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Author Topic: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)  (Read 23417 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #165 on: April 25, 2018, 09:42:06 pm »

B I told her we would accept no less, from her. That will be the prize that we will get from our hard work. Not gold, or riches, though our sister can take that, if she wants. It would probably be fore the best, anyway. Regardless, we have a job to do, and we will see it done.

((In secret, there is fear for our wife’s life. Remeber what the prophetess said.))
To quote
" You seek some one, but it will take three of you to find what you seek.
But what do you seek? a ghost?  Gold power? a woman? Your kin?”

And now back to the current up date.
The five of you ride along a dusty road back towards Sagillus.

"Ah my head, that was a mean blow you stuck Æstrid!
But your due licks, for the ticks i've played with your visage." Iewaelle rubs the lump on her head.

"But your with me now, i want not gold, or riches but you, an i will accept no less, from you but unending service." you remind her.

"Oh Do think you can call me like some dog?
I have walked my path as i have from before the time when first men fell in heat as the serpents rose from the rocks.
I will not come when you call or weld my power for your gain alone.
Remember it was i that called you." Iewaelle reminds you.

"So you no great  Sorceress welder of cosmic power and magic, just a fraud and trickster"  Ilerie

"Oh is that so?" Iewaelle smiles, as sly grin across her face.

"Do you any idea of price the power demands? Seen the fires that eat men flesh, blood and bone? heard the beasts of the wind suck courage from men's souls and drain the light from there eyes?
Oh yes i'm a trickster, but there's things, things that came before, the old things, powerfull things.
They don't like us, we're pests, little moths that eat holes here and there in there work.
And now what is you want me to do? make the horses ride and wind and carry us across the sky?.

No?  oh but I have.
I'm no fraud you see that bird up there?" Iewaelle point up to a great tit flying up above your path and snaps her fingers.

You see the birds flight end as theirs wings snap, the broken bones ending it's flight.

"Showing off are we? Why don't you just magic us there then? if your so powerfull?" Æstrid asks.
"Because someone is due a meeting soon." Iewaelle smiles smugly.

That day passes without incident but its early next morning, with a morning fog still hanging in the air that you hear them.

"AHHoooWW AHooW" you hear a distant cry of man howling like a wolf.
It echos down the rocky pass, mixed in the clang of steel on steel.

"Úlfhéðnar! Draw your steel!"Æstrid shouts as the cry echos.
"Úlfhéðnar?whats an Úlfhéðnar ? " Ilerie asks

"There like a Berserk but worse they come in packs." Æstrid reply's as she dons her boar helm.

Your plan is to:
A) Attack then head on
B) Bunch up and ride through them?.
C) Try to out run them on horse back?

Add a 2 for the below action .
2) Demand that Iewaelle use some magic to help you?

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #166 on: April 27, 2018, 06:11:59 am »

Iewaelli has a choice. She can risk losing us and see if she can find better allies in the Úlfhéðnar, or have a guarantee in keeping us. She knows our intentions, and what we want for payment. It’s her choice. Either way, our wife said to fight, not run, so I trust her.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #167 on: May 01, 2018, 02:26:32 pm »

Iewaelli has a choice. She can risk losing us and see if she can find better allies in the Úlfhéðnar, or have a guarantee in keeping us. She knows our intentions, and what we want for payment. It’s her choice. Either way, our wife said to fight, not run, so I trust her.
Soon they coat at you, a horde of men dressed in wolf skins, howling like wild animals as they come down the foggy hillside.

"Come on if it a fight they want then one they shall have." you shout as Ilerie readys her war fail.
Even Sabrinei holds a small gold and jewel cover dagger.

"Fight with what?" Iewaelle asks as you draw your bow.
"Use your magic! Call down lighting or throw fire from your hands! Something! anything! just fight!" you tell her.

"Here? Now? Do you have any idea of cost of power? No give me your dagger."
You give her the dagger but it's not a reassuring image, Iewaelle's head only comes up to your chest and her arms are thin and twig like.

"There here!" Æstrid shouts as the first figures, men in beast skins come rushing from tree line howling wildy.
There no stopping to count them as one rushes straight at you, a wild man naked apart from the wolf skin on his head.

