Name: Ortflab
Alignment: South East (South Major) Negative Neutral (Death + Chaos/Life)
Type: Mage
Body: A very large segmented skeletal hand composed of assorted bones (as in, though shaped in a hand, not made of hand bones), like my (boney) avatar (but without the gemstones or rings). Size is about that of an overwheight cat. Purple energy holds the bone segments together and cyan energy pushes them apart, creating gaps between the bones and movement of the structure.
Eats: Energy (preferably from other elementals, recently fallen or still living)
Attack: Poke (-1 damage)
Aspect HP/Defense:
* Health: 5/1
* Energy: 9/2
* Undead Construct: You are pieced together from dead things and animated with energy, and this way new things can be grafted onto you... somehow. This counts as a flexible body quality. Adding new parts requires that the parts be vaguely dead already, and large amounts of energy and/or magic, taken or given from a sentient entity. You need to make a skill test to succesfully add the part.
* Magical Flight: Don't need to be confined to scuttling around the ground when you can hover into the air.
* Wither: Poisons the inner essence of the foe with a bolt of dark magic. cost 1 Energy HP per use, range of 3. More effective against life and energy alligned enemies, less effective against some other enemies.
* Summoning magic would be nice. Or the ability to command my fallen enemies.
* Definitely some more destructive spells would be helpful. Also, a way to replenish spent energy.
* A bigger body, perhaps literally "fleshing out" oneself, would help in physical combat should I get stuck there.
* Contingencies for "accidents"; phylacteries, hocruxes, backup bodies, soul gems, whatever works.
* 26gp - minus prices for unknown items, so probably 0-6 gp
* 7x small Energy Crystal
* Backpack, adjusted in size and shape to strap around "wrist"
* 5x sticks of colored chalk (white, white, red, cyan, blue)
* 2x Scrolls of Drain (as per the ability from example character Sally Sorcerer)