Update time! I'm not gonna roleplay it because I'm too lazy for that right now.
So, I loaded up the save, and thought about stuff I could do.
The first thing I thought of (because someone mentioned it earlier) was a silk farm.
Though not with our tame giant cave spiders. That would be too easy. I will instead use the feral and bloodthirsty bird-beast we currently have contained, because Dwarf Fortress.
I found a nice open area I could use and immediately began digging it out. I built a bunch of levers outside the entrance and linked them up to bridges I had placed inside. I began mass-producing doors and placing them as bait in the hallway leading right up to the room Ludosm was contained in.
(Note: This snapshot was taken before the crash. In my second attempt there were many fewer doors.)
I then burrowed my dwarf near the levers and set their profile to only allow me.
It was time to release the monster. My dwarf enlisted a miner known as Shovel to do so, making sure not to reveal the exact specifics of the job.
He didn't last long.
(Yes, that's right. Ludosm bit off the head of the miner in one hit both before, *and* after the crash.)
After Ludosm had broken his way through the initial few doors, it caught sight of the squad I had stationed in the silk chamber and began squirting gooey, viscous liquid everywhere. The squad was quickly caught in the spray and immobilized.
The silk farm was operational.
I then reset the levers' profiles to allow everyone and put the production lever on repeat.
Note: Whatever you do,
DON'T PULL THE LEFT TWO LEVERS NEXT TO THE SILK FARM. One of them releases Ludosm back into the hallway, making the silk farm unoperational but otherwise doing nothing of substance. The other one will release Ludosm into the fortress. I've made notes so you shouldn't get confused.
Current date is the 20th of Late Spring.
For those who are curious, this is the specific cave-in that killed Doctor Sock.
And this is how much dust it caused.
In other news: I recently solved a major problem in my 3D printer design and felt euphoria for the next half hour -- the same kind I get after solving a difficult math problem. I just have to figure out where to place a couple things and then everything should be all set for construction. I should probably get around to making a design post sometime soon, but I'm going away for a couple days and don't know if I'll have the time.
EDIT: Whoops -- I just realized the cave-in dust picture was the wrong one, because of the wrong sapling characters. Oh well.