He barrels past your thrust, knocking your blade a side and sending you crashing to the floor.
on top of his bushy bead rubs in your eyes as he raise a crude iron dagger.
You wrestle to pull your blade free and weakly poke him in side.
As he rears in pain, his head explodes in gore, crushed apart, Ilerie pulls you to your feet.

Æstrid wheels her war ax over head in great swings as a dozen of the Úlfhéðnar circle round her like hounds against a bear.

You glance to see that Iewaelli is in front of Sabrinei, who's horse is bucking wildly out of control.
There barely time to blink as the next Úlfhéðnar rushes at you.
There a little slower and Ilerie swipes there feet from under them.
You fight hard, slashing left and right with your bowel ripper, but the human tide is relentless and savage, the strong rush forwards all but leaping over the wounded to attack.

Your new vest helps keeping there eager blades at bay, but soon your pushed back to back, in to a circle, trapped by the Úlfhéðnar.
Death kept away only the deadly threat of steel in your hand.

As Ilerie parrys one thrush another catches her arm opening it deeply.

"Sorceress do something! or we all die here!" she shouts, clutching her wounded arm.

"No i think only you three will.”  Iewaelle points to an ignored Sabrinei.
“But that i can’t have, Stand back Ilerie.” Iewaelle moves to face the Úlfhéðnar.

The dagger flashes forth, and a crimson smile opens wide, just below the Úlfhéðnars ribs and Iewaelle's milk white hand plunges in side the man.

Her head whips back, wide soulless black eyes stare at you, an wordlessly she speaks in some evil tongue.
The body withers and ages before your eyes, the hair grays and skin cracks.
With a flick of the wrist she throw the bloody dagger in to the air, the blade shimmers and twists, swimming almost as it starts moving through the air.

As blade glides from man to man, Iewaelle feasts on it's bloody stings, her body growing with every wound the ghastly blade inflects.

Against the ghostly blades assault, the Úlfhéðnar are helpless and soon flee from it.

(As you get back on the road do you;
Question Iewaelle about her holding back on magic?
See to Ilerie wound?
Try to think why they where only attacking you?

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #168 on: May 03, 2018, 11:33:44 pm »

Seeing to our sisters wounds is first and foremost. There is no point in helping her raise a nation, if she dies doing so. Afterwards, we have some choice questions for the witch. She said that her powers came with a price. what price did she pay for her sorcery? Why did she pay that price? And last question, does she regret it? Regardless of the answer, or price is our price. She has made it clear that she needs us alive, and co-operating with her. The way I see it, she has little choice but to accept. Though Sabrinei comes first.

 By the way, does she really shit gold?
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #169 on: May 08, 2018, 09:33:07 pm »

(Sorry for the lateness but i was away all bank holiday weekend.
It's reenactment session, so i've been back to Newark and up the queens sconce, for Pikes & Plunder .)

Seeing to our sisters wounds is first and foremost. There is no point in helping her raise a nation, if she dies doing so. Afterwards, we have some choice questions for the witch. She said that her powers came with a price. what price did she pay for her sorcery? Why did she pay that price? And last question, does she regret it? Regardless of the answer, or price is our price. She has made it clear that she needs us alive, and co-operating with her. The way I see it, she has little choice but to accept. Though Sabrinei comes first.

 By the way, does she really shit gold?
(Your a gentleman and far above such base things as spying on ladys powdering there noses.
By Regardless of the answer, or price is our price. do you mean you what to try to lean magic?)

"Come on lets see to the wound of your Ilerie." you tell Ilerie.
"I'm fine, I'll do it.. you um do something else" Ilerie mutters as blood drips from her arm.
"Come on now let me see, there's no point helping you raise that hall, if you dies doing so.
sit down and let me have a look." she relents and you start work

The cut is deep, down into the muscle and runs straight down her forearm from elbow to wrist.
You wash out the would and start to stitch it shut but by time reach her wrist the cut, it already started to scab over.

"See?, i said i'm fine." she smiles at you as her wound is healed up some magic.
Turning back to the others.
"What price did this sorcery cost you witch?" you ask Iewaelli as she stands over the dead.

"You speak of magic as if it's like a sword purchase once and for all.
Every act of power of has cost, and while you can haggle, lie, bargain, cheat and steal in the end it must be paid for.
And this one must be settled soon..." Iewaelli pulls a small brass astrolabe from her bag and she raises it to the heavens.

