So uh, I made that resource for handling persistently saving lua tables directly with the json implementation a while ago, but dragged my feet on getting the documentation written up
It's intended to be used as a module, and handles either saving data globally (available anywhere) or as world data (specific to the save). World data is saved automatically whenever the world is unloaded, as well as whenever the game is saved via autosave or quicksave.
If it's acceptable enough I'll get around to submitting it to the repo, but I'd appreciate if some people went over it first:
-- Stores lua script data persistently, either globally, or on a per-save basis, without being limited by dfhack.persistent restrictions
-- (I've got no idea how making modules, I'm just copying what I see in other scripts :P)
local _ENV = mkmodule("script-data")
A service for saving and loading data within lua tables, providing a method of storing data persistently. This is similar to ``persist-table`` as well as the persistence module, but uses DFhack's json implementation directly.
Data can be set to be global (available across every save), or world-based (where each save game can have different information saved). World-based data will automatically be saved whenever the world is exited, and can also be configured to automatically save during autosaves/quicksaves (which is enabled by default).
Global data is stored in ``hack/data/script-data``, while world data is saved within ``[path to save]/script-data``. Data is stored within a json file named after the ID that the table was given by a script.
Main Usage
Storing data is done by placing any information you want to store within the lua table that's returned by ``load_global`` (for global data) or ``load_world`` (for world-based data), which will then be saved to a file when prompted. Both functions take a unique ID key to use as an identifier for that table of data. If there's pre-existing data using that ID (currently already loaded, or previously saved), the table that's returned by the functions will contain that data (in the case that it's already loaded, the table that's returned is the *exact lua table* rather than a copy of it).
You should still use the load functions even if you know that no data by the given ID exists yet, as this is how you get a persistent table to store data under that ID to begin with.
* :load_world(id, do_autosave): Loads world data of the given ID. World data is available only within the currently loaded save. ``do_autosave`` is an optional boolean argument, which governs whether the data should also be saved during autosave/quicksaves. This defaults to true if omitted, and there's unlikely any reason you'd need to disable it.
* :load_global(id): Loads global data of the given ID. Global data is available across all saves. Global data doesn't save automatically, and so should be manually saved with the use of the ``save`` function as necessary.
Data of both global and world types are both saved by the same function:
* :save(id): Triggers the loaded data of the given ID to be saved. This process is done automatically for world type data, but needs to be triggered manually to save global type data.
World data will be saved automatically when the world is unloaded, unless ``quit_without_saving`` has been set to true. ``quit_without_saving`` is set to true automatically during arena mode, as there's no non-hacky way to detect if the player chose to save and quit, or quit without saving.
Notes on IDs:
* IDs should be uniquely named. There is overlap between world and global IDs, so if your script uses both they should each be uniquely named (e.g. ``my_script_global`` and ``my_script_world``, rather than both being named ``my_script``).
* Don't use characters that aren't file name friendly, as the IDs are used as the names for their json save files.
There are a few limitations of DFhack's particular json implementation (``jf-json``) to bear in mind:
* You cannot use both string keys and numerical keys within the same table.
* Don't use numerical keys for non-array tables, and don't make sparse arrays, as ``jf-json`` will interpret any table with numbered keys as an array, and attempt to fill in every missing entry when writing to a file. For example, if you were to make a table that only has an entry at index 1000, when it's saved to a file the code will write in additional entries of ``nil`` for all 999 indexes leading up to that entry, bloating the file. If you're using numerical IDs as your keys (like unit IDs, etc.), consider storing them as strings rather than numbers.
This is a simple counter that counts how many times the code has been run in the current save, maintaining its count between sessions. Because it's world data, the value will be differ between each save game::
local my_data = require("script-data").load_world("my_counter_data", true)
-- Do first time setup if we've never actually stored any data with our ID before
if next(my_data) == nil then
my_data.times_run = 0
my_data.times_run = my_data.times_run + 1
print("I've run " .. my_data.times_run .. " times in this save!")
