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Author Topic: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - cancelled  (Read 2520 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - cancelled
« on: June 23, 2017, 12:40:06 pm »


Welcome to Beastwood, a succession Masterwork fort. The main goal of Beastwood is to capture and exhibit as many different species of animals as possible, so expect mad lag later on.
Beastwood is open to every potential overseer - a newbie or a hardened veteran.
The fort is situated far south partially in a freezing tundra, partially equally frozen rocky wasteland. There's sand, snow, sandstone, and that's pretty much it for now.

*CRACK!* A gigantic rutherer stood up on its hind legs, its enormous tail dragging across the arena. *CRACK!* A gibbon safely sat on a jaguar's back ran in, tiny helmet on its head imitating a human knight riding a warhorse into battle. *CRACK!* A flock of parrots appeared flying in a formation over the crowd.
The dwarves cheered loudly, louder than the performing beasts. The queen cheered the loudest, with pure joy painted on her face. One dwarf didn't cheer - the one holding the whip, SQ the animal trainer. Filled with pride in herself and her animals, SQ bathed in the sound of ovation, enjoying every second of applause, feeling as if she was second only to the queen because in just a few minutes she was to receive the payment from her majesty herself.

"A wonderful performance! Wonderful indeed!" exclaimed queen Olngo Doomscrape smiling like a child. "Likot, bring me and the animal tamer here some sunberry wine! I still can't believe what I've seen, my dear SQ. All those wonderful beasts, colourful birds, monsters from down below. I had faith in you, but you've really outdone yourself."
"Indeed, years of gathering those animals and training them to do my bidding haven't gone to waste" said SQman less than humbly, still drunk on her own glory. "I'm ready to see what you've prepared as a payment for my hard work... your majesty."
"When the performance started, I was ready to drown you in gold..."
"Oh, you're too kind your majesty!"
"...but now I have something even better, a grand quest, a real feat of greatness!"

SQ's smile completely disappeared for a while, but was soon replaced by a somewhat weak, pitiful looking half-smile. This whole show was supposed to be her feat of greatness, she didn't feel the need to prove herself any further.
"I've seen so many fascinating creatures today" queen Olngo continued, not noticing the tamer's miserable grimace. "I wish I could watch them everyday. I ask you to take six other dwarves, as much supplies as you need, and build me a menagerie, let's see..." the queen unfolded a map, then dragged her finger further and further south. SQ's normally tan face was already pale, but as the queen's finger moved, it was slowly becoming snow white. "Here! Somebody like you won't have any trouble in the southern frontier, let's leave the warm north to the wimpy barons, eh?"

"Let's see... food, drinks, seeds and spawns, bags, barrels, ropes, coal. Badgerdogs for warm fur, moleweasels if we get hungry on the road, reindeer in case it's too cold to grow fungi." Tools... made of copper? Old Tekkud cutting corners where he can, huh? Hey, can any one of you guys fight at al?"
"Well, no, but I've got my pa's sword and..."
"Will do, let's get going!"

1. One in-game year or two real life weeks. If you need extra time PM me.
2. Try to write in character.
3. Try not to use exploits. No danger rooms, quantum stockpiles or atom smashers (unless atom smashing is necessary to conserve FPS). Turtling is discouraged.
4. Tileset choice is up to you.
5. No hunting unless it's necessary. The king wants us to collect animals, not hunt them into extinction.
5b. Camel life have no value, you can hunt them as much as you want.
6. Don't butcher captured animals. If you get something you don't want just sell it to the next caravan. Domestic animals can be butchered.
7. Exhibit a pair of every animal you can get and train. If possible, tame their offsprings. Domestic animals don't count.
8. If elves have a diplomat, you can't order animals. Play with the cards you get.
Meaningless point system
-Capturing/buying a new species - 1pt
-Getting a breeding pair - 1pt
-Getting a tame breeding pair - 2pt
-Fighting off a siege - 2pt
-Capturing a megabeast - 5pt
-Getting a breeding pair of megabeasts - 10pt
-Getting a tame breeding pair of megabeasts - 20pt

