You enjoy sneaking around, but sometimes it's just more fun to let loose and start killing things.
8!!, 2
You leap out and exhale a massive gout of smoky red flame, twisting your head as you do so to capture as many lizards as possible. They are pretty vulnerable individually, and nothing spreads out mass damage like fire. You actually manage to capture more than half of them in this initial blast, although the exertion leaves you vulnerable and a couple of them manage to rake their claws down your side while you are distracted, leaving some pretty deep gouges and drawing blood.
7!, 10!!!
You turn about, spitting out a spiral of flame at the remaining lizards, and you catch six more of them in the blast. Only the two on your sides escape, and your wriggling loosens them. You immediately turn upon both and fillet them with deadly grace. Then all that remains is to cook the remainder of your meal and feast.
This has been somewhat glorious. Your ancestors are piqued, but not impressed enough to grant you a boon yet.After finishing your repast, you stretch out and enjoy the sensation of fullness and the warmth of the sun on your scales. Spit-lizard colonies like this should suit the gap in your appetite nicely, leaving you free to worry about other things. Their skinned hides aren't bad either, and you add {
850 silver coins'} worth of pelts to your hoard. Your side still stings, and it is an injury, but you can heal that when you sleep.
A) And why not do so now? Head back to your lair and sleep off the wound.
B) Relax, spend some time hunting for pelts and feathers, take a tour around the swamps.
C) Head back to the lair, do some light hunting, and wait for Gugujib to show up.
D) Something else?