Afaik it was always that way. In the source (not eventful as it wraps (among other stuff) eventmanager module) here it's called more explicit: SC_MAP_UNLOADED.
Why is SC_MAP_UNLOADED used as opposed to SC_WORLD_UNLOADED? It seems to me that the latter would surely make more sense in the context of adventure mode, with no difference in fort mode functionality (I think).
Both have their uses. However most stuff is developed without adventure mode in mind. I.e. what scripts are braking? Why are they running in adventure mode in first place?
modtools/item-trigger breaks, for starters. All the set item triggers get cleared on site offloading.
The scripts interaction-trigger, random-trigger, syndrome-trigger, projectile-trigger and outside-only (all modtools scripts) use the same style of clearing triggers using onUpload, and thus have the same problem.
modtools/reaction-trigger and modtools/reaction-product-trigger are exceptions solely because they currently do not support adventure mode
at all. If support was added (AFAICT just handling reactions/jobs without associated buildings), then they would have the same problem.
modtools/invader-item-destroyer also has the same problem, but frankly I have no idea how adventure mode armies/invasions work so I can't say whether this even should be running at all in adventure mode. EDIT: I suppose the same goes for outside-only, should it even run in adv mode?
These are
all the scripts that use onUpload, according to the github search I did. Every script that touches onUpload uses it as if it is synonymous with leaving a world, and as such every one of those scripts that could apply to adventure mode breaks as soon as a site is offloaded.
The issue is rather easy to solve; just add an "if not wound