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Author Topic: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth  (Read 159487 times)


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2700 on: June 16, 2018, 12:24:38 pm »

One month goes quick.
Hi all.
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2701 on: August 02, 2018, 03:56:07 pm »

Three Captains

The Vicious Quill arrives safely, as does the mint condition End of the Road. There's no threat here yet, but all vessels stand by to reinforce the front at Blackstone.


It was only a matter of time before the Kasgyrite's struck back to reclaim their threatened spire. Despite the steps that have been made in crushing their empire, there's not one captain that isn't alert and ready for the overdue counterstroke.

The Kasgyrites don't make much effort to hide when the come, but their camouflage paint means they get spotted later than usual. A formation of five of their vipers, with no support vessels in sight, come in hot and aimed straight for the roving pack of Windriders. Spotters identify the vessels to be a new variant of Windrider, one not seen before.. Each appears to have had its frontal upper cannon deck retooled to carry a single larger turret- perhaps an imitation of the turrets first used on the Chimera. The lower cannon deck, however, appears as before.

The Windrider's move in to engage, the skiffs swinging in from mistwatch positions and patrol to lend support.

The Kasgyrites, however, get the first shot off. Two of their vessels are equipped with the lance cannons seen at their home spire, mounted into their lower gun deck, and are able to engage at nearly half-again beyond standard engagement range. One lance has the multi-hue burn of a standard aetheric cannon, the other has the golden fury of their upgraded cannons. The beams last only for a fifth of a second, but the engineer's estimates on shroud damage are roughly five times the impact of a standard aetheric cannon blast for the lesser of the two beams- and closer to ten for the stronger. The saving grace is that the relative motion of the vessels means that the beam tends to slice across the shroud instead of boring into a single point.

The lances also appear to have a significant recharge and/or cooling time, as they don't get a second shot off before both sides get into standard engagement range. Their skiff support, however, does appear from above. They number only three, but their ambush maneuver takes them into one of the friendly skiff swarms, disrupting their initial attack run and pelting them with golden LAC fire.

The armament of the Kasgyrite vipers, however, is much more varied. They don't spend much effort aiming at the skiffs, and instead focus their fire first on the WOSV Longlast. The larger turret mounted on the top decks of the vipers is one of their rapid-fire cannons, but only the vipers with lances have theirs upgraded to fire golden bolts. In fact, the three vipers without lances don't appear to be running any upgraded cannons, and one of the two with appears to be only partially upgraded. Regardless, they have a numbers advantage, and their forward turret has an excellent frontal arc. They do, however, seem slightly less maneuverable than previous generations of vipers.

The three skiffs they send to run interference against the Comets don't last long. One on one, the match-up would favor the Kasgyrites. Their skiffs are slightly more maneuverable, particularly in rotation, and they appear to be able to aim and fire during high maneuver. Their golden cannons, though of equal power, retain the advantage in rate of fire during initial engagement- which is as long was they last.  Despite the initial surprise they managed on attack, their actual combat maneuvers are less nuanced, and they're heavily outnumbered by the Comets and limited supporting fire from the Windriders. Only a single skiff is lost- its shroud damaged in the initial volley, and then a graze through the resulting hole obliterating its primary webbing and igniting the engineer.

Their destruction, however, does buy the Vipers some interrupted time to go toe-to-toe with the Windriders, which sees the dynamic of combat reversed. The Vipers work together as a Wolfpack, flashing lights between the vessels strong evidence of constant communication. They single out a particularly Windrider and work to focus down a single quadrant of its shroud. If the Windrider pulls up and tries to climb out of combat, they instantly bounce to a secondary target, refocusing fire only when the first rejoins the fray. It's a coordination that the Windrider captains lack, both in terms of technical means and philosophical inclination. Their lance weapons display a monstrous efficacy in slicing across swaths of webbing, cutting free sections instead of simply burning out holes like a standard LAC.

Despite their advantage in tactics and numbers, their lessened maneuverability and... sporadically upgraded weapons present a fighting chance. While their frontal turret's rotary cannon is capable of firing three times as fast as a standard LAC, each projectile has half the power of a single one of their golden LAC bolts. While this makes the two vipers armed with lances, the ones who also have golden rotary guns, exceptionally threatening, the other three are lesser threats. In fact, it would seem they're lesser in other ways as well. Slightly more sluggish, slower on the dive or ascent, and with dramatically weaker shrouds protecting them.

