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Author Topic: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)  (Read 23448 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #45 on: July 21, 2017, 03:44:25 am »

We have no father, no village to return to even if we wanted, and now the trail is cold and we will never find the main camp of the bandits who raided it.  Hell they might have already all perished when we killed the drunk ones.

We can go for gold or we can try and find where our true mother came from.

I say we ask our companions to join us in a quest to find a mysterious land or people based only on our mother's sword!  And merc work in the meantime or something.
I think I was right to hit on her. Our kids would be the most Movie perfect children ever. Strong and attractive.

Anyway, I vote 4 and 3. Getting close to the Lord, we can use his resources to research the pumblepommel of our sword.

( A quick note but your birth father might still be alive, your dad did say "She said that your father might come looking for you.")

"A quest? what kind of quest?"

"As you know Tarquin my father is dead, village burn and in short, I have nothing to return to.
But there is one thing that drive me on,
You see my birth mother died on the day i was born.
While she left me with the man i have always called father and a loving step mother, now that there gone it starts to play at my mind.
The search for her origins, where was she from? is some distant land my true homeland? Who where her people?
I want to try and find where she came from and who she was.
Will you come with me on this quest?

"Why not? I have come this far with you and you'll not make me any poorer, i'm with you."
Ęstrid nod at you.

As you walk towards the port town of Bodleighwich.

"So Tarquin what leads you so far from Achaea?" asks Ęstrid

"I was going to inherit my fathers lands but that was before.

Our rivals tricked us, claiming there lands where being over overrun by marauders they called on us for aid.
by father and elder brother lead our men and quickly cornered the marauders.
With "King" Deorgar behind us the battle looked to be certain.
but we where betrayed, as our troops meet the enemy, he switched colours and attacked us from the rear.

Both my father and elder brother died there cut down by traitors hands, afterwards he used false charges to size our titles and lands from us.
So now i must make my own way in the world.
You Ęstrid? What drives you"

"No reason." she bluntly answers
"Really there must be a reason for a pretty girl like you." you tell her.
She cracks a nerviness smile at you.
"Ok just cos it's you i'll admit it, i kind of enjoy it, the violence, the killing
it's not like i'm some bloodthirsty berserk, i just like it." Ęstrid bites her lip as she mumbles.

From Bodleighwich you take a ship the island of the warlocks kings.
A days walk later you find your self at the foot of a tall tower of black stone blocks.

It's the keep of the Warlock Mater called Vraethum.
Door opens and a bald thin man exits.

"I've have seen your approach and i know why you've come with questions Mister Hudsley.
I know what your going to of me ask and yes i will, but for a price.
Now you can have a place in my Praetorian Guard(A).
But I need some one with an eye for tactics, and you Peter have shown that you have one, will you be my commander?(B)
and there is one finale way you can help me, I have need of some trust worthy warriors to guard my greatest treasurer.(C)"

A) Praetorian Guard?
B) Be come commander?
C) guard his greatest treasurer?

Spoiler: Map of the Island (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: A town map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2017, 07:39:11 am »

I see no reason not to become a (B) Commander.
Unlike the Guard, we are far more free to move about without truely worrying for the safety of another. And, unlike guarding a treasure, we are not anchored, potentially, to one spot for a long period of time.

But there is one important question. How did he know we were coming and why?

(Also to note, it seems we have broken though Ęstrid's armor. We could strike now, but I have always been more of a fan of "death by 1000 paper cuts". We should flirt with her a bit more. Ask her on a private dinner. More so ask her about her battles she had been in. Her family history. Her family future. The stark contrast between her and many other women of this age.)
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2017, 01:45:45 am »

"Your right i do have an eye for tactics mister?" you ask him.
"I am Vraethum warlock king of all you see around you.
But please lets not stand on ceremony call me Vraethum, my liege if you must."

"Well then my liege Vraethum, i will be your commander."

-He snaps his fingers and there's a chink as stack coins land in his up turned hand.-
Here is your first payment, commander.
My horse servant Magnus will see to the rest of your needs."

You settle in to new quarters in his tower, there dusty and bare but liveable.
With time on your hands you decide to cook a dinner in the hopes of impressing Ęstrid.

"So um Ęstrid i was kind of wondering.. see i bought to much, so would you like to have dinner with me..."
You've spent all afternoon cooking a lovely beef and garlic pie, you've even got a bottle of good Aquilonian wine to share.

