You wait until the mummy's serpentine head turns away from the garnet, leap out and snatch it up in your jaws. You then leap back into the shadows and hustle as quickly and quietly as possible down one of the passages out, shoving the garnet into your bag as you go.
The corridor gets darker the further away you go, so you don't notice the slightly different flagstone until you step on it and it recedes into the ground. You barely manage to sprint on out of the way as a huge blade scythes out of the wall, nicking you in one wing. You aren't seriously injured, but the pain is an unwelcome distraction on top of the pain you are already suffering from the earlier fall. Keeping wary of possible future traps you make your way along the corridor, soon seeing another faint flicker of light. Up ahead the corridor widens into a sort of long, wide room through which the main path continues. Stone biers are set at intervals through the whole length of the room, with various small antechambers set to the sides. Unlike the sarcophagi in the previous chamber, these only have simplified sculptures of serpentine humanoids in repose on their lids instead of detailed carvings. You can see this because at regular, distant intervals small bronze plates have been set in pillars by the path, each of which is burning with a guttering yellow flame.
The source of these flames is apparent. Further down the corridor you can see what appears to be another of these serpentine humanoids, this time wrapped in dull red bandages and garbed in some sort of faded crimson tunic or surcoat over its torso. There is a mask on this mummy's head as well, but made of bronze instead of gold, and you see that it carries a large bronze jug in one hand and is slowly slithering over towards one of the smaller, dwindling flames. It carefully pours a little oil from the jug into the plate and the flame quickly restores itself. Both jug and mask are gleaming in burnished bronze, not a trace of verdigris upon them.
A) Close the distance and take this mummy down in a quick and dirty fight, no faffing about.
B) Try and get close to the mummy while undetected, then make your attack from hiding.
C) Just sneak past it and carry on down the corridor.
D) Investigate the side rooms for potential loot.
E) Something else?