You take a moment to carefully feel around your location. Thinking about it, the rocks you've fallen on aren't loose for the most part, more like a formation. Although some parts are pretty rounded and smooth for a natural rock formation... you think this might have been carved in some fashion. Feeling around the shape, you think you might be on some sort of sculpture of a broadly humanoid figure; two arms, two legs, one head, in repose. There's a sharp drop off the edge of the sculpture, but only down a few feet. You take an experimental step off and find some loose rocks, although they don't clatter right. Hrm. Wait, that's not rock either. That's bone.
Feeling around the bones, you find the scattered remnants of what was probably a humanoid creature based off the skull, strewn with what feels like rags of clothing. There is some sort of long, rough metal object nearby, and miraculously there is even what at first you assume to be some sort of sleeping creature but which turns out to be a leather bag. It takes a little work to get it open, as it seems stuck in some way, but inside you find small cakes of what appears to be some sort of ancient preserved grain substance (
cram, your instincts provide with a strange echo of distaste - it certainly doesn't smell good) some sort of stoppered bottle of a smooth, unyielding non-metallic substance (
glass), a few sheets of some sort of crackly tough substance and three long wooden rods wrapped at the end in layers of fabric. There is a small metal box you can easily pry open, containing what smells like shavings of dry wood, a strip of metal and a tiny rod of metal as well. But best of all, there is a small pouch containing several discs of a metal that tastes glorious, almost as good as gold! (
40 silver pieces)
A) Take the bag with you and go exploring.
B) Forget the bag, just take the silver pouch and go exploring.
C) Rest on the silver to sleep more easily and heal up for a while.
D) Suggest a course of action.