In this game, one player starts as the King, and the rest of the players start as Prophets. Each year (one round), the King will make a handful of important decisions, and will then ask the Prophets to make a prophecy for the coming year. However, only one Prophet will know what will happen, while the others will come up with false prophecies. The King chooses one of the prophecies to believe, and changes his decisions based off of it. After that, the outcome is revealed and the Prophet who was chosen becomes the new King.
How to Play: The first round of the game, the King is determined randomly.
At the start of the round, the state of the kingdom is described. This is composed of such things as Public Opinion & Treasury & Development, the power of the Church & Merchants & Noblemen, and the neighboring kingdom's views on & political relations to your kingdom. Public Opinion & Treasury & Development range from 0 to 100, and the King gains points by increasing them (and loses points for the opposite). The power of the Church & Merchants & Noblemen ranges from 0 to 20 and the King gains points by bringing them closer to 10 (and loses them for the opposite). The neighboring kingdom's views on you are briefly summerized (not expressed numerically), and influence the strength of political relations. The King neither gains nor loses points directly by changing these two, but political relations affect all Kings during their reign.
After that, the King is presented in-thread with various problems, questions, and opportunities from various people, but is shown the responses he can choose in PM. The amount of these decisions the King will make is equal to the number of oracles plus one. The King decides how to respond to each of them individually via PM. These decisions affect the state of the kingdom at the end of the year.
After all the decisions are made the Prophets are secretly put in a randomized order. The first Prophet (the "True Prophet") will be PM'd a list of outcomes that will occur at the end of the year. Using this, the True Prophet writes a prophecy and PMs it to me.
While the True Prophet is writing their prophecy, I let the second Prophet see the response the king chose in one decision of their choice. Once they choose, I PM them the prophecy of the True Prophet, but with 25% of the characters omitted, and then they will write their own prophecy and PM it to me.
At the same time as the 2nd prophet is choosing one of the king's decisions, I let the 3rd Prophet choose one decision, and when they see the second Prophet's prophecy (with 25% of the characters omitted), they will write theirs. This continues down the line for all Prophets: First looking at the King's decisions - the 4th and 5th seeing 2 choices and the 6th seeing 3 - and then being shown the partially-ommited prophecy of the previous, before writing a prophecy themselves. The last Prophet, therefore, sees most of the decisions the King has made, but receives a prophecy very distant from the first.
The King is shown all of the prophecies, but is not shown which belongs to which Prophet. He chooses one of the prophecies to believe, and then selects two for 2nd and 3rd place. Then he can - via PM - change up to half of the decisions he has made. After that, the finalized decisions are shown in-thread, along with their outcomes. Scoring occurs, and the chosen Prophet becomes the new King and the next round begins.
-State of the kingdom (change) Points
True Prophet:
-Chosen 1st or 3rd place by the King +2 Points
-Chosen 2nd place by the King +6 Points
-State of the Kingdom (change)/2 Points
Other Prophets:
-Chosen 1st or 3rd place by the King +8 Points
-Chosen 2nd place by the King +12 Points
At the end of the 15th round, the last scoring happens and a winner is determined.
Players (7/7):-zomara0292
-snow dwarf
-Nirur Torir