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Author Topic: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 3  (Read 6388 times)


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2017, 09:37:56 am »

Ostivan the Eldest Offers Sorrow that any who were of his people would go and attempt to harm the Fyrdottir, and States that if he finds out whom attempted it was of his clan, that he would personally banish them from his lands.
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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #61 on: June 14, 2017, 11:46:42 am »

The Fyrdottr deplores the incident, sending letters to both the City of Assassins and the Drezillians to remind them that now is the time for unity, not chaos.

The bodies of the assassins are sent to Drezillia.
Their equipment is returned to the City of Assassins.
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A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2017, 10:17:06 am »

The Assassins War First Month: Mid Spring to late Spring

It was a rather suprising thing when after the proclamations of Var Caedwys, Guerrand still decided to send a punitive expedition due South into the Kingdom of Assassins.

More suprising however was the general mobilization order given by Guerrand, in all probability out of fear from Varxsea.
Most suprising to everyone involved would probably be that the Grand Protector himself took the heft into his hands to lead the campaign against the City of Assassins.

In the mere month between the Guerrand border and the City the expected and obvious happened, nightly raids became commonplace same as assassination attempts as the Blackblade threw everything he had at the worlds most dangerous army.

The Raids were beyond anything anyone would ever employ to kill the leadership of an army. Assassins attacked day and night, leaving the Generality tired and overly suspicious. Despite tripled guards, losses started mounting as Assassination attempts were fended off on a regular basis. The men sent themselves were fanatics, uncaring for the wounds they suffered or if they would leave alive they threw themselves at the Guerrandians with reckless abandon

The First Victim was General Moulmare, killed while on a patrol. Together with him died more than 150 men which accompanied him on a routine inspection of the next campsite.

While Guerrand had already tripled its guards security was tightened once more and soon more and more of the special forces of the City State fell. Guerrand was aiming for a war of attrition. While they could spare a few hundred soldiers, the Assassins couldn't spare a few hundred of their own.

When it became clear that assassinations would not work, the Ellite Soldiers of the City State changed tack and began stealing vital information. While successfull losses amongst the assassins mounted ever higher.

Assassins steal information on Guerrand Troop Disposition, Numbers and War Plans
General Moulmare, a man deeply caring for his men died in an ambush. His men are outraged and demand blood.
500 Guerrand Mercenaries fell to Assassins Blades
200 Assassins died during failed assassinations, espionage missions, in the ambush and even during successfull missions.


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #63 on: June 19, 2017, 10:34:54 am »

The news of the declaration of the Assassin's war left the Autarch stunned; while they had expected Guerrand to launch a war, they had anticipated the Guerrandese army moving in the other direction. The fact that Guerrand had decided on punitive action regarding the assassination attempt was a welcome surprise..
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We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #64 on: June 20, 2017, 09:24:05 am »

An official statement from Guerrand, emblazoned with the Prince's personal seal, is soon distributed in all major cities of the world.

A just war has been launched to punish the so-called King of Assassins for his attempt upon the life of the Fyrdottr of Var Caedwys. The armies of Guerrand will bring the Assassins to justice, to be held accountable for their deeds and crimes. In addition, Guerrand will prove the Drezzilian people are innocent of any wrongdoing: their alleged complicity in the matter is simply the result of Assassin misdirection, as the proof we now present will show.

The City of Assassins will fall and their blackheart King be punished. Of this, you can be assured.

Guerrand will not tolerate any attempts to break the peace of nations. In these times, the only path is the path of cooperation.

All heads of state are presented with gathered evidence of the Assassin plot and the framing of Drezzilia. They are free to appraise their truthfulness for themselves.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 09:29:38 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #65 on: June 20, 2017, 12:15:20 pm »

The Republic is considering the evidence and demands that the Assasins cease their hostile operations against their Guearrandian partners.