"...This battle is not over, it's only halted for a short while.
That's just what i need.
Every one on there horses, we're leaving NOW!" she shouts holding back panic.

"Uh what do you mean? you think there comeing back? Not after what we did to em." Æstrid points to the hills.
"No, not the others, we need to put as much space between them as we can before they return to fight us." Iewaelli point as the fallen bodys.

"Return? but there dead, look he's stabbed thru the heart, stone cold dead." Æstrid points out.

"Half, there only half-dead, an we have until nightfall before him and the others i killed comes back, there bodys will soon rise.
Men driven back to live from the other side." the sorceress panicked words are chilling to hear.

Your all soon back on the road and riding hard towards the south.

You take the time to ask Iewaelli some more questions.

"I need to know why did you do that? do you regret it? because now your saying will have to fight zombies."

"I need you, and you know that, so no I don't regret doing that.. Yet.
The half dead are slow in body and mind but much stronger then in life, they suffer no pain or fear, that died with them, there's just hate and blood lust left.
Now why all the questioning?" Iewaelli asks you.

Her deep back eyes state at you, and then a grin widens on her face.

"Oh you wonder don't you?, can i learn this power too? you dream of what you could do with this monstrous craft.
Yes, you want to know the silent tongues, to hear arcane winds blowing.

Peter, magic is like fire, play with and you get burned, it's like the wind for it's ever rising and falling and it's as capacious an wild as sea.
No one can teach that, you must find your path to power or it would be like teaching the deaf to sing."

The night is tense, and none of you do more then barely sleep for fear of dead returning to do battle once again.
But when daylight comes you see no sign of them and soon Vicixtillus's war camp rolls in to view.

Soon find Vicixtillus finds you wounder how to explain the situation.
1: Tell him about your deal with Jarl Kadalsson and the Sagillus and Guthorm have to settle the matter by themselves.
2: Try to claim your reward without telling him.

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #170 on: May 08, 2018, 09:55:30 pm »

Let the witch know that we were showing interest in her, not her sorcery. If she is to serve as protector of our wife and offspring (the price we ask for, in compensation of our help.), then we might as well know her like one knows family. Also, if her magic might harm because of the help. Which yesterday’s events answered, quite thoroughly.

1. We have no reason to hide the terms of her being here, because he will find out anyway, and we try to carry ourselves with a small amount of honor. . . For now.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #171 on: May 15, 2018, 02:24:03 pm »

Let the witch know that we were showing interest in her, not her sorcery. If she is to serve as protector of our wife and offspring (the price we ask for, in compensation of our help.), then we might as well know her like one knows family. Also, if her magic might harm because of the help. Which yesterday’s events answered, quite thoroughly.

1. We have no reason to hide the terms of her being here, because he will find out anyway, and we try to carry ourselves with a small amount of honor. . . For now.

(Of course my computer eats the up date when it 80% done.)

Let the witch know that we were showing interest in her, not her sorcery.

If she is to serve as protector of our wife and offspring (the price we ask for, in compensation of our help.), then we might as well know her like one knows family.

"You know it's not your magic that i am after.
If your to serve as a protector to my wife and offspring after me, then well i should like to know you better more like family." you ask Iewaelli.

She smiles at that.
"It's been such a long time since any ones asked that you know, it's always magic this and sorcery that.
Well despite what i've told others, i'm not the offspring of demon princess or witch or anything interesting really, a potter and a fishwife.
And no there was no major event, all the stuff about hidden caves, strange temples or blood pacts, it's just made up.
i just went looking for power one day, found it places, up mountain sides no man has climbed , down in caves where the earths hides the elder things.
And to be honest with you, alot of its just reading books, that's how i know what magic you cheated at last fight with.
Anyway lets hear about you, how'ed you meet Æstrid anyway?" You once the mask slips she seams much more human.

You enter the hall, it's filled with gathered Sabine nobles.
A fat man starts to announce you.

"Lady Ilerie and Pete, wealder of the Cassiteride bowel ripper, who has faced the Kjallak and lived, once commander of Vraethum's army, slayer -cough- of Iewaelle
-cough- the-cough-
foul Sorceress -cough- and -cough-."

"Yes, what is it?"the man turns to Iewaelle visibly irradiated by her coughing.

"Do look dead to you? Does a corpse stand here and talk?
I'm Iewaelle an I'm far from dead." she give him a long stare.

