You graciously permit the village elders to live... and to continue governing their village in your name. You will not be bothered about general troubles assailing the village, nor are you that expected to retain a presence here, yourself or by proxy. The elders will present decisions to you about the most important concerns the village faces and you will of course be free to make demands or impositions on them as often as you think you can get away with.
Speaking of which, you have a few decisions to make now. First and foremost, what level of seasonal tribute will you exact upon Igrylligus and any surrounding homesteads that accept your rule?
A) A rapacious tax. Squeeze them for everything they have, as often as you can.
B) A burdensome tax. Don't actually starve them out of house and home (immediately) but still exact a tribute befitting a dragon.
C) A reasonable tax. About on par with a typical lord, you aim to skim as much tribute from them as you can without actively harming them.
D) A token tax. Power and respect are the important things here, the small tribute they pay is mostly to help remind them who is in charge.
This tax would typically be split up between food, valuables and kobolds (either as labourers, soldiers or maybe just snacks). How do you want to divide this?
A) An even split of the three.
B) Mostly food.
C) Mostly valuables.
D) Mostly kobolds.
E) Entirely one of the three, or excluding one specifically (state which).
You have the option of maintaining a space in the village roundhouse where you can sleep, as well. Note that you can only have one true lair where all your loot is gathered; you can keep 'summer homes' and even places to stash loot before bringing it back to your lair, but for the purposes of gold and glory you can only improve skills and grow by sleeping in your true lair. You can still sleep and heal in a secondary lair, though. Such a lair must have some valuables for you to sleep on comfortably, however, representing an expense in valuables not left in your true lair.
A) No, I have no interest in maintaining a place to sleep here.
B) Yes, prepare a secondary lair where I can rest and sleep here. (This will cost 3000 silver in trinkets to make your bed.)
C) Actually, let's just move my primary lair here and abandon the one in the catacombs. I have servants here!
Assuming you don't just move your entire lair here, the elders would like to know how to get in contact with you if there is a problem.
A) Don't. I'll come to you.
B) Inform one trusted elder of the location of your lair, with instructions not to tell anyone.
C) Inform the elders of your lair's location so they can bring tribute there directly in future.
Finally, there is the matter of the surrounding homesteads. Having taken over Igrylligus, it seems likely that some of the closest homesteads will fall into line as your subjects of their own volition, being too close to the village to risk angering you. There is no guarantee that more distant homesteads or those close to other villages will acknowledge your dominion.
A) Who cares? I'm fine with this for now.
B) Go on a bit of a tour of the surrounding homesteads, presenting yourself and demanding their submission.
C) Go on a bit of a tour of the surrounding homesteads, burning them to the ground if they don't immediately submit.
D) I have minions for this now. Command Igrylligus to raise a militia and go convert the nearby homesteads to your vassalage.
E) Another approach?
And of course, you may always suggest a command or project you may wish to give the village.