Hello all. This is my first arms race!
I hope we can be a friend.
To start with, I'm going to throw up a rival design to the crossbow.
We do need superior marines, but hopefully actual combat will come after a decent period of calm and infrastructure.
Conventional sails taken to the next level, gliding sails are linked sheets hooked horizontally to a sturdier frame to allow for basic lift under no power.
While they won't prevent a rapid decline, and they are just as fragile as regular sails, they allow for core power to be diverted elsewhere for short periods during an emergency, can help a ship to reach safety despite raked webbing, and can be used for very fast forward manouvers at the cost of altitude... almost all of the altitude.
Drop-dinghies, anyone?Also a
Question for Draig re: the bookmarked scattercannon design.
What would it would be translated into GameStuff
tm as?
Something like:
Aether: Very little Shroud penetration, Low Shroud damage, High Web Damage.
Gunpowder: Ignores Shroud, Little Web Damage
Could help us in the design process, and to identify if we're designing ourselves into a corner.
Then again I don't know how arms races work so maybe that's all fluffside.
1 die to existing project: (0)
2 dice to existing project: (0)
3 dice to existing project: (5) Milo, NUKE9.13, Jilladilla, Khan Boyzitbig, Tack
-Spend 12 Crystal 6 Ore (2) Jilladilla, Tack
-Spend 14 Crystal 4 Ore
-Spend 16 Crystal 2 Ore
-Spend 18 Crystal 0 Ore
New Project:
Suppressor MK1 Repeating Crossbow (3 dice): (2) Milo, NUKE9.13
Basic Gliding Sails (3 dice) (1) Tack
Am very big on getting a superior crystal production up and running considering that literally everything is going to rely on it, but I'm not up to speed enough on resource minutiae to make a vote on how our crystals and ore should be allocated.
Intrigued by ATHATH's ideas of collecting and storing gas too, but for more passive implications.
Having compressed Aether would be great for NoS-ing our ships, and having stored oxygen would mean we could go higher (and faster, and shoot louder) than our competition.