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #66 on: June 20, 2017, 12:37:14 pm »

Sills Atoll, displeased with this recent development, enacts a new tax of 10% on goods on goods to and from the City of Assassins.
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #67 on: June 20, 2017, 12:51:04 pm »

The Assassins War Second and Third Month: Late Spring and Early Summer

When the Guerrand Army had finally crossed the Sea of Grass, it's men were pissed. Utterly and thoroughly pissed. More than a month of double and triple shifts, of looking behind ones back and closely kept protocol to avoid even the slightest hole for assassins to slip through has left them angry. Very, very angry.

So it was little suprise that more attempts at infiltration failed just as terribly as those before, this time however since no assassinations were attempted losses were few as the infiltrators were supposed to act as sleeper agents. But a month of making very sure that the guy next to you is no assassin has some very curious effect. For example that you no when the guy next to you is in fact an infiltrator.

Under the Grand Protectors leadership it was little suprise that such tactics began to fail ever more often. Having established camp in the foothills which demarcated the demesene of King Blackblade a plan was laid out that would end the war quickly and mercilessly and once more prove to the world that Guerrand was the premier military force for a reason.


The large hut in the center of the village quickly caught fire, like most of the others it was a simple affair and in the dry air it burnt easily and quickly. It was the village of the Longshot Clan, the unfortunate first to fall to General Terrances raiding force. He didn't care much for casualties or burning villages but the glint in his eyes as decades and centuries of blood money were dragged out of the villages, as elders and warriors came under merciless questioning and even more was dragged forth betrayed his lust for this gold.

The Warriors and those who resisted fell quickly, hopeless in the fact of the experienced Guerrandians. Elite Lone Marksmen fighting thick formations of Pavise Armed Crossbowmen led to obvious results.

Soon more villages followed, Traptrick, Deathglass and even Blatantassault fell as the assassins were rooted out from the foothills surrounding their capital. Of all the Clans only Blackblade escaped, bitter and angry, whatever remaining assassins among them immediately joining the defenders, together with whoever was able to hold a weapon.

While Terrance was making sure to eradicate any and all Opponents in the countryside, the main force under the Grand Protector marched directly upon the capital. After the first few traps were discovered however the march ground down to a halt, as the Siege Corps was send ahead and began the ardous process of slowly removing the traps contraption by contraption. It was slow going but the man of the Siege Corps were well trained professionals and having dealt with many such traps and placed even more themselves knew exactly how to disarm them.

Within a week the way was clear and the Guerrand Army arrived at the Gates of the City of Assassins...gates which stood open. The obvious trap was ignored and calmly and methodically the troops of Guerrand began setting up the Siege.

Soon enough Siege Engines littered the Countryside bombarding the city both day and night, setting fires and causing general destruction and mayhem. Whatever Siege Machinery the City possessed soon collapsed under the hail of Ballistas, Trebuchets and Catapults.

Soon enough Terrance arrived and with him more than two thousand hostages, women, children, the old and those who did not fight. The remnants of four of the five assassin clans.

Within the City a Forlorn Hope was raised. Women, the Old whoever was able to carry a spear or was willing to was armed and promised riches for each and every Guerrandian head.

After two days of barrage a plan of assault had been determined upon and the Grand Protector himself led the charge through the gates. Contrary to what the Blackblade expected the Guerrandians did not fall by the hundreds, in fact losses were barely two who had fallen into an open manhole which wasn't even intended as a trap and the other accidentally broke his leg when he stumbled. It quickly became apparent why. Hostages from the villages were send ahead to defuse the traps, human shields protecting against the traps.

When the Traps had finally been disabled the true fight for the city began, the layout of the entire city was centered to allow for endless possibilities for ambushes, something the assassins used and abused to the best of their abilities. Despite that they were few, the Guerrandians were many and the simple Levies didn't hold a candle against the professionals from the North.

However with an unheard of tenacity the assassins held onto the city and only after four days of fighting Guerrand had taken most of the City. Thousands had died on both sides and yet the fighting carried on. Or would have. It was about that time that ships from Granif arrived waiting for any refugees among the Kingdom of Assassins. Their wait was almost in vain...

