In a snap judgement, whether based on luck or instinct, you flame a section of the trees off to the right of where the last shot came from. Perhaps some god is smiling on you, because you catch Tulumata dead on with the flames! A screaming, flaming form runs into the clearing - it gestures with one hand and swamp water splashes
upward, covering her and putting out the fire.
As the water washes away, you catch sight of a vaguely feminine humanoid figure composed entirely out of what appears to be black tar. Thick, ropelike strands form recognisable hair, but she has no other clearly pronounced features. She seems to be clutching a shortbow and what looks like a shortspear made from mangrove wood - but this close, the shortbow's effectively out of commission. You allow yourself a momentary grin and leap in for the kill.
Dragon: 1/4hp, 1 armour, 1 resistance. Melee (PC +4 [6dam], MC +5 [3dam]), Ranged (PC +3 [1dam], MC +4 [3 dam])
Spit Lizard Army: 30hp, +3 Melee/Ranged, 2 damage.
Tulumata: 5hp, 2 armour, 2 stealth. Melee +2, 2 damage + 2 poison. Ranged +2, 1 damage + 3 poison. [Range: 2]
8, 7
Keeping the mass of spit lizards back with a gout of flame, you plunge your foreclaws into Tulumata's inky chest and bite downward - with a satisfying
squelch you tear off her tar-like head and spit it out. Surprisingly fluid blood gushes out of the neck stump, as if she is bleeding thin oil. It tastes about as unappetising as well.
You snatch up a handful of the lizards and crunch down on them to wipe away the taste. When you move to slay the rest, they have already begun to slither away into the treeline or else into hiding spots. You give one or two parting shots with your firebreath, then turn back to the shrine.
Your ancestors roar in your ears. A glorious battle, and they approve mightily of you restoring your prestige by wiping out the stain of previous defeat.They are not the only voice in your mind, however.
Ho ho ho ho ho... It would seem you have slain another of my daughters. I confess, I believed Tulumata would best you, little dragon, but it seems she was not so worthy after all. Enjoy your victory, I have certainly enjoyed your struggles. But be warned; with fame comes notoriety. Tulumata's sisters will surely consider this a vendetta now... Ho ho ho ho ho...Irked by this voice, you climb the central pole and tear off the white jade statue of the giant frog, letting it fall into the muck below with a cathartic
plop. It will make a nice addition to your hoard (
3000 silver coins), along with the varied trinkets that used to be offerings to the Bloat King and will now serve as offerings, so to speak, to you (
3000 silver coins). The pelts of various slain spit lizards add another
750 silver coins of value to the pile.
This done, you burn the damned shrine to the ground.
A) Return to Igrylligus with Tulumata's head and demand their worship.
B) Return to Igrylligus, cause a little havoc as punishment for their prior faithlessness and then demand their worship.
C) Return to Igrylligus, having made your point, but only assume the role of their lord rather than an object of worship.
D) Return to Igrylligus and burn it to the ground as a message to the rest of the Bitter Swamps that you are not to be fucked with.
E) Something else?