"uh.. the defeater of Iewaelle the Sorceress, and Regainer of Tarquin's birthright, husband of Æstrid" the man finishes.

Soon your all sat down with a drink in hand when Vicixtillus slide up to you.
"Not quite the the show of finely i'd hand in mind but he was right, you are truly a beauty."  Vicixtillus smiles at Sabrinei as lower her hood.

"No we had some trouble on the roads, and thing are slightly more complected, Jarl Kadalsson has place a condition on theses deal.
His son, Guthorm also has eyes for her, worse still she was to be his bride.
But the Jarl is happy for both Sagillus and Guthorm to settle the matter by themselves." you do your best to tell him the terms.

"Ah, Guthorm he's mighty battlelord, his skill with a blade is worthy of song.
Oh i can see the Jarls plan now, i'll have to get them you settle the matter without a fight somehow...
Still that's my problem, not you're, here take this."
He toss you a trio of heavy pouches, (+8 cash, 2d6 ( 4 + 4 ) = 8)

"And we haven't meet have we?  Iewaelle that's it, you got a little worked up at Albic there, the man only says what he's been told."

You all celebrate the successful completion of an adventure, but however, you have a few too many and your overindulgence ends up costing you most of the next morning.
Your head still hurts form the night before when Iewaelle shows off her new sword and belt.
"Oh that suits you, feathers and spikes on shoulders pads, definitive you." Ilerie's voice is just loud enough to awaken you.
"Finally your awake, we have a day or so until the boat arrives, so if you want to buy anything now's the time." Iewaelle tells you.

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #172 on: May 15, 2018, 09:43:07 pm »

Maybe a good iron shield?  We are going on a boat so horses or a guide aren't too useful.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #173 on: May 17, 2018, 10:20:19 am »

Well, I would say to get new armor, instead. Of course, something that keeps him as light as possible, since I/we have been playing him as a light and fast fighter. If we must get a shield, I say it should be armor on one arm. He is also due for a better short bow, and some anti-man arrows. Maybe a better map.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #174 on: May 17, 2018, 12:32:46 pm »

Maybe a helmet so we can look cool like our wife.  Save some money to hire a guide where ever we end up.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #175 on: May 17, 2018, 01:23:11 pm »

I can agree with that.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #176 on: May 20, 2018, 03:54:10 pm »

Maybe a good iron shield?  We are going on a boat so horses or a guide aren't too useful.
If we must get a shield, I say it should be armor on one arm. He is also due for a better short bow, and some anti-man arrows. Maybe a better map.
Maybe a helmet so we can look cool like our wife.  Save some money to hire a guide where ever we end up.
I can agree with that.
Helmet 4
Bow 6 (arrow as well)
Armour 5
Shield 4
Map, (i haven't got a map an i do need to work out the scale for the next bit.)

You head to the market, the gathering of warriors has drawn many merchants from both near and far.

For some time you have felt that your head was an open target, easy prey to arrows and stones .
A good helmet will change that, but your soon trapped in the draw of image over function, the helmets are colorful, shaped like wolfs and bears, covered with skulls, wings, spikes and jewels.
After trying on a half dozen you settle one, a bronze helm with a forwards pointed snake for a crest
With a stout face guard, your face is concealed, leavening only your eyes.

As you walk along the stalls an iron shield takes your eye, it's a small thing, the with of your forearm as best
but hammered from a single iron plate, all but unbreakable, no arrow or blade will piece it.

You see Æstrid pass her heavy pouch to a man, a man you recognizance as one that lives near Ilerie's strong hold, she makes a sign over the the man as he nods, it's clearly payment for a man to finish the works she began.

With the shield in your hand, you recall what you know of shield fighting, pushing in to your foes faces and caching blows on it, now it seems to be a risky why to fight, and the idea of more armour enter your mind..

You soon catch sight of an arm armor, soft goat leather and thick iron splints that wrap around the forearm
Trying them on, even on tight there not too encumbering, your sword is still as swift as ever, but you start to feel that your upper arm is open, naked .. unprotected to the blade.

You're still looking around at the many stalls after a new dagger, after Iewaelle used it, it doesn't fill right, changed some how...