She impressed by the meal and you soon turn the topic to her family.

"My family well there farmers both them, my mother and father.
Not much happening there, it was a bit dull counting sheep every day.
What about your you never speak about them?"

She listens intently as you tell her with the story of about how your home was burnt by bandits.
"Oh how sad.. I'm sorry for bring it up,  so soon it must be painfull..." a tear wells in her eye as she sniffs.

"A enough of that, so how did you go from being a shepherdess to a Svinfylking warrior that must be an interesting tale." you ask her.

"Boredom, i was terribly bored tending sheep all the time, so
day there was a passing Svinfylking, i jump at the chance to get away.
I offered to join him, help with general tasks and lean the battle arts.
That was three years ago..."

After the meals over she retires to bed, and slightly put out you walk out on to the balcony and look out across the starlit hills.

"No luck tonight then?" Tarquin asks from behind you.
"Huh what Tarquin?"
He laughs from the belly "Oh you fancy her Peter, your eyes show it, both of you do.
Well she likes you too but you know what you need to do now.
You've got to buy her a gift, get her something nice, show her you care."

The next morning your awoken by the boot of Magnus.
"Get up you!, the master call for you."

Grumpy to walk up stairs to find V pouring over a map table covered in figures

"Peter, just the man i need.
It's time for you to earn your pay.
I have two problems, well it's one problem.
My enemy Banitor has raised his men and marches here.
But i am due to attack the Sorceress Iewaelle, in league with the pirate Ozahr.
If i do not.. well he has some thing more valuable to me then mere gold or slaves.
So will you stay here and defend my holding or march to attack Iewaelle in my stead?


A)Attack the lands of the Sorceress Iewaelle?
B)Defend Vraethum's settlement?

What are you going to buy Ęstrid as a gift?

Spoiler: Map of the Island (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #48 on: July 27, 2017, 09:41:00 pm »

I say A. because of my honor. And that's my OOC honor, not the characters. But, in character it should be noted that he should stay with his people and show them that he fights for them. No better way to instill loyalty, than to seem loyal, yourself.

As for Astrid's gift. . ..  I feel we should let her choose it. Just take her on a surprise date a few days before we are to head off, and walk her through the market. See what she likes, if anything, and just get it for her.

Third thing. I know what should be in the jar. Unbeknownst to us, it should be a small bit of ointment, the way of making it lost to time itself. It's one that has a great propensity for healing even mortal wounds nearly instantly. That should be indicated by markings on the lid of the jar itself. But we would need to run across someone who can read it. (Or maybe we know it because we used it once before, but then it leaves an issue with our father who we then let die.)
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cultist and Heretic
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2017, 09:50:57 pm »

I say A. because of my honor. And that's my OOC honor, not the characters. But, in character it should be noted that he should stay with his people and show them that he fights for them. No better way to instill loyalty, than to seem loyal, yourself.

As for Astrid's gift. . ..  I feel we should let her choose it. Just take her on a surprise date a few days before we are to head off, and walk her through the market. See what she likes, if anything, and just get it for her.
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #50 on: July 27, 2017, 09:54:07 pm »

A bonus advantage I didn't think of. If they are sieged and the enemy doesn't bring, or loses their siege weapons we will be their to brake their surrounding.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2017, 10:54:48 am »

I say A. because of my honor. And that's my OOC honor, not the characters. But, in character it should be noted that he should stay with his people and show them that he fights for them. No better way to instill loyalty, than to seem loyal, yourself.

As for Astrid's gift. . ..  I feel we should let her choose it. Just take her on a surprise date a few days before we are to head off, and walk her through the market. See what she likes, if anything, and just get it for her.

Third thing. I know what should be in the jar. Unbeknownst to us, it should be a small bit of ointment, the way of making it lost to time itself. It's one that has a great propensity for healing even mortal wounds nearly instantly. That should be indicated by markings on the lid of the jar itself. But we would need to run across someone who can read it. (Or maybe we know it because we used it once before, but then it leaves an issue with our father who we then let die.)

A)Attack the lands of the Sorceress Iewaelle

Well that's not as romantic as I'd hoped, (5, 2 costly) and it turns out that merchants can smell that your treating her.

"I am your paid man, i will carry your banner against this Sorceress."

"Good, i will have to take a ride soon, there are some ally's i must raise in person.
But it will take a few days until all the men are ready.

