Year 57.6: Battle of Green Ruby Island (bo5)
If the sanddwellers + faeries win 4:1 or 5:0 then they attack Red Sapphire Island.
Abominations = 2
The bloodfaeries, with help from the sanddwellers, Elemen, and refugees from Blue Emerald Island unite together to wage war on the abominations/titans.
[OOC: Are abominations and Gragahuda both titans?]
After many casualties, the coalition is victorious, and the source of evil is destroyed. Fearing more loss of life, the coalition votes to end their conquest, and settle Green Ruby Island.
Since cats hate water, I'll do a roll to determine whether they are stealthy enough to evade Gragahuda's detection and stay on Blue Emerald Island.
housecats = 1
Gragahuda begins preying on the cats of Blue Emerald Island. The surviving cats join the coalition on Green Ruby Island.
Inhabitants: (ordered by population)
Red Sapphire Island - Abominations, mutant monsters
Green Ruby Island - Sanddwellers, Elemen, Crabs, Bloodfaeries, Cats, Cha'ghul
Blue Emerald Island - Gragahuda
[OOC: @Atian: How many emerald islands are there? One? Is Blue Emerald Island where the Elemen first appeared?]
A group of crabs hoping to evade Gragahuda's detection recolonize Blue Emerald Island, living inside the felled trees ((detection roll please)).