I'm probably gonna play a thief/spy.
EDIT: Now I remember why I wanted to post something - this game's based on the 1.3 rules, right?
Yes, with a bunch of select changes that everyone needs to check out.
Are there ways to obtain multiple character skills? I was kind of hoping to be able to make a "Danger Mario" build by combining the Resolve, Stillness, and Wrath character skills, as well as the "over/under 1/2 HP" condition for my personal skill and fault (and then intentionally keeping myself below 30% HP at all times).
Some classes grant character skills, or skills similar to those but generally the only way to obtain a new (Free) character skill is to reach S support with someone else.
If you are Male, do you count always count as meeting the "If the character is within 3 spaces of Male units..." condition for a personal skill? If so, that+ the "+2 EXP" benefit seems stupidly broken. In fact, the "+2 EXP" benefit seems stupidly broken in any case- just disable the last enemy on the map and sit around in your favored condition until you reach level 20.
Nope, and personal skills might not get accepted depending on its characteristics.
"If the character is under 1/2 HP, +5 HP recovered" seems like a legal and decent (for, say, a tank character) Personal Skill.
For example this one wouldn't be allowed. To get HP recovering skills you'd need to actually do something to deserve it.
Can I use the Disciplined skill to bring up a proficiency that I have no rating in up to "E" rank?
Nope, only proficiencies you already have that you want to rank up.
Can two Dancers and another unit take an infinite number of actions in a single turn by having each Dancer use their Dance ability on the other Dancer and the other unit?
No, and I only allow one performer in a single game.
What final promotion are you guys considering? I'm looking at having a Paladin. Also I have 2 questions. First, why do you have two old editions of handbook in the OP? Second, how should I go about getting/making a mug sprite?
Some changes make references to older versions of the handbook, those are there just in case. About mugs, you can look up online the mugs for FE6/7/8 characters and mix and match with editing programs, or ask someone for their generosity :V
Im really going to need help with a mug, because I cant art. Is it really needed or can I get one later?
You don't need one right now, but having one at the beginning of the game helps visualizing your character.
Random thought: A Knight that can use a bow or other ranged weapon can repeatedly spam Hold the Line to render themselves immune to melee attacks while still being able to attack enemies themselves. Admittedly, this tactic can easily be defeated by simply standing 3+ squares away from the Knight, thus forcing him to move towards you... Then again, you might not have any ranged attacks that have a range greater than 3.
While I only allow Knights to have lances, this is correct. Encouraged in fact with range 2 only pilums. Knights usually have other shortcomings like being slow to make up for it.
After some thought, I have decided to play as Dance Dance Revolution (my second character sheet) instead of Malabus (my first character sheet). If someone wants to join but doesn't want to go through the effort of character generation, they are free to use Malabus's character sheet for their own character.
Please take FEF at least half seriously. FEF is a complicated game and requires lots of effort, sure, but you get the most of it by making interesting characters that can interact with others. RP is not only for RP purposes, it's the only way to get supports, and supports are pretty much the biggest buffs in the game.
And I'm Finally home
Name: Felicia
Mug: (optional but recommended) ((will attempt to aquire one))
Sprite: (optional) (Same as above)
Class: Rider Trainee (Wyvern) --> Wyvern Rider --> Wyvern Knight(unless the group wants an S spear or something)
Character Skill: Nullify
Affinity: (leave this blank until I give you choices)
Personal Fault: Path hates the Cold (If weather is snowy, move reduced by 1)
Personal Skills: Unbreakable (If within 3 of an enemy, +2 Def)
Preferred Stats: (not necessary, I can fill this up EXCEPT if you need to pick them due to the class picked)
Weapon Profs: Lance (E)
Total Level: (I fill this up)
Level/Tier: (I fill this up)
HP: 18 (+Bonus) (70%)
STR: 4 (+1) (50%)
MAG: 1 (+Bonus) (0%)
SKL: 4 (+Bonus) (40%)
LCK: 2 (+Bonus) (10%)
DEF: 3 (+Bonus) (60%)
RES: 1 (+2) (30%)
SPD: 3 (+1) (40%)
CON: 4 (+Bonus)
AID: 3+16 on mount
MOV: 4+1 on mount
Bio: Felicia is the daughter of lesser nobility, they had the title but not the wealth, and had to work the land like anyone else, although they did live a bit better. Felicia was expected to enter military service at some point, as that was how the family had earned their honours in the first place. She was about to be sent off to learn how to be a cavalier when she encountered an injured and abandoned wyvern hatchling. Having a kind soul, she took the baby home and treated it. The young wyvern female (who felicia named Path) attached it's self to Felicia who both wanted to follow expectations and stay with Path saw the obvious solution. Felecia has now started training with Path so that they can become a proud wyvern knight duo, their bond is even more unbreakable than before and Felicia insists on sleeping wherever Path does, so she often smells of reptile.
The stats are fine, just a few notes. Nullify requires you to pick which category to nullify, bows or thunder, I forgot to include this in the changes spoiler.
As for PS/PF, I'll elaborate here on general rules for them:
-You can't have impossible triggers for personal faults or permanent triggers for personal skills.
-Weather related stuff is off the table.
-To regain HP with a PS you need to do something worthy of that.
-Triggers that require being within X spaces of Y allies/enemies requires that 3 allies/enemies be within 3 spaces unless the number of spaces is reduced or the type of allies/enemies is further specified (this is not recommended if you don't know what you're doing).
-No repeated triggers or effects.
-A personal skill can't nullify a personal fault.
-More creativity when making personal stuff is encouraged, to a limit. Which is to say, don't try to cheese me.