-Fifth Day of the Siege, Kings Palace-

"Take what you can, we are leaving now." Hedwig Icebreaker, guard captain to king Blackblade was a very, very unhappy woman. Most of her remaining clan members were held hostage, their village a burning ruin, Guerrandians were trooping through the city slaughtering indiscrimantely after the Blackblade had resorted to sending out women and old men. The field was lost...everything was lost. The Guerrandians were even now advancing on the palace. A Forlorn Hope of Blatantassault men was holding the palace gates unknowing that they were protecting the flight of their sovereign.
She was quite tempted to kill him then and there, bring his head to the Guerrandians and thus save at least a semblance of her people. Instead she loyally moved the last cash reserves into chests and prepared the few dozen who would come with the King for an escape to Granif...
-Secret Tunnels under the Kings Palace-

The smile of the Guerrandian was unnerving, silence reigned as Hedwig looked around her. It had been a trap, it had all been a trap. They had known all along about the secret tunnels, they had known about the traps, about the villages. They were inhuman.

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in. I presume King Blackblade and Captain Icebreaker?"

"Who are you Guerrand Scum? I'll have your name so i can cut it in your skull once i am done with you!"

"General Rayneval at your service." he bowed mockingly before presenting his sword.

Hedwig gulped. Guerrand had taken out all stops had they? Red Ray, Ray the Mad, Bloody Rayneval, the damn bastard had too many names to count, nearly as many as he had burnt down hapless villages. The Guerrandians truly had to be utterly pissed if they sent him in.

"My King, it is time for you to go." Hedwig drew her own sword and around her the Bodyguard of the King made ready for a last stand. While the Guerrandians calmly took aim with their crossbows.

The General merely grinned, the grin of a man utterly mad.

It was a week after the Siege that the five ships from Var Caedwys finally arrived at what once was the City of Assassins. It was still burning. Finally on shore, they found the Guerrand army camped outside the walls, happily celebrating their victory.

Heavy losses were suffered, but not nearly as bad as expected...on the other hand, The Kingdom of Assassins was no more; sure their King had escaped and a few hundred of his men had fled into the four winds but the remnants had surrendered to Guerrand. With a thirst for revenge for their beloved General, Moulmares men plundered, looted, burnt and killed. And with them more than fifteen thousand other Guerrandians. Revenge had to be taken, loot had to be made and Mercenaries had always been and always would be Mercenaries.

When the Cursed disembarked, they found themselves without a purpose, too late to the war they still were invited to the celebrations in which they only tangentially and reluctantly took part.

King Alexander Blackblade fled to Granif
The Kingdom of Assassins is no more
5.000 Guerrand Mercenaries are dead.
1.000 Assassins are dead.
3.000 Levies are dead.
The Clan Villages of the Assassins have been looted and burnt.
The City of Assassins has been looted and burnt to the ground.
Guerrand captures the treasury of King Blackblade.
The surviving people of the Assassins go into Diaspora.
Hedwig Icebreaker General of the Assassins dies!
General Rayneval of Guerrand is wounded.
The Assassins War is over



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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #68 on: June 20, 2017, 02:26:29 pm »

The aftermath of the war concerned Varxsea. The end result was expected and not at all disappointing; the city of assassins was something that needed to be disposed of. However the methods and treatment of civilians by the guerrandese troops was alarming. In response, Varxsea condemned the atrocities committed in the pacification of the city and the actions taken against the civilian population

Varxsea begins a campaign of diplomatic defamation of Guerrand; citing the actions of the guerrandese army in the Assassin's war as horrific and barbaric in the extreme, and that the guerrandese should be brought into line for allowing such atrocities to happen.
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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2017, 10:13:06 am »

Assassins War: What Remains

One might think that the story of the Assassins ended with the destruction of their kingdom. One would be mostly right. But there is a little epilogue (if one wishes to call it that) to the entire affair. As the City burnt around him, the King of Assassins managed to escape with his life and a few loyal men. Fleeing to safety on ships sent by Granif.