On the other hand i have a had some luck uncovering the origins of your sword.
It took me awhile as they haven't made them since the days when i was a young but it's a Cassiteride bowel ripper.
Well the blade is, you can see here where the guard and pommel have been replaced, most likely in Aquilonia some time in the last 30 years.
The eagle head pommel was a badge or rank among there cavalry officers.

Does that help you much?
I'll keep working on the collar and jar there marking are interesting."

"Peter Which you do you think suits me better? this one or this ?"
Ęstrid holds up a long-sleeved dark green dress.
"Oh lets try them on..."
A matching pair of brass cloak pins are added to your bill, iIt's all ready bee an expensive trip and your holding the purse for it.
She smiles as she makes you buy try's on a oiled brown leather jerkin.

By the time your shopping trip is over your left with the large bill for a fine blue dress, two brass cloak pins, a leather jerkin and a pair riding boots with sliver spurs.
But at lest she happy, too bad about your purse.

It's dawn the next day you awake to the sound of horses.
As the morning goes on more and more men arrive outside the town.
it's a strange mix, units of pikemen and archers stand in rags next to War-thralls in armour and chains.
At the far end is the ally Vraethum spoke off an Askuzai horse clan, the mounts panting a dressed for war.

Vraethum assigns you command of portion consisting of:

Your troops are going to be from a points buy system.

You get 1000 points.
The available units are all priced and bought in multiples of 10 men.

Available units

Askuzai medium horse 90.
Askuzai light horse  50.
Trained pike levy 20.
Light infantry 15.
Archers 20.
War-thralls (heavy infantry) 90, limited to 3 units
Siege Engines 25 each.
Spoiler: Your forces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map of the Island (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #52 on: July 31, 2017, 09:39:45 am »

I say we should bring:
3 units of War Thralls (to counter theirs and tie them up)
5 units of archers (to harass their pikemen before engagement and to counter any new infantry before they can intercept)
9 light infantry (to engage and harass their pikeman)
3 light horseman (to rip Into their back lines and archers)
2 heavy horseman (to rip Into their Thralls sides)
3 siege engines (we will see what kind of walls they have, but, if we can take them and then secure archers on top, we will have an advantage.)
4 pikeman (to play roll as backup wherever needed.)

I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #53 on: August 06, 2017, 06:04:21 pm »

The good news is that Sorceress Iewaelle has left her fort all most empty of any garrison.

But you can see why, sitting out on a jagged spar of black rock it's an impressive strong hold.

A long winding path twists it way up to a single tall tower of the local black stone, sits like a black spike hammered in to the sky.
Before it is the wall, not made from the local black stone but only a ragged wooden palisade a single story in hight.

You see that the wall has one gate way, deeply embedded where the walls are angled inwards.
A short tower sets at each end marks where the cliff sides start to steeply slope away.

As your men set up camp, you see her,  Iewaelle the foul Sorceress.
She's standing as still as a statue atop the tower.
Her blond hair tails down to her ankles, the vast mass is plated with bone and feathers.
As you catch her black soulless eyes, a chill runs down your spine.

Spoiler: Iewaelle's Tower (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Your forces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map of the Island (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2017, 05:30:32 pm »

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2017, 06:42:43 pm »

Don't worry. I haven't left you. Just trying to recruit because I don't know what to do. I have not really done offensives.
I would say we need a set of ladders and a set for catapalts. . . And a seige tower. Let 2 infantry units and Tarquin will use the ladders on the back left side. Their job is to use the ladders to climb up the rocks and find entrence into the fort. The seige tower, maned by 1 pikeman unit and 2 infantry units, will focus on the front, while the catapult will attack the left hand tower.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2017, 05:45:43 pm »

See if we can have them start climbing in the night, and the launch a full assault from the front at dawn.  That way we can distract them at the front just as our infiltrators get in and start wrecking shit from inside.  If we can take a side wall this way it is over.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2017, 10:36:10 pm »

This is something that must be done, before battle starts. We must make a speech on wanting to wrap this battle up quickly, so all may be able to enjoy their lives back home. And then throw in a comment on how, after this battle is over, he will have a new battle. One where he will win the right to a beautiful woman's heart.

((My lips are as smooth as a perfect vacuum.))
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2017, 03:43:25 am »

This is something that must be done, before battle starts. We must make a speech on wanting to wrap this battle up quickly, so all may be able to enjoy their lives back home. And then throw in a comment on how, after this battle is over, he will have a new battle. One where he will win the right to a beautiful woman's heart.

