You are a dragon, not bound by petty gender constraints as lesser species are. You are what you want to be at any given moment, at once male, female and neither. In the rare occasion that gendered pronouns come up in your internal narrative, you will most likely flip between them interchangeably. Besides, a beautiful creature such as yourself should not be so constrained. You take a moment to preen, looking over your new silver scales, shimmering in the low lamplight. Over time, the sheen will grow until they become mirror-like, reflecting your surroundings. A bit of a complication stealth-wise, but you should be able to adapt.
Thinking of stealth, you are on the limit of not having size penalties to stealth; the next time you grow, you will mostly have to compensate for your increased size when attempting to be stealthy.
But enough of such concerns. You are
You head out in search of those giant lizards you saw before, but even from the trees that you can now easily fly to the top of you cannot seem to discover any of them! Some sort of seasonal migration, or are you just terrible at tracking things?
4, 7
You continue searching, practically inhaling the scant boars and raptors you encounter in your path, but they are few and far between - your appetite is blunted rather than sated by those you can find. After three full days of searching, during which you barely eat enough to keep going, you finally stumble upon the edge of a clearing amongst a particularly thick copse of mangrove trees. The ground is firmer, and you can see that the clearing has been surrounded by a wooden fence more designed to keep out wild animals than, say, hungry dragons. Pigs - barely domesticated versions of the wild boars and sows in the swamp - root around in the dirt, although you can see a pit filled with random scraps, berries and mushrooms that seem to be the pigs' main feed. Several plots of the nearby swamp have been turned into paddies in which meticulously planted rice is growing, and you see three crude wooden huts clustered next to each other around a stone firepit.
From your vantage point in a mangrove tree, completely un-noticed by anyone, even the pigs, you can perceive the goings-on of this very small community. It looks like there are maybe a dozen kobolds living here, with perhaps that number again out hunting or gathering. You base this on the racks over the smoking firepit, in which drying strips of what look like lizard meat (as well as several small whole geckos and similar creatures) are being smoked for preservation. There are carved wooden bowls filled with dried berries and one kobold is currently preparing a complex mixture of smoked meat, dried berries and fat that your memories call
pemmican. The kobolds in the homestead (you wouldn't even call it a village) are mostly very small or older, with cracked-looking and dry scales. These groups are either busy watching the pigs, preparing food, tending to the rice paddies or serving as look-out; two young kobolds are up in trees near the homestead's walls. Neither of them have noticed you, but both are armed with shortbows and are in a good position to call an alarm if foes are spotted.
Your stomach roars at you.
A) You're starving. Raid these hapless peons and steal and eat their livestock.
B) You're starving. As above, but also steal their food stores.
C) You're starving. As the two above, but why stop at the livestock? Just eat the whole homestead.
D) You're starving. As the three above, but burn the homestead down for good measure.
E) You're starving. Present yourself to these kobolds and demand tribute in food.
F) You're starving. You're also rich. Present yourself to these kobolds and offer a shred of your treasure in exchange for the food you desire.