The Longlast is the first large vessel to be taken out of the fight. Her port frontal quarter was the focus of sustained fire from all vipers, and the resulting hole in her shroud was exploited mercilessly. The armor held against weaker LAC fire and vanguard shots from the lesser Vipers, but a topaz colored lance sliced through the damaged hull and raked her from bow to stern. The shot misses the core, but slices across her circuitry and shatters one of her lift crystals. The LACs go dead, and trims burn out in quick succession as the engineers reorient the ship to stay level and flying with half their lift gone and their vessel markedly unbalanced. She survives, but drops partially into the mist to limp away.

The return of the friendly skiffs, however, turned the losses back on the Kasgyrites. One of the lesser vipers, already wounded by semi-coordinated fire from the Windriders, had her shroud holed and central webbing burned by a SWARM wing of skiffs. A second swarm wing zoomed by moments later, piling on six more shots into the open hole. Half either missed or struck the shroud edge- but that left three hits. They slammed high into the deck of the Viper, shattering its core and consuming it in a blaze of light.

Seven comets and two Windriders, against four Vipers. A good battle, and one in which the skiffs play the decisive role. The enemy ships focus their fire on the Windriders, and largely ignore the smaller vessels. This gives the Swarm teams the freedom to rend shroud and exploit any weakness revealed by the semi-coordinated fire from the Windrider captains. Somewhat ironically, the Windrider captain's search for personal glory ensures that they don't actually get the finishing shot on any of the remaining vipers.

The Dragun cannons of the Chimera and the Longlast are largely ineffective throughout the battle- lacking the precision to strike exposed wood reliably, and universally failing to penetrate the Viper's frontal armor when they get frontal impacts. The viper with non-golden lance takes a grazing dragun shot across the web, reducing its considerably mobility, but that's the only significant damage the Draguns achieve. The broadsides, however, continue to do fine work. The slower vipers are particularly vulnerable, and though their upper turrets enable them to fair in a 160 frontal arc instead of their formerly limited frontal cannons, it only takes a broadside and a half before their shrouds get holed.

Which is when the skiffs go to work. Both of the lesser vipers are taken down when the Windriders weaken or hole their flanks and skiffs sweep in to put a Swarm barrage into the damaged section, tearing into the web cylinder and bombarding structure. The webbing burns as expected, but the structure is surprisingly resilient. One viper, despite taking four shots directly into its central section, obstinately refused to explode. Its webbing basically gone and large section of hull missing, the captain retreats into the mist while running out fresh web. The weakened viper, thankfully, responds as expected to being shot repeatedly and obligingly explodes.

Regrettably, these victories are not made without cost. All the Kasgyrite vessels had been pouring fire onto the Chimera, tearing her shroud to tatters with a hail of multi-color cannon fire and stabbing lances. The final blow comes in the form of a topaz colored lance, delivered directly into the Chimera's broadside. The beam pierces weakened armor ignites her powder magazine, annihilating the storied vessel in a flash of flame and fury.

One windrider, seven skiffs, against a pair of battered Vipers. A flash of lights flicker from the pair of vipers, and a decision seems to have been made as the pair begin to dive for the mist. The skiffs harry them as they dive, and the Payoff makes a high speed dive to try and cut them off. The golden rapid fire cannons of the Vipers batter the Payoff's shroud, and their lances slash across web, but the Windrider still gets into firing position with time to spare, lighting up one of the fleeing vipers and drawing fire while the skiffs fire in waves. Lances burn, and the Payoff loses a chunk of shroud in the exchange, but the result is worth it. Moments before it would vanish into the mist, the closer viper erupts in flame as its shroud buckles completely and shots begin to pummel its hull, sending it down as a fireball into the domain of monsters.

The last viper vanishes, leaving the Payoff battered and bruised, but still alive with its protective cloud of skiffs.

During the battle, the transports had ample opportunity to dock with the spire, deploying their marines to reinforce the final push.

Confirmed Kills: 3 Vipers, 3 Skiffs
Enemy Damaged: 1 Viper
Losses: 1 Windrider, 1 Skiff
Damaged: 1 Windrider, 2 skiffs

Inside the Spire

Unfortunately, it appears the Kasgyrites were able to reinforce during the combat- and in greater numbers. There are hundreds of them now, and that increase in numbers have enabled them to effectively manage a far greater number of their civilian irregulars. Combined, they outnumber our forces approximately 2:1- a ratio that's much easier to estimate now that they've stopped running.

