Hello, Bay12. All those years, my mother hided from me the fact that I have schizophrenia. I'm not mad at her or anyone else, really. I've problems concentrating at one thing, my memory is very scattered, and I'm also lazy and anti-social basement dweller (my symptoms, basically). Do you have any suggestions/kind words to share? And before you suggest to take additional medications, then I've to say that I'm not 18 years old yet, even if I will be this year.
here's the best one you'll ever get.
Don't ever listen to the internet for important life advice, despite what this board claims to be.
It'll be better-best if you can clarify for context, actually
Because labeling 'the internet' is also one of the worst advice you can give; many a time, you should remember that people suggesting or posting are...people.
And these people can be of similar profession and otherwise that is asked on the OP, so it can help.
As, importantly, it is a skill to discern the level or degree of quality and sincerity of the responses you have, and commonly (at least given the community) people answer sincerely and with the best intentions at heart.
What you CAN suggest however, is to NOT base your impressions solely on what people give and post--like, if curious, you could ask, and further details help as people are responsible for their response in turn (this is also just one reason why people choose not to post towards the topic in comparison to the views it has)
So, anyway, see a psychiatrist. For a diagnosis, don't see a general practitioner (aka family doctor/pediatrition/nurse) or a therapist/counselor. Most of those don't specialize in mental illnesses, and you risk seeing someone who's dumb about it.
They will pretty much REFER you to someone who does, as a point.
Edit because wow I forgot:
You'll know if you were diagnosed--it won't be 'hidden' from you. Sorry that this wasn't put in my earlier posts <_< but any formal diagnosis, rather than second-hand mention, is always known to the person being diagnosed (alongside other things to help)