((My lips are as smooth as a perfect vacuum.))
I would say we need a set of ladders and a set for catapalts. . . And a seige tower. Let 2 infantry units and Tarquin will use the ladders on the back left side. Their job is to use the ladders to climb up the rocks and find entrence into the fort. The seige tower, maned by 1 pikeman unit and 2 infantry units, will focus on the front, while the catapult will attack the left hand tower.
(So you've see last weeks game thrones.)
(a lot of 6's for you this time, 3 in a row for storming the castle)

"That will be your task, batter down that tower, forcing them to watch the front.
Tarquin, you and the forty best climbers will try to climb rocks with the ladders an-

"You want me to scale that cliff side? Have you seen it!? It's near shear rock with nothing to hold." Tarquin reminds you.

"Don't worry about where or not you can actually climb up the dam thing,.
Just be there, if there shooting at you then Ęstrid has an easier time with the siege tower."

For most of the next day your catapult fires and stones hammer against the tower, until finally with a crack the tower falls as the wall finally collapses in to a slope of broken wood and earth.

That night you can barely rest as anticipation of battle fills the air.
"Still up? you worry to much Peter, maybe i can help you take your mind of it.
Ęstrid sit down next to you, her breath smell of wine.
"I don't know why others make live so hard, if we live or die is our own hands, at dawn the gods will see our worth as warriors..
um your not really lesioning to this are you? well lets not waste tonight alone..." she kisses you and cocks her head towards the tent.

An hour before the dawn, leaves the camp towards the cliffs.

As daybreaks you beat the drum and call your men to there fates.

"Well this is it today we take that tower, today this ends here.
By night fall we be on our ways home, back to family, back fiends and lovers!
now that will be a battle, by the gods how am i going to win her heart? that beautiful woman..

Ęstrid turns red in face and puts her helmet on.

In the soft morning light the siege tower slowly approaches the forts gate.

You see the flash of lighting in the air, scorching the tower and striking men dead.
Iewaelle stands atop her wall, her eyes flashing as her long slender arms hurl out a sorceress assault.
(-7 pikemen)

You lose arrow back at her but before it can strike home in to her black heart it burns away to dust in the air.
Engaged your men push onwards keeping there shield up as Iewaelle's archers start to fire back at you.

As Ęstrid's siege tower opens on to the gateway, a cheer goes up.
Quicky clamber up the rubble and find your self looking along the wall.

Dozens of I's men have thrown down there weapons, in the courtyard you see Tarquin and his men waving at you.

Some of the men have even forced the door to the tower open.
Invigorated you wave to Ęstrid and rush towards the open door way.

"Well where that witch go?" Ęstrid asks you as you ender the black stone tower.
"No idea.
I'll take the bottom, you take the top." she points at the stair case.

You clutch your sword and take the steps one at a time, wary of attack from any corner.
In the first room you find only a pair of maids chained to a large cauldron.
The next floor is a barracks and is empty.

By the time you reach the Sorceresses study, Ęstrid is busy looting the witch's jewellery.

"She's not here. She must of turned in to a bat." Ęstrid tells you.
As you turn she disappears before your eyes, replaced with the form of Iewaelle.

"Shit!" She waves her finger and a chair fly's across the room, smacking you from behind, knocking you to the floor.

As you try to stand, she starts to chant in tongue that burns ears and echoes in your mind.
Her body start to smoulder and by the time you can stand purple flames lick way the last of her flesh.
You look down and ses that there nothing left here of the Sorceress Iewaelle, just the smell of burning flesh in the air.

Now what
Loot the tower?
Return to Vraethum?
Size the strong hold for Vraethum?
Join up with the pirate Ozahr's forces as expected?

Spoiler: Iewaelle's Tower (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Your forces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map of the Island (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 02:50:39 pm by Funk »
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #59 on: August 11, 2017, 08:33:43 am »

. . . Let's send 2 war thralls, 2 archers, 4 light infantry, 2 Pikemen and all our horsemen groups to go to Vraethum, it's a large force just to send a message that we are fortifying the stronghold, but he may need the backup.

Obviously,  that means we are going to seize the stronghold.

Also, we should send two carriers to Ozahr. One to ask him to join us in the stronghold, and the other to make sure that the first makes it back safe to deliver his message.
(Ozahr is on our side, yes?)

And the three of our party are going to loot the tower.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 10:09:19 am by zomara0292 »
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..
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