-- Because this is world data and we've enabled do_autosave, we don't have to worry about manually saving, as it'll be saved when the world is unloaded / autosaved automatically!
recorded_save_path = recorded_save_path or nil -- Records the save path for the currently loaded world (or last loaded one, for use when saving data after the world has unloaded)
is_saving = is_saving or false -- Records if if the script is currently saving during an autosave
quit_without_saving = quit_without_saving or false -- Flag to allow a save to be unloaded without triggering a save. For now, is just used to automatically prevent saving in arena mode, but could be useful later on if the ability to quit without saving is added to other modes. (only applies to world saves, not globals)
loaded_data = loaded_data or {}
-- Entries are tables, stored under keys of their IDs
--[[ Structure of a loaded data entry:
id = string -- A unique identifier for the data. It's also used as the TODO
type = "global" / "world" -- Notes if the data is global, or unique to a world
autosave = bool -- If true, the data will be automatically saved whenever an autosave / quicksave happens
data = table -- A table containing the actual data that the script uses, the contents of which will be written to a json file on save.
loop_timer = loop_timer or nil
local json = require("json")
local function create_loaded_data_entry(id, type, autosave)
local entry = {
id = id,
type = type or "global",
autosave = autosave or false,
data = {}
loaded_data[id] = entry
return entry
-- Makes sure the save directory for the script data exists, and if it doesn't make it
local function ensure_save_dir_exists(type)
local path
if type == "global" then
path = dfhack.getHackPath() .. "/data"
else -- assume world
-- Ensure recorded_save_path is up to date
path = recorded_save_path
if not dfhack.filesystem.isdir(path .. "/script-data") then
local success = dfhack.filesystem.mkdir(path .. "/script-data")
if not success then
qerror("Unable to create save directory!")
-- Returns the path to
local function get_save_dir(type)
local path
if type == "global" then
path = dfhack.getHackPath() .. "/data"
else -- assume world
-- Ensure recorded save path is up to date
path = recorded_save_path
-- We won't bother with any proper checks here, as running ensure_save_dir_exists will already create any folders that are missing
return (path .. "/script-data")
local function load_data(id, type)
-- If loaded data with this id already exists, return the persistent table that's already loaded instead of loading from a file
if get_loaded_data(id) ~= nil then
return get_loaded_data(id).data
local path
local entry
if type == "world" then
-- Ensure the world is actually loaded before attempting to load world data
if not dfhack.isWorldLoaded() then
return false, "No world is loaded"
-- Create a loaded data entry, even before trying to load anything from a file
-- (if there's nothing to load, we'll give the data table from the new entry as the persistent table to use)
entry = create_loaded_data_entry(id, "world")
path = get_save_dir("world") .. "/" .. id .. ".json"
elseif type == "global" then
entry = create_loaded_data_entry(id, "global")
path = get_save_dir("global") .. "/" .. id .. ".json"
-- Load file (if it exists), and update the entry's stored persistent table to contain the loaded data
if dfhack.filesystem.isfile(path) then = json.decode_file(path)
-- Returns a table whose content is saved into the world save. If there's saved data under the given ID in the world, that data is loaded into the table.
-- Autosave is an optional flag which causes the data to be saved automatically during autosaves/quicksaves if enabled (and is enabled by default)
function load_world(id, autosave)
local persistent_table = load_data(id, "world")
-- Set the autosave flag (if provided). Otherwise default to on
set_autosave(id, autosave or true)
return persistent_table
-- Returns a table whose content is available regardless of currently loaded save. If there's saved data under the given ID, that data is loaded into the table.
function load_global(id)
local persistent_table = load_data(id, "global")
return persistent_table
-- Trigger the contents of the persistent table of a given ID to be saved to a file.
function save(id)
-- Trigger presave? TODO
local path
if get_loaded_data(id).type == "global" then
path = get_save_dir("global") .. "/" .. id .. ".json"
else -- assume world
-- Safety check for arena mode
-- Arena mode saves are the only(?) worlds that can trigger world loaded/unloaded without already having an existing save file
-- DFhack's dfhack.getSavePath() will provide a path for that save game's folder even if it doesn't actually exist!
