords
2 simple wooden doors
Door 1: Hall
Door 1: Larder
People here:
2 doors
Door 1: Hall
Jewelry and gold coins.
Little finger
4 doors
Door 1: Hall, lifted off
1 double door
Bright ambient light
2 doors
Door 1: Hall, lifted off
Door 2: Summoning room
Sand floor
Wooden cutlery, metal knives
Food stuff: Beer, Fruits, Salted meat, Salted fish, Rye bread
2 doors
Door 1: Hall, lifted off
Plants growing in strange formation
2 doors
Door 1: Barracks, lifted off
Door 2: Hall, lifted off
3 double doors
3 doors
Door 2: Audience Hall, lifted off
Door 1: Cistern Room
Beds and chests
Leather armors (x+4)
Angled floor
People present:
1 door
Door 1: Barracks
Angled walls
Tanks and pipes
1 door
Door 1: Mess Hall
Runes, tome
1 door
Door 1: Morgue
Boxes, barrels, and bottles
Name: Shannon Webb
Appearance: Human, feminine but male. With some work can pass off as either. Blond hair, green eyes and fair skin.
Inventory (3/9):
* Lit Torch (L)
1 - "Touched target doesn't appear attractive to opposite sex", 1/2, 1
2 - "Touched target doesn't appear visible to the opposite sex", 1/3, 1
3 - "Touched target doesn't appear visible to the opposite person", 8/1, 8
4 - "Touched target doesn't appear visible to any person", 1/3, 1
5 - "Touched target doesn't appear understandable to any person", 1/4, 1
6 - "Touched target does appear understandable to any person", 1/3, 1
7 - "Touched target does appear understandable", 1/3, 1
8 - "Target does appear understandable", 1/6 , 1
9 - "Touched target becomes understandable", 1/5, 1
10 - "Touched target becomes understandable permanently", 1/10, -3
11 - "Touched named target becomes understandable permanently", 1/5, 1
12 - "Touched named target gains regeneration permanently", 1/1, 1
Name: Octavian Grey
Appearance: He's a bit taller than the average person, with well-toned muscles and tanned skin due to his training and habit of hunting.
* Omnilingual
* Leather armor
Inventory (7/9):
* Lit Torch (L)
* Scissors
* Harp (L)
1 - "Caster's clothing smells like a skunk died in it", 7/1, 7
2 - "Caster's clothing smells like a skunk", 7/1, 7
3 - "Caster's clothing acts like a skunk", 1/3, 1
4 - "Caster's clothing acts like armor", 1/5, 1
5 - "Caster's clothing becomes armor", 1/11, 1
6 - "Target becomes armor", 1/12, 1
7 - "Target becomes omnilingual", 1/2, -2
8 - "Target becomes obedient", 1/5, 1
9 - "Target becomes return portal", 1/10, -4
10 - "Target door becomes return portal", 1/4, 1
11 - "Target becomes safe", 1/8, -2
12 - "Target room becomes safe", 1/108, -102
Name: Jeremiah Swift
Appearance: Jeremiah is a tall, gaunt man, initially clad in a quiet blue suit. His skin is a rich light brown, and his fingers are well manicured. His shoes are brown leather, well-polished and slightly too elegant for the trousers. His black wool socks bear a green diamond pattern.
His clothes have many cuts. He has massive and heavy bat wings on his back. He has bone plates on his back.
Health: Out of breath.
Inventory (3/9):
* Torch (L)
1 - "Moss and fungus grows on named target's back", 2/1, 2
2 - "Moss and fungus grows on named target's brain", 1/5, 1
3 - "Moss and fungus grow on pointed target's brain", 1/8, 1
4 - "Moss and wings grow on named target's back", 1/1, 1
5 - "Plate and wings grow on named targets back", 1/2, -2
6 - "Fire and fungus grow on pointed target's brain", 1/7, 1
7 - "Moss and fungus grow on pointed target", 1/4, 1
8 - "Moss and fungus occur on named target's back", 2/1, 2
9 - "Moss and healing occur on named target's back", 1/6, 1
10 - "Moss and Healing occur on named target", 1/4, -4
Name: "Compass" Rosie H. Peall
Appearance: Red moderately-long hair, fair skin, green eyes, green scarf, red T-shirt, jeans, red sneakers. Has a tattoo of compass rose on the back of her hand.
1 - "Caster cannot sleep unless naked", 13/1, 13
2 - "Target cannot sleep unless naked", 12/1, 12
3 - "Target immediately sleeps unless naked", 5/1, 3
4 - "Target immediately runs unless naked", 8/1, 8
5 - "Target immediately runs into room unless naked", 8/1, 6
6 - "Target immediately transforms into room unless naked", 1/99, -47
7 - "Target immediately transforms into cat unless naked", 1/5, -4
8 - "Target becomes a cat unless naked", 1/4, -3
9 - "Target becomes a merchant unless naked", 3/1, 3
10 - "Target becomes a backpack unless naked", 1/9, -8
11 - "Target becomes a cat", 1/8, -7
12 - "Target room becomes cat", 1/108, -108
Name: "Little finger"
Appearance: Small, dark hair and dirty looks full of energy as any teenager
Inventory (3/9):
* Bnech leg club (L)
1 - "Pointed target thinks he has only 20 minutes to live", 3/1, 3
2 - "Looked target thinks he has only 20 minutes to live", 1/1, 1
3 - "Pointed target thinks he has only 20 minutes to kill", 1/1, 1
4 - "Pointed target has only 20 minutes to live", 1/5, 1
5 - "Looked target thinks he has 20 minutes to live", 1/1, 1
6 - "Looked target thinks", 1/10, -5
7 - "Looked target is healed", 1/14, -10
8 - "Target is healed", 1/6, -2
9 - "Touched target is healed", 1/3, -2
10 - "Caster is healed", 1/8, -4
11 - "Pointed target thinks live", -/-, -
12 - "Pointed target knows live", -/-, -
Name: Walter
Appearance: An ordinary twenty-something, for the most part. He's a little thinner than is strictly healthy.
1 - "The forearms of 1 random male nearby double in length", 9/1, 9
2 - "The forearms of 1 targeted male nearby double in length", 3/1, 3
3 - "The forearms of 1 targeted male nearby double in size", 1/2, 1