You decide to send the Army now and do not wait till the rebels consolidate.
As the officials, noblemen and officers in the audience room kneel to declare their unconditional submission to you, and those who disagree with your absolute rule, oh Emperor of Methiant-Cydwyl, you realize what have you just achieved.
No longer bound by any law or precedence, you are the Judge, the Administrator, the Governor, the General and the Ambassador. No one can contest your word, be it spoken or written, and to disobey you is now equal to treason, regicide even.
You are the Law.
You are the People.
The traditional
Administrative Monarchy of Methiant-Cydwyl has been abolished in favor of
Absolute Monarchy! This drastic change of government has lowered national Happiness by 4 and your Authority by 2.
Imperial Authority now can reach -3 and +3, providing diplomatic bonus/malus at respective maximums, but your absolutist and oppressive centralization policy will mean people will be harder to placate.
The Army is fighting at the border with Donuthian and Ionithian duchies, and reports come from around the Empire that some people are grumbling aloud at the fact you've cast aside the half-millenia long traditions of the region just to further centralize your power.
Still, no rioting immediately occurs.
Your loyal courtiers approach you shortly after Oath of Fealty; while the Army is fighting near the capital, they believe it shouldn't overextend itself and instead we should call upon our family in Helliste, or maybe in Eldrican, to put pressure upon the rebels from, respectively, north and west.
A) That is a good idea. We will send a request for assistance from Kingdom of Helliste at once.
B) Splendid idea! Let's ask our relatives to lend us a hand, and maybe, just maybe, I will return the favor one day.
C) That is a good idea. We will send a request for assistance from Kingdom of Eldrican at once.
D) Pft! I'm the most powerful person in the most powerful nation on this planet! We need
no assistance!