Spoiler: Dwarf List (click to show/hide)

Turn list:

-Alpha Loves You
Awaiting confirmation - comicraider


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2017, 01:10:28 pm »

I'm interested.  Overseer; Axedwarf.  Suggested skills: Axe 5, Dodger 1, Discipline 1, Armor User 2, and leaving 2 (Butcher 1, Tanner 1) or something like (Student 2) or (Organizer 1, Teacher 1)

name: Sanctume


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2017, 01:14:03 pm »

I'm intrigued, might join this should I resolve my current project. What version of DF is it running on? Just wanna know in case I'll be able to use Dwarf Therapist etc while I work :P


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2017, 01:22:36 pm »

Having Dwarf Therapist will be awesome for this so we can rename the animals.

Hmm, so what if a wild animal kills some peasant, gaining itself a name. 

Then we capture it.  Can it still be tamed?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2017, 11:02:34 pm »

Wooyeah, a zooooo!
We're zoodwarves now!

Give me a dwarf (Bear) custom profession Animal Whisperer. Eh, no turn though, because i dunno how to play Masterwork.

Alpha Loves You

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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2017, 03:00:43 pm »

sounds awesome, if you need overseers soon, i'll volunteer.
And can I get dorfed too please?


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2017, 05:03:36 pm »

Sign me up? Do I need DFhack or does this work normally.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2017, 05:12:04 pm »

Don't want to be an overseer, but could I please be dorfed? Named Nix, make me anything thats useful in the early stage of the fort.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2017, 08:45:15 pm »

I would like to join and take a turn at some point Dwarf named scourge and preferably a miner

EDIT: Just a warning, I've never done much with masterwork, and I've never once embarked in anything colder than temperate


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - looking for players
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2017, 09:40:17 am »

Sorry I haven't replied earlier, but this weekend kinda hard for me. I had a bad case of man flu, slept through the entire Saturday afternoon, then spent the sunday struggling with a mild yet persistent headache. I'm perfectly fine now, and it seems we have a starting 7, so we can begin.

I'm intrigued, might join this should I resolve my current project. What version of DF is it running on? Just wanna know in case I'll be able to use Dwarf Therapist etc while I work

Amostubal's modified Masterwork v1.28, it does have Therapist.

Sign me up? Do I need DFhack or does this work normally.

DFhack is included in Masterwork, don't worry about it.

Just a warning, I've never done much with masterwork, and I've never once embarked in anything colder than temperate

The only problem with cold biomes is freezing water, but someone will probably have to deal with that before your turn comes.

The journal of SQ Graveguilds, the Chief Tamer of the Dabbling Rags

The Dune of Fishes, such an ironic name. Hardly a dune, and I doubt there are many fishes around here. We won't run out of sand out there, and with some luck we might find some clay. According to geological studies there's possibility finding metal, possibly iron. Not too much plantlife, in fact there may not be a single tree in the area. Other than the howling winds and snow storms, it's a pretty quiet place.

Oh right, we will have some neighbors. The Dune of Fishes is a territory of not one but two jotunar kingdoms. Hopefully they will ignore us for the time being, after all why bother wiping out a tiny dwarven settlement?

To the north there are orcish and goblin tribes. I doubt the orcs will be willing to negotiate with the seven of us. Goblins may be interested in our queen's goblin upbringing, but at the end what difference does it make? Goblins hate each other anyway.

Putrid Blendecs live (or do they?) beyond Jotnar fortresses. I'd like to believe the giants won't let those monsters through their land, but the very fact the Blendecs may find a way around makes me shudder. Dead or alive Blendecs, choose your side!

I'm not sure where Ruthertaurs live, but fortunately it's probably further away than giants and orcs.

