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Author Topic: Planetary Arms Race - Core  (Read 12658 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2017, 07:09:15 pm »

It is well known that Amaok Is a young and vibrant colony that loves insight and critical thinking, and is determined to rid itself of the stagnation and detritous that has so crippled the decrepit Moerth Bureaucractic Dominon. We can promise the colonists that their ideas will be evaluated fairly and openly and their new inspiration will be a welcome addition to our community. An example of our love for self-awareness and welcoming nature towards the different, we present The Parade of Fools.

 Anually, on a day chosen by the local institution, a parade is held in which the public joins to mock their normally considerate selves by behaving with disregard for commonly-accepted wisdom. They will openly mock established tradition and institutions. Wear all manner of overengineered and implausible costumes. Openly present outlandish theories, bizarre speculation, impossible statements, or indecipherable gibberish. It is a rare opportunity for any memeber of the populace to liberate themselves from the established norms.

The symbolism of this is manifold. Firstly, it is a reminder that folly exists within us all, not just the unpolular whom it is so easy to blame. It is a chance to remind ourselves that mistakes, even seemingly obvious ones, can easily become a tradition that many would sooner keep than abandon. Finally, it is a chance to explore the bizarre and unfathomable, that one would normally dismiss as too outlandish to be possible.

As we welcome fools once a year, we would no doubt welcome your new wisdoms for all time.
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Nirur Torir

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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2017, 07:13:35 pm »

... I neither confirm nor deny that we are planning to give shiny gadgets to unit #3, or even that we have a unit #3.

However, I can publicly confirm the existence of shiny gadgets in the Moerth Commune, such as advanced genetic manipulation technologies.

Our genius scientists have developed delicious strains of coffee and chocolate that will grow on open farms in Moerth's atmosphere. Much like on Earth, the giving of chocolate is an important part of Moerth dating, and frequent cups of coffee are an important part of many Moerthian's routines. Nothing could be more relaxing than enjoying a nice cup of coffee while walking through the carefully maintained garden, central to our capital.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 07:16:03 pm by Nirur Torir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2017, 07:26:12 pm »

As you can clearly see, the Moerth population, or Mooers as they preferto be called, think only of reproduction, and their totalitarian regime would obviously designate you all as breeding stock to be sent to the genetic modification plants...
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
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Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2017, 07:42:23 pm »

Er .. yes. I mean no!

Ah, that is, while genetic modification plants are most definitely something that we've figured out, and not just something the Amaokian representative made up as a weak scare tactic, this representative hasn't even thought of using you as breeding stock thinks of using you as more than just breeding stock is already lobbying to have free housing given to the new colonists, and a census taken of their skills and desired work areas.

Unlike the evil Amaokian AI obsessed with efficiency at the expense of human happiness, which would probably set up a large number of new colonists as trash collectors and window cleaners, we in Moerth value the beauty that is human free will.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2017, 07:44:13 pm »

Now mind, food that gets you obese isn't much worth having.

Amaok places much emphasis on healthy eating, and while we may not have the same quality of food the bloody Moerths have, we do have a wide variety of specially engineered recipes publicly available, including many specialized recipes for those on restricted diets due to medical concerns.

On the other health fronts, our government subsidizes gymnasiums and encourages all citizens to work out to become fit and able to fight if our homeworld is attacked.

We have many civilian clinics with an emphasis in preventative medicine. Why waste so much time and money getting sick when you can just do your best not to get sick in the first place?

Not to mention we have free healthcare for the elderly. For those who aren't? Well, we reward volunteering for public services with health cost credits. Why would we take you colonists and force you to work in public services when you'll do so willingly and gladly to help your community?

Seriously, we take great care of our citizens.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2017, 07:46:23 pm »

which would probably set up a large number of new colonists as trash collectors and window cleaners
HEY! Don't go there! Waste Technicians and Portal Hygienists are beloved and respected in all societies. We all remember what happened to the B2 colony...

((In-before the colonists actually WANT to become breeding stock. We don't know WHY they were sent away from Earth...))
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 08:55:29 pm by RAM »
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2017, 11:06:42 am »

And now... some haiku by the legendary Amaokian haiku master Devin!

Welcome, colonists.
Beware Moerth. They speak lies.
We do not speak lies.

Amoak health.
It is superior, Moerth
But yours stinks, like dung.

Moerth aggresses
We defend our honor.
What do you fight for?