The Kasgyrite marines are making their stand in a town park, with hastily assembled rubble barricades fencing the position in layers and a significant external region cleared of cover. The barricades aren't a patch on our BLOCK systems, or even what we can make with some dedicated marines and a few years with nothing to do, but they're still moderately substantial- consisting of shoulder high rubble walls in select regions, and knee high cover in most other regions. The distance between the cleared section of the park, the cover of the town buildings, and the start of their barricades appears to have been calculated to allow them to continue to sling grenades well into the building line. The town position itself is rather key for securing this spire as a whole, but it position also affords them few good avenues for escape.

Escape, however, doesn't appear to have been on their agenda. Their men are still terribly armed; their irregulars armed only with improvised melee weapons, and their regulars are only a small step beyond that- less than a quarter are armed with crossbows or aetheric pistols. The issue is that every man seems to have been issued a sling and at least one grenade. While our combat squads can outnumber them, their slingers have the nasty habit of pitching grenades among our ranks. Our cannons, whilst devastatingly effective in the cleared region, are likewise beset by grenades the instant they're seen. These barrages of heavy projectiles aren't terribly accurate- but a dozen overlapping aetheric explosions is capable of obliterating everything within a considerable distance. Our ECD cannons are particularly vulnerable to this approach due to the volatility of the white powder making burning shrapnel a serious concern.

Had we attempted a direct push, we likely would have suffered devastating losses due to their overwhelming alpha-strike and ability to rush our men with their considerable infantry base. As it stands, the losses on the advancing teams are heavy, particularly to the cannons and equipment caught in barrages of lobbed grenades, but careful advances prevented the Kasgyrites from ever being in a good position to bring their explosive ordinance to devastating effect.

Casualties aren't one sided. Our scouts do a good job of keeping the cannon teams moving and attacking from complimentary angles, each shot inflicting terrifying damage as their stone walls become shrapnel or burning sulfur spills in among their ranks. Our ranged units, likewise, outnumber theirs in volume of fire, still inflicting good casualties.

We've taken some losses, yes, but we just need a little more time. They've been using their grenades like candy, and once those run out they'll be a primarily melee force with inferior weapons. Our marines do grumble that some grenades of their own would be REALLY helpful in taking fortified positions. The only real danger is if they try to rush while they still have their numbers. That would be bloody. As long as they stay pinned and we maintain the ability to shell them, ground commanders are confident they can make this battle work. The only issue is that the bulk of our actual artillery is now in the hands of our traditionally defensive squads. Likewise, our rifles, while powerful enough to break through the shields that Kasgyre is conspicuously not fielding, may struggle to attain the rapidity of fire needed to mow through the melee militia they've drafted.

Kills: At least 5 squads of enemy infantry, equal that number in irregulars.
Losses:  2 ECDs, Squad M, Squad A, Squad B, Squad C, 25% of Squad L

Neither side has gained ground at Blackstone

Burned Mountain

While the Vicious Quill heads back to reinforce the Three Captains, the Deadline and her remaining escorts continue to patrol the area around the Burned Mountain. There's little of note to report, though one of the skiffs is running low on spare web after getting caught in a mix of rain and ash that dangerously burned her primary spool. The damage was spotted early, preventing a catastrophic web failure, but the lack of a full set of reserve sheets will make further damage more severe.

Damaged Ship: A skiff is running low on web.

Spire Wreth

The WOSV Formal Notice is completed, crewed, and christened at the Wrethan port, and 2 additional Meteors are constructed to fight alongside it. In addition, two additional squads of infantry stand by to die horrifically serve Wreth.

It is now the beginning of the year 383 AR.

Spire Wreth's Production Stands At,
13(+1)/y Crystal, 51/70 Banked
19(+8)/y Ore, 58/135 banked
19(+2)/y Wood, 80/105 banked
10(+6)/y Silk, 63/80 banked

It is now the design and project maintenance phase. You have 9 dice to spend.