Roving packs of beak dogs and stranglers have been seen around here. Nasty beasts, while most animals aren't either good nor evil, those monsters take joy is killing, they toy with their prey, and cooperate only with those without a trace of mercy in their hearts.

Elves are the nicest neighbors we'll have. I've worked with them on the damn show that got me into this trouble, they would sell animals and share their knowledge, but they are extremely protective of trees, not like it's a problem for us.

Anyway, I'll say something about myself in case anybody will ever read this:

I've been working as an animal trainer since I first arrived in the mountainhomes. There has been a wild horse captured some time before my arrival. It was an amazing mighty beast, but no one could tame it enough to saddle it. I had no experience with animals other than cleaning filthy tuskox pens. It took many tries, several months, but finally the stallion let me ride itself. The nobles were impressed by that, so they gave me a stable job training war dogs, looking for useful wild animals, making deals with elves, and so on. If I had kept in line instead of seeking fame and fortune, I would still live that happy life.

Sanctume... I don't know too much about her. She was a last minute addition to the team, but I'm glad I kicked out that Fath kid in favor of her. Sanctume has went through basic legionnaire training, so while she isn't Her Majesty's best just yet, she's much more skilled and in much better form than most veteran militia commanders in hillock villages.

The big guy here is Bear, he's been helping me with the great performance, without him I don't know if I would be able to handle that many animals. Some say Bear was found in the woods naked, biting into a moose carcass. There are also people, and there's more of them, who claim they knew Bear since he was a child, and they say he rarely ever left the safety of his home fortress. I'm not gonna ask me, but I know which story I'm sticking to.

This woman calls herself "Alpha Loves You". There's something creepy about that name. Yet, she's an official member of the carpenter's guild, so she'll make a great... wait a moment... ARRGH!

CaptainArchmage is neither a captain nor an archmage. In fact he's a guild certified farmer, brewer, cook, or all of the above. I'm not sure, I was never curious what was going on in the farmer's guild's quarter, all I cared about was what was coming out of there, and It was good enough.

Nix is a miner, not associated with the guild because he doesn't like the idea of sharing the fruits of his work with others. I can't say I approve of this attitude, but if he's here with us right now, that means he'll at least help us dig until we're safe and comfortable.

Scourge is a craftsman's guild member, but she apparently regrets not joining the mason's guild. She's told me she'd rather have her two arms aching than have her ten fingers constantly hurting. I can respect that, but if we need skilled craftsman, she may need to sacrifice herself for the cause.

I think we're well prepared for our arrival. Just before leaving the Mountainhomes Bear reminded me that our reindeer may not find enough grass to graze in the dunes. I quickly took them back to the marketplace and traded them for dewbeetles. Eggs, chitin, mead, what's not to like about these buggers.

We're almost here. I hear howling, but not the howling of wolves. Worgs in the area, saber worgs maybe, gotta be careful.

This is the place. I expected some more snow or hardy tundra grass. Hey, at least we've got rocks. I wonder what kinds of amazing animals we can find here.

Oh my, domestic grazers! I'm so damn happy I could strangle a camel! What wonders will we encounter next? Reindeer, llamas?
I need a rest. I'll get back to writing when we're all safe inside.

For some reason everyone wants something from me today, so as much as I wanted to really get it started today, I'll have to leave you with the embark log for now. Free mondays my ass.
I really expected the tundra part to be more tundra-like, but maybe we'll get some tundra animals anyway, it can't be all camels. Right?
Oh, and don't worry if your dwarf is an antisocial psychopath. It's because I've enabled tantrums in MW menu. Don't write your characters around their in-game description or we'll end up with a fort full of grumpy assholes.


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - brown brown rocks of home
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2017, 10:56:02 am »

Don't write your characters around their in-game description or we'll end up with a fort full of grumpy assholes.


"Da. You want me strangle camels? I go strangle camels." Before SQman could protest, Bear trudges into the tundra, armed with nothing but his fists and his beard.


