You choose to exact a reasonable tax from Igrylligus and its surrounds. Split evenly between tribute types, you expect that in addition to the arranged caravan supplies you should be suitably fed for 3 more stages of growth (maybe a fourth if you can get enough homesteads on board), you can expect to receive around 240 silver coins a season in trinkets (which you also receive right now as kobolds stumble over each other to present their first tribute to you) and perhaps 10 kobolds a season as new minions. 10 of the village kobolds are actually offered up to you now for your disposal.
You elect not to maintain a lair in Igrylligus, informing the elders that you will come to them when you want to pick up your tributes and deal with problems. You do not share the location of your lair. You also inform the elders before you prepare to leave on your 'announcement' tour that they should begin work on clearing building space and developing the necessary paths between homesteads for a proper marketplace in Igrylligus. While many are intrigued by the idea of developing a proper marketplace, the elders require a decision on your part.
"Honoured master," the eldest elder informs you, "we regret that we cannot spare the materials to work on this! Our craftsbolds currently spend their time divided between making the tools and repairs we need to survive, as well as a handful of comforts to make life bearable. A few would normally be free to work on such a project, but they will need to spend their time crafting the appropriate offerings for your own tribute, lord. If you could see to forgiving us the tribute of wealth until the marketplace is completed, the work could be done in five seasons."
You consider the possibilities here. Select one or more options.
A) Draw kobolds off producing comforts and non-essential tools. Morale may suffer, but it will free up resources to build the marketplace.
B) Forgive the wealth tribute until the market is complete.
C) Give them half of what they need in trinkets, so they can trade for materials next season with the caravan (-600 silver coins).
D) Give them all of what they need in trinkets, so they can trade for materials next season with the caravan (-1200 silver coins).
E) "No, no, no. What you need are slaves. Form a militia and go capture some, then make them build the marketplace."
F) Leave off for now. You can always do this another time.