Summon a pair of kludujalambuses* and teach Mathias to play traditional kludujalambus duets with us!
*A mid-sized hand-held stringed instrument with a wooden neck connecting to a metal body. The string is tied from the top of the neck down over the body and the musician picks the string with a wooden plectrum. The instrument has a one octave range going from a middle to a mid-high pitch. The instrument has a quavering harsh nasal buzzy timbre.
"Fun? What is this 'fun' of which one speaks?" Mathias says.
F is for friends who do stuff together: U is for you and me... Try it! Mathias: N is for anywhere and anytime at all: Down here in the deep blue blood sea!
...Play this. On the kludujalambuses.
You have never actually played the kludujalambuses before but you bet you can figure it out as you go.
You sing, "F is for friends who do stuff together." You try and guess where to press on the cursed fabric string. There are no frets so you are more than a little off. "U is for you and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all, here in the big blood sea. Now you try Mathias"
Mathias sings, "F is for f- friends..." he stops singing as he flubs some notes on the kludujalambuse. "I don't think I can do this."
"Don't worry Mathias. You will get better and we have plenty of time to practice."
The next morning...
Edi says, "Goodmorning! Look! Our rooms come with free +prepared turkey eggs+!"
You get your eggs and pull up a spot across from Edi.
"So what adventurer is in store for us today?" he asks.