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - brown brown rocks of home
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2017, 02:58:52 pm »

Scourge, wandering to somewhere away from all the others, starts talking to what appears to be herself "Dear Starcats, why have you given me this body to use? It can't even mine well, not to mention it being female..... ah well, I will still serve you as best as I can.... Although we don't have any cats here..... or much of ANYTHING really.....


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - brown brown rocks of home
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2017, 07:18:14 pm »

Does this mean I can chop the unwanted grazers?


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - brown brown rocks of home
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2017, 01:51:08 pm »

Does this mean I can chop the unwanted grazers?

You know what? I'll make that into a rule. Wild animals can be killed if they belong to a domesticated species, or if they pose a danger to dwarves.

"Bear, I wasn't seriously considering strangling camels!" SQ shouted to her colleague, having seen him jump out of the wagon. "There's no stopping him now... Sanctume, go after Bear and make sure he doesn't hurt a single camel!" The axedwarf nodded and sprung from her seat, an axe in her hand. "NO DON'T... whatever."

I should be worried about Sanctume chasing Bear with an axe across the desert, but I suddenly realized just how cold it was. I gave Nix and Scourge a subtle hint to lift their asses and dig until they hit solid stone. A few hours later they came out of our new hole in the ground and asked if sandstone is solid enough. Good enough for me.

As we were regaining feeling in our bodies, Sanctume rushed in covered in blood. I was shocked, terrified even, until Bear showed up breathing heavily but otherwise in one piece.
Apparently instead of stopping Bear, Sanctume overtook him, and chopped up a camel with her axe. I'm glad my ex-assistant is not a long distance runner or else Sanctume would have to track and kill all camels in the area. The scary part is that I'm only half joking.

While the miners were digging out some space for farms, Sanctume and I agreed that she should be in charge of the militia, even if she's the only one for now. Immediately she demanded that we don't sell any large gems. Yes, she'll be the one who says which gems are large.

To show my authority and military knowledge, I've prohibited exporting "boiled arm harnesses". Sanctume asked if I meant "boiled leather arm harnesses". I did mean "boiled leather harnesses", but I didn't want to admit it for my reputation's sake.

Portabella in spring so we can get some quality gin, pig tails in summer so we can make warm socks, quarry bushes in autumn for nutritious leaves, hardy plump helmets in winter because they're the staple of dwarven diet. The storage room will be ready in a minute.

Elks on the surface. They would be a great addition to the menagerie, but we're nowhere near ready to catch and support a couple. We may need to dig down to the caverns to build an enclosure to anything that grazes. That's a shame, but what can we do?

While making a place to store stone, Nix and Scourge have struck limonite! It's always good to have iron, especially if you have a good source of coal and flux stone. So far we only have iron though.

Iron and tin, as a matter of fact. Tin is pretty light as far as metal goes, so why not use it to make cages? Seeing how we have no wood...

Since there is only seven of us, we have to do things we never thought we would ever do. Sanctume dragged the camel corpse inside to chop it up again. We've got some rations left but if the temperature outside is -6°U, there's nothing wrong in having some more. Thinking about it, I don't remember ever eating a camel.
Our remaining reindeer and water buffalo will have to go too - no green pastures this far south.

And withthe arrival of summer we're ready to start producing stone goods. We'll be relying on stone for our furniture for now, but even though there is no wood around, we still have sand, gems and bones.
Oh, and turns out the only male dewbeetle we have is not up to the task. Seems like bug meat is on the menu.

We began in mid-spring, later than usual because I've done a test embark in this world. Still seems like my year will be spent on setting up basic industries and facilities, and maybe foundations for the zoo.


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Re: ☼BEASTWOOD☼ - a succession zoo - brown brown rocks of home
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2017, 03:34:20 pm »

If ye miners dig a of warm hole, them animals thunk it shelter until tin cages snap shut.  It would save me from trekking outside.  It's too cold! 

Maybe something furry will come.  I'd like a warm polar bear fur hood and mittens. 
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