-- Check the save folder actually exists before attempting to save - if it doesn't, abort!
if not dfhack.filesystem.isdir(recorded_save_path) then
return false
-- Otherwise, continue as usual
--^ Old safety check for before quit_without_saving was added to work around it (the check didn't really work properly anyway)
path = get_save_dir("world") .. "/" .. id .. ".json"
json.encode_file(get_loaded_data(id).data, path)
-- Trigger saves for all persistent tables which have the autosave flag currently set
-- This is naturally triggered by this script whenever an autosave / quicksave is detected
function save_autosave()
for id, entry in pairs(loaded_data) do
if entry.autosave == true then
-- Sets the autosave flag for an entry
function set_autosave(id, do_autosave)
get_loaded_data(id).autosave = do_autosave
-- Set whether the current save should save world entries when quitting
-- This value is reset back to false whenever a world is unloaded / loaded
-- It's automatically set to true whenever an arena game is started
function set_quit_without_saving(bool)
quit_without_saving = bool
-- Returns the loaded data entry (essentially the metadata of a loaded script data) for the script data of the given ID
-- There's not likely a reason to use this externally.
function get_loaded_data(id)
return loaded_data[id]
-- Check to see if save path info is recorded
-- If it's not, attempt to update the record if possible
function update_save_path()
if recorded_save_path == nil and dfhack.isWorldLoaded() then
recorded_save_path = dfhack.getSavePath()
local function world_load_setup()
-- We store the path of the loaded save just in case there's some hiccups with the fact we try to save world data during the SC_WORLD_UNLOADED event (where dfhack.getSavePath() might possibly return nil)
recorded_save_path = dfhack.getSavePath()
-- Begin monitoring for autosaves / quicksaves
-- Since autosaves are only actually relevant in fortress mode, there's no reason to start checking for them outside of that mode
if then
-- Automatically disable saving on exit if in arena mode
-- This is because it's the only current mode(?) that allows for quitting without saving, and there's no way (without some hackery) to really detect that
-- DFhack will also report it as having a save directory that doesn't actually exist if the arena game hasn't been saved, just to add to the annoyances
if then
dfhack.onStateChange["script-data"] = function(event)
if event == SC_WORLD_LOADED then
elseif event == SC_WORLD_UNLOADED then
-- Trigger the saves for all `world` entries, provided quitting without saving is disabled
if quit_without_saving == false then
for id, entry in pairs(loaded_data) do
if entry.type == "world" then
-- Now, cleanup world-related data (while still keeping global data around)
for id, entry in pairs(loaded_data) do
if entry.type == "world" then
loaded_data[id] = nil
recorded_save_path = nil
-- Stop monitoring autosaves
if loop_timer ~= nil then
dfhack.timeout_active(loop_timer, nil)
function start_loop()
loop_timer = dfhack.timeout(1, "frames", autosave_check_loop)
-- Monitors for when new autosaves begin, triggering appropriate persistent tables to be saved
function autosave_check_loop()
-- Backup to break the loop if the world is no longer loaded
if not dfhack.isWorldLoaded() then
-- Check to see if a new autosave / quicksave is happening
if == true and is_saving == false then
-- Trigger all persistent tables that should save on autosaves to save:
-- Set a flag so we don't trigger this again on this same autosave:
is_saving = true
elseif is_saving == true and == false then -- Autosave has finished
-- Reset the flag for whenever the next autosave happens
is_saving = false
-- Restart the loop
-- It's possible that the first time this is run, a world will have already been loaded up, and so the things that are supposed to have happened during SC_WORLD_LOADED haven't happened, since the event listener wasn't registered at the time
-- As such, perform setup now if necessary:
if dfhack.isWorldLoaded() then
return _ENV