You are caught in a moment's indecision. Flee now, or double down and try to talk your way into victory? You decide to... [Coin Flip: A]
run for it.
You turn your tail and run, flapping your wings for brief boosts of flight where possible, as countless streams of acid lance after you. By your blistered, broken skin and exposed muscles you manage to avoid getting hit and, humiliatingly, run past all the kobolds from the village who had come to watch. As you flee back to your lair, ragged and bloody, you hear a deep, distant chuckling in your mind.
Ho ho ho ho ho... You have my thanks, little wyrmling. This will help remind those kobolds where to keep the true faith. A shame about Phragmita, ho ho ho, but I have other, stronger daughters to replace her. I think, should you try this foolish act again, you will not find it even this easy. Be glad I allow you to flee with your wretched skin. Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo...You scrabble back to the hillock, crawl through the opening in the hillside and make your way back to your lair, defeated and miserable. You collapse upon your hoard and
3, 6
You are awoken prematurely,
eight days later, having only healed two thirds of your wounds and feeling rather hungry and irritable. As you open one white-irised eye, you can see the faint flickering of a candle and hear the sound of approaching footsteps down the hallway from the warrior chamber. At a glance, it appears to be a party of five kobolds, three armed with spears and two with shortbows, all of which have heavy-looking (currently empty) sacks on straps over their shoulder.
Ah. It would appear that your dramatic revelation and subsequent defeat has both drawn the attention of would-be adventurers and given them the mistaken belief that you are weak and approachable. No doubt these thieves have come to steal your treasure and perhaps try to kill you in your sleep.
A) You're hungry and you just got meals on wheels. Enjoy.
B) Kill most of them and save one for questioning.
C) Pretend to be asleep until they get into range, then murder them for their insolence.
D) Intimidate these idiots into your service in exchange for their lives.
E) Something else?