These and many others can be found in the famous Great Haiku Database. One part archive, one part social network!
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2017, 12:38:55 pm »

The Moerth Commune: Living in Harmony.
On Old Earth, mankind squandered the gifts of nature. They wasted resources, drove hundreds of species to extinction, and polluted the sky, sea, and land so badly that eventually it became unlivable. On Moerth, we remember the mistakes of the past- and we are driven not to repeat them. Hence, Moerth lives in harmony with the planet. We take only what we need, recycling as much as possible. We spend time studying and cataloguing native flora and fauna, and modify the crops and animals brought from Earth so that they integrate harmlessly into the ecosystem, rather than trying to replace it. From the start, we have made a point of minimising pollution, establishing only renewable power sources, and ensuring no harmful chemicals leach into the soil from our factories.
Our society is built around our principles of harmony and cooperation. No citizen need fear starvation or sickness, for our superior genetically modified crops produce both food and medicine in sufficient quantities. People are encouraged to work together to overcome obstacles, combining their skills in unique ways. 3D-printers are widely available, and are used to produce both mundane items as well as artwork.
Our government is similarly cooperative. Each settlement has a rotating Council of Elders, who gently guide its growth. A member from each council in an area attends the Regional Conclave, where issues affecting the entire region are discussed. Finally, a member from each region attends the Planetary Gathering, which strives to reach a consensus about matters concerning the entire planet, as well as off-world affairs.

On a less optimistic note, I should warn you that we are currently at war. The dastardly computer-worshipping Amaokians have threatened peace with their aggressive actions, forcing us to take up arms to defend ourselves. Our struggle is righteous, and does not affect life on Moerth, but should this disturb you, we can make provisions for you to settle on the uninhabited planet designated B2. Your neutrality would be assured from our end, although we cannot promise that Amaok would allow you to live in peace.

Remember Old Earth. Repeat not its mistakes. Join the Moerth Commune.

Peace and Harmony upon you.

-Broadcast on open channels to the incoming colonists.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2017, 03:28:01 pm »

The Amaok Threat
One might be driven to wonder why we two colonies fight- why we spend precious resources and lives struggling instead of cooperating. While those at Amaok would seriously punish anyone who had the audacity to ask this question aloud, we at Moerth value open engagement of ideas, and not the pseudo-logical echo chamber that the citizens of Amaok have become imprisoned in.

Our fight against Amaok is one not of ideology, greed for territory, or petty personal squabbles. For in bluntest truth our struggle against Amaok is a struggle for survival, not merely for Moerth, but for all mankind.

Amaok quests for superior machine. A machine capable of doing everything a human can do, except better and faster. In small degrees this is a laudable ambition, and one that has driven human progress forward through the centuries. Yet, as the saying goes, 'A little poison now and then: that makes pleasant dreams. And much poison at last for a pleasant death.'

Amaok does not wish to augment the man so that man can become more, they wish to replace the man with the machine. They want a machine that can worker harder, plan better, and think faster than any human. They would tell you that this will free you, give you and your progeny the ultimate ability to do as you wish, but this is but gilding on rotted wood- the least touch of truth will destroy it and show you the rotting mold they've sold you.

When machine is raised above man, man will no longer work. He will live off the machines he has made, a base parasite. Machines will design better machines, and man will fall ever deeper into his hole. He will know nothing but self-gratification and consumption, a pig at trough - bloated upon filth and lies, without the basest sense of purpose. And pig for slaughter he will be, for the machine he makes will have no need of him. It has his desires, his lusts, his wants, and it knows the wretched parasite for what it is.

We are all from apes born, and yet we do not hold apes in places of esteemed right and sanctimonious office. So shall Amaok, and all those that follow them, become in the eyes of their own creation. Fit at best for amusing pets, and seen only as painful embarrassments at worst.

We of Moerth see a different path. The world evolves, becoming more complex with each passing day, and this process seems exponential. Instead of giving up on matching that complexity and building a machine to understand that complexity for us, we shall elevate and augment man. We shall not hide from progress, we will meet it head on. The children of Amaok inherit servitude and ashes from their parents, but to our children we will gift the helm of the world.

Do not flee from work. Do not let the machine think for you.  Do not join Amaok in leading the human race to slaughter.

Join Moerth, and build a better world. All of them, better worlds.

Peace and Harmony upon you.

-Broadcast on open channels to the incoming colonists.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2017, 03:30:59 pm »

It should be noted that the original colony on B2 was wiped out by a plague, believed to have originated from a dirty telphone, and that Moerth has a recently-developed habit of shooting our colonists on the planet and probably just wants more targets.

