Alright, so we need a infantry tactic this turn yeah? Here is mine, had to reconstruct it as sudden laptop restart ate it and I didn't save, so let me know if there is anything wrong with it:
Tactic: Cautious Advance
Kasgyr's cowardly tactics are designed to pull us away from our fortifications, and they are unable to breach our defences, so the answer is obvious: We bring our defenses with us!
With this tactic, our soldiers will advance at a very slow, careful pace, letting any movable defenses take point (BLOCK teams will construct simple fortifications that can be reasonably carried by 2 marines for at least short distances), and having a PLACE or similar weapon close at hand behind them. With the slow speed of the advance, Anti-Flanking squads should be able to maintain a steady fortification of any flanks. In addition, soldiers will be absolutely forbidden to chase down fleeing enemies, and stay behind the defensive line.
Between having fortifications on point, and a PLACE close by; our troops should be ready to fend off and weather any ambushes, and obliterate any concentrated push that may fall upon them.
Oh right, remember that the Khipha costs 2/all + 4 of our choice per die, so with two dice we have to choose how the 8 is decided. Wood or silk, really; but we won't overload on wood if we either make more pincushions for the reinforcing squads or even just a single BLOCK. Of course, we can mix and match however we want with that 8.
For infantry equipment, more gauntlets this time? Or ore saving, pincushion spam mode?