You have learned from your experienced with Tulumata, and memories of stealth have resurfaced, drawn from your encounter with her. You recall how to avoid leaving tracks, how to conceal yourself within any cover down to two thirds of your apparent size, and you are almost undetectable at night. Indeed, until you grow larger you would rate your own stealth skills on par with those of She of the Drawing Dark.
Similarly, your recent use of potions has brought memory of apothecary to the fore. You now know several medically and alchemically useful plants and animal parts you can harvest, many of which are present in the swamps. You believe you know how to brew these ingredients into potions for your own use, although they tend to be fairly expensive in terms of the resources used. In particular, you can brew simple forms of healing potions, antitoxins and venoms. You already know the limitations of healing potions - antitoxins when drunk will provide an hour's protection against poisons and venoms, while venoms can be used to coat your claws to inflict additional poison damage on your melee attacks. However, they lose potency out of a container, so will only last for an hour after you apply them.
You will need to gather ingredients to make these, or else send a minion with expertise in apothecary to do the gathering for you (with the aid of helpers). Most of them share some common ingredients, simply requiring skill to combine them properly into functional potions.
Jibjibjub has completed a bare necessities version of the barracks you instructed him to build. He is ready for a new task. What should you command of him?
A) Decorate my lair. Carve some statues, maybe of me, maybe of other beautiful things.
B) Construct a concealed entrance for my lair to hide it from prying eyes.
C) Fortify the entrance to my lair to serve as a defensible guard post.
D) Smooth out the entrance corridor to my lair and install some simple traps while you're there.
E) Improve the existing barracks by creating a dedicated kitchen and armoury, to better supply troops at rest.
F) Construct some exterior outbuildings for my minions, such as a tannery to process hunted hides into leather for armour.
G) Something else?
Next up, Gugujib has been leading the hunters, bringing in a quiet but useful bounty to keep yourself and your minions fed. She has had experience both as a huntsbold and a spy, but it would be better for her to focus on one skill to develop it. From now on, where should she focus?
A) On hunting and tracking. I need a capable huntsbold to lead food gathering and swampcraft efforts.
B) On espionage. I need someone who can bring information in from elsewhere in the swamps.
And finally, what would you care to do now that you have awoken?
A) Gather some ingredients from the swamp in preparation for alchemy.
B) Convert some more homesteads through displays of force or guile.
C) Investigate one of the other villages; Korobatbat or Bomugil.
D) Find another shrine to the Bloat King and start taking down his daughters pro-actively.
E) Seek a challenge in the swamps.
F) Seek a new source of wealth.
G) Seek treasure and combat in the catacombs.
H) Something else.