It is often mystifying how peoples can so overestimate the ability of machines to remove grief. We do hope for a world made better by technology, but we all know that not all struggles are over physical needs. We have all met with grief through socal interactions, strugges in contests, failed expectations... There are so many pieces of our lives that technology touches upon only lightly. The only risk of losing ourselves is one of completely abandoning reality, a risk we are well aware of, and one that truly is no risk at all, for there is, within humanity, a base need for the real. No mere fantasy will ever completely satisfy a human spirit. Humanity will not lose its drive or passion simply from lacking menial chores, instead it will be freed from mindless drone-work that is no challenge, instead being merely a matter of repetitive tedium, and can focus upon the true challenges of life, challenges of the mind, expressions of the personality, achievements of the will. Moerth has sadly failed to understand that being locked in a breeding pit is the life that has truly lost meaning. To struggle is nothing if one cannot express themselves, when their struggle is without consequence, and their opposition is universal, yet expression can still hold meaning, even if it is easy.

Moerth would have you suffer, simply because they see suffering as a means of preaching their ignorant ideology. Do not allow your wills to be felled by these Mindless Moerthi Masochists.

We offer a future of technological hope. We seek to being minds that we can be proud of. Minds that are members of our human society. Minds that would go on to create minds that they can be proud of. A mind is not the body from which it is formed, and a mind without a body is only its mind, there is no body by which to judge it, If the mind created is a human mind, then it is as human as any other. And they will not just be human, they will be of Amaok's accepting culture. Moerth would not accept you, just as they do not accept A.I., just as destroyed the poor cleaning staff of B2 in their horrific terrorist campaign of so long ago. Amaok accepts all peoples who accept Amaok. Just as we are willing to see value in technological minds, the minds of our technology will see value in the minds of evolution. We do not see some sudden and horrific transition to some alien state of being. Amaok offers a world that can truly become better, and will continue to become better, and will share that world with all of its people.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 05:44:55 pm by RAM »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2017, 06:44:18 pm »

Decievers? We have not lied.
Robbers? We have not stolen.
Murderers? This is war. A war you started. Your deaths are sad but necessary... unless, of course, you surrender. That offer's always open.
Thugs? Really?
Fools? A little foolishness makes everything better.
Madmen? Did I mention our mental health clinics are just as good as our physical ones? Not to mention that war veterans get free counseling and therapy under our price credit system.
Cretins? Really?
Cowards? We are not cowardly. We are merely defensive... and that will not last forever.
Liars? See the above.
Thieves? See the above.
Decievers? Now you're just repeating yourself.

As for Traitors to the Human Race? A bioengineered human is just as inhuman as a cyber-augmented human. Do not pretend you are not guilty of the same things you accuse us of.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2017, 06:59:26 pm »

I believethat my good colleague may be mistaken.
 A cybernetically enhanced human would be welcomed in any part of Amaok society as an equal.
 A bioengineered human would be judged by Moerth as a simple warrior, forced to do as it was designed to. They would be regarded as unthinking tools. Up until the moment that the Moerthi rulers found biological enhancements that suited them, at which point they would forbid those without from ever holding authority, deeming conventional humans as being "not human enough" to be worthy...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2017, 07:15:11 pm »

I did not say nonhumans would not be welcome in Amoak.

I'm just saying that biologically modified people are just as inhuman as technologically modified people.

Nonhumans are in fact fine in Amoak, however.

Biological modification, however, is far more suited to producing a slave race than technological modifications, however.

Odds are your descendants will be turned into biologically controlled and engineered slaves to Moerth's ruling(or high-up, wealthy, upper, whatever) class.
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Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2017, 07:17:34 pm »

And that, noble colonists, is why we must fight, why we must win this war --

The Amaokians, in their absurd hubris, do not view a machine super-intelligence existing only for war, one which vastly outclasses a human as much as a human does a flea, as a threat even worth mentioning. Instead of even considering thinking about such existential horror, they deflect by slandering us, claiming we would treat our combat veterans who volunteer for experimental gene therapy as anything other than heroes.

((In before they get sick of this argument and settle on a rock somewhere to preserve their own sanity.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Planetary Arms Race - Core
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2017, 07:23:06 pm »

Oh, it could definitely be a threat. To all of humanity, even.

One. We don't actually currently have AI. Though it would be nice.

Two. If we do develop intelligent AI, there's no way we're not using kill switches, just in case.

Three. With biological science, there is a threat of a similar level to a rogue AI. Have you ever seen the Old Earth video game Starcraft? Do you not fear the possibility of creating the Zerg, or worse?
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