Thinking himself safe in the City of Merchants, the Blackblade gracefully accepted the refuge and the hospitality of the Granifi.
And so it was with much suprise that the King of Assassins found his villa surrounded by a company of Guerrand Mercenaries one morning. Without great ado, the man was dragged before the Lord Protector of the City State and given life imprisonment in a tiny lightless cell. Rumors have it that his limbs were removed and he was undergoing torture which prevented him from sleeping.
And with that the Last Hope for the Assassins faded away in ignominy.

((And with that we are back on track))



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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2017, 02:54:20 pm »

I Send my people to establish trade with everyone I can, other then Guerrand and Varxsea.
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Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 2
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2017, 07:41:35 am »

Year 2 - Early Spring

And thus the year passes with one less civilized people in the Fiery Sea. In the Far North people hear that the Var Caedwyans have decided to move South and colonize the Cursed lands of the fallen Kingdom, at the same time Guerrand is preparing an expedition in those mysterious lands.

Jautonlund has begun the Construction of a Institute for Magical Research, but it is not alone in its Ambitions. Aqura Mall and especially Varxsea have begun thorough investigations of the supernatural.

Others meanwhile concentrate on more mundane matters, reports and missives from Enoria indicate that they have decided to expand their Navy, to which scale is at this date unknown. From some other countries less is heard. Drezillia remains awfully quiet, potentially threatened by the Inquisition Varxsea is beginning to form.

Metreologically weather seems to be overall stable. However Drezillia is suffering from increased sand storms, which so far have no effect. Aqura Mall is complaining about a lowered high point of the Upper Emeral, a fact that for now has no greater impact on its farming or other industries, beyond peasants complaining that is.
Sills meanwhile can report an increase in squalls, although nothing threatening seems to happen to the nation this year.
Overall everything seems fine...except for the east.
Enoria is suffering from severe cold spells, causing immense problems especially in its northern regions and measures need to be taken in hand to prevent Famines.
Meanwhile Jautonlund is savoring a cooler summer actually boosting agricultural output.

In less good news, an entire Outpost in Varxsea seemed to have been devoured by the Ash Wastes, a regular trading caravan to the place was stumped to barely find the crown of a watchtower poking out from the desert. It's inhabitants wereabouts are unknown.

Guerrand Hunters report seeing figures in the night shambling south towards the grass plains and peasants in Enoria report large migrations of fae-folk, rusalkas, brownies, waldschrats and similiar creatures westwards and southwards, out of fear they have not approached these magical emigrants. By all accounts movement seems to be towards the Southern Border of the Republic.

The Sills Atoll has increased sightings of mermaids travelling south-easterly, not even stopping to swim alongside the silian merchantment. Sailors across the board agree this to be a bad omen.



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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #72 on: July 21, 2017, 09:18:17 am »

Grañifi requests a trade agreement with Aqura Mall. Specifically, Grañif will trade wine for [happy drugs].

The Royal Protector makes it known that she seeks a husband, suitable to her position as Royal Protector.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:07:39 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #73 on: July 21, 2017, 11:39:48 am »

Enorian Republic answers the call of the High Protector, offering a member of the ruling Barson dynasty. (actual character TBC)

Enorian Republic dispatches its mercenary corps to watch over the magical migrants and ensure they are far off from any crucial locations (towns, forts, etc). They are not to be engaged or interacted with unless directly threatened or citizens are in danger.

Distribute grain, furs/cloth and coal/fuel to the most-affected northern regions suffering from the cold, at state expense.

Enorian Republic accepts offer from Drezillia to establish trade routes.

Enorian Republic sends trade envoys to Aqura Mall to establish trade routes.

Enorian Republic sends trade envoys to Sills Atoll to establish trade routes.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 01:10:47 pm by Ardas »


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Re: Against the Gods (IC) (10/8) - Year 1
« Reply #74 on: July 27, 2017, 05:44:50 pm »

I Send forth A few of mine people to explore the near edge of the ash waste.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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