Then you see a nice horn bow, with strong and thick limbs that curve way from you, you have to pull hard to draw it back and final hand span has you grunt with all your might to pull it.
You smile, rare is bow that's so strong, after a few arrows loosed you see that it sends straight and true.
Lucky for you the merchant is eager to make the sale to the rare man able to use such a bow and settles for a good price.
A quiver full of  good sharp broad-head arrows finishes your purchases.

It the third night board on the boat, the moon is full in the sky when you find Iewaelle trying to tie both a bird and fish together.

"I not going to ask what your doing, but were are headed? you haven't told any of us." you ask her.

For a minute, she just stare as bird/fish thing flounder in the water, then finally the dead bird floats to the waters surface.

"We go where this tide takes us. it is the stronger, faster to go this way.
And now time matters, our enemy hunts for fragments of Ostgre's armour both night and day, every one makes them stronger and your kin grow fewer." her voice is somber and slow.

"um i been meaning to ask you about well sometimes magic kind of goes wrong, the zombies that got you by surprise, soon then you had reckoned right?" you ask her.

"There are costs. I've told you that before, but your right it was a hasty bargain but i'll be ready next time."
There's a glint in her black eyes.

As the morning dawns, you awake to the cry of "Land Oh!"
A coast of jagged black rocks rises in to view, unwelcoming sight.
But soon your docked in a small fishing villages harbor.
As the locals gather around, Iewaelle pays the boats captain and you start to wounder about a hireing a guide.

(Your money is in Cash 16 - 4 = 12, it's 1 per purchase.)
A guide would be 1 cash as it highly abstract, you might wnaht to give some details off guides, any specialtys your after?   
Items gained
Snake crested helm (enclosed)
Single Split Vambrace
Horn recurve bow  (broad-head arrows)

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #177 on: May 20, 2018, 04:50:05 pm »

A guide. . . . I think one who is knowledgeable on the local lore and liveries, would be the aim. The idea is to quickly locate as many pieces, ourselves, and to know when our enemy might be nearby.
If we Can’t get that, one who knows the average lay of the land would have to do.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #178 on: May 27, 2018, 01:53:06 pm »

A guide. . . . I think one who is knowledgeable on the local lore and liveries, would be the aim. The idea is to quickly locate as many pieces, ourselves, and to know when our enemy might be nearby.
If we Can’t get that, one who knows the average lay of the land would have to do.
6 , 4
You walk unsteady swaying from side to side like the boat you just left.

The bad news is the locals have you pegged on sight as up to no good, while no one changes you, there's growing crowd of armed man giveing you all the eye.

"We do look it brother, the four of us are armed and hardly friendly looking."  Ilerie points out.
"She's right, we need to get moving before we get asked to deal with the fish people eating there sheep or some thing..."
As the words leaves  Iewaelle mouth, you hear the first, "Can you help us with.."

While Æstrid regales them with a long winded tale about home cure for sheep pox, you get on with looking for a guide.

It's not long before you find a knowledgeable guide, a young man named Conrad, the son of the local land owner.
He's a quiet man, clean shaved and willing to admit that he more after easy money for wine and song then any grand adventure.

"We need to locate as many pieces as we can, if can find them then we find the enemy." You put it to Iewaelle

"Pieces, well it would help if we had an idea how many there are.
While the tales gives Ostgre an armour of a thousand scales and ten thousand rings, i don't think any one was really counting.
and then it was broken up time and time again from mother and father to son and daughter." Iewaelle sighs.

"Uh what does there's pieces look like?" Conrad asks
"Here kind of like this one." Ilerie pass's him the belt.

"Ah, and the markings you can't read them can you?
No i didn't think so, but i know a man that can, Raymond the scribe he boasts that he can read anything lets put him to the test."

"You recognize the marks, have you seen them before? other items like this?" You ask him.

"Kind of, my uncle Ottmar got something like this years ago off a merchant,
but more recently -He leans in closer- you didn't hear me say this but Higar the Raubritter has a golden ring with such markings.

You visit the stables and agree to rent some horses.

Looking at Conrad's map he tells you that your near Bouxy.
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

You head off towards
1: Higar the Raubritter.
2: Visit Conrad's uncle Ottmar.
3: Visit Raymond the scribe.

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #179 on: June 06, 2018, 05:53:14 pm »

We can go to the scribe first, to see if we can get information from the item itself. After, we go to the uncle.

(Sorry I have been away for a while, from this. I thought I had replied.)
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..
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