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« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 04:19:03 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2702 on: August 02, 2018, 04:58:22 pm »

Grand Wrethian Shipyard
We designed the biggest military ship ever conceived of in the history of our spire. It is only natural then that we would follow up with the biggest military shipyard ever conceived of in Wreth.
The grand shipyard is a new facility big enough to produce the new Stormprince. It more work space and expanded workshops to allow faster work, and it presents significant logistic improvements to support our growing navy.
In numbers, it aims to provide 400 production points per turn with a cap of 4000 points.

A fully outfitted Stormprince is 1160 points. round it to 1200, and with 400 points per turn we get one every 3 turns. However, our industry improvements mean that at the cost of 15 of each resource we would get a 50% improvement, or a stormprince every other turn.

Gentle reminder here that a Stormprince can bring more cannons on target than our entire windrider fleet.

Quote from: The prince comes
Grand Wrethian Shipyard (1): Andrea
-Spend (3,4,2) dice
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 05:08:52 pm by andrea »

milo christiansen

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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2703 on: August 02, 2018, 05:26:59 pm »

Quote from: The prince comes
Grand Wrethian Shipyard (1):
 - 3,4,2: Andrea
 - 2,5,2: Milo
Rubble 8 - The most powerful modding suite in existence!
After all, coke is for furnaces, not for snorting.
You're not true dwarven royalty unless you own the complete 'Signature Collection' baby-bone bedroom set from NOKEAS


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2704 on: August 02, 2018, 05:29:58 pm »

Quote from: The prince comes
Grand Wrethian Shipyard (3):
 - 3,4,2: Andrea, NUKE9.13
 - 2,5,2: Milo
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2705 on: August 02, 2018, 07:40:22 pm »

Also: Fanfare.
Welcome back all.

Edit: Going to abstain so I can maintain favour for the shipyard while staying clear of the minutia which i’m too sleepy to dig through.
Also, we should do a Windrider and upgrade the stormprince to use Large crystals after this.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 07:53:41 pm by Tack »
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2706 on: August 02, 2018, 09:51:39 pm »

I'll have time to make an actual suggestion or three tomorrow, but have a crossposted ramble from the Discord:

Perhaps we should look into another general all-crystals upgrade as well, to bring our crystals to parity with the Kasgyrites, or should we start a simple version of a Medium aetheric cannon, or just a general weapons-crystal upgrade, or an infantry grenade design, etc.?
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

milo christiansen

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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2707 on: August 02, 2018, 10:17:52 pm »

Not now. Not before the PL is done and Stormprinces are ready to roll off the lines.

From now until that point the only Non-PL things I can see us doing are emergency revisions and such.
Rubble 8 - The most powerful modding suite in existence!
After all, coke is for furnaces, not for snorting.
You're not true dwarven royalty unless you own the complete 'Signature Collection' baby-bone bedroom set from NOKEAS


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2708 on: August 02, 2018, 10:27:26 pm »

Not now. Not before the PL is done and Stormprinces are ready to roll off the lines.

From now until that point the only Non-PL things I can see us doing are emergency revisions and such.

Aether Forge progress. That doesn't eat resources, and those are going to likely be what will limit progress.

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2709 on: August 03, 2018, 02:14:10 am »

We might also want to spend a few dice on a webbing upgrade design; webbing is the SP's primary weakness, and we have Silk coming out of our noses. Ages ago I proposed Braided Webbing, to be stronger and more efficient than basic webbing.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2710 on: August 03, 2018, 02:22:22 am »

We could also do some metalurgical stuff with our forges.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2711 on: August 03, 2018, 04:24:38 am »

Do we have to spend all nine dice this turn?
I mean, as far as I can tell it just increases our chances of rolling a six, in my opinion a 5 is fine, and simply rolling two dice in each category (maybe three at an absolute stretch) is enough for that.
Better to save more dice for faster research.

Quote from: Riders on the storm
Grand Wrethian Shipyard (3):
 - 3,4,2(2): Andrea, NUKE9.13
 - 2,5,2(2): Milo, Tack
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 05:10:51 am by Tack »
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2712 on: August 03, 2018, 04:25:43 am »

Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2713 on: August 03, 2018, 05:00:21 am »

Progress dice stack, remember? And they don't cost resources. We're unlikely to hit 50% with 4 dice even if we roll really well, so there's not much chance of overflow.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #2714 on: August 03, 2018, 05:10:02 am »

Ah, I've been out of the game far too long.

Vote amended accordingly.
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.
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