The Bay 12 Games Report, June 1st, 2017Mission Status Once again the true patrons of the arts have come through and funded Bay 12 for another month! Even if you don't like art! That's no reason to hold back your support. Soon kobold hives will be added to the game. Poisonous spiders and reptiles are used as pets and to poison traps! Can you fight your way to the egg chamber and recover the stolen artifacts?
Congratulations to the generous!
Fun with Numbers Thanks for another great month! In order to make all artifacts rescueable, we're starting off this month with kobold cave maps, which'll equalize the big five vanilla races' site maps somewhat, just in time for them to be blown apart when we get to the next set of site rewrites in a few years, he he he. Then it'll be time to grind through the final list. I don't think we'll finish the release this month -- there's a reasonably hefty pile of checks, promises, and tweaks that are necessary before we can call it good, but there won't be any more prophet-level tangents either. So we'll overshoot the one-year mark (last release was July 5th), but hopefully not by too much!
May: $6971.76
April: $7043.67
March: $7208.47
February: $6777.73
January: $6922.58
Reward reminder: If you
support us, you can pick either a Story Reward or a Crayon Art Reward. A Story Reward is basically a mini-Threetoe story (
examples) and a Crayon Art Reward is a crudely drawn scene which we sketch, color in, and mail to you, anywhere in the world (assuming your contribution covers postage, which is about a dollar almost wherever you are). We take personal requests for either reward as well, he he he. You can also be listed among
the Bay 12 Champions. You can choose any kind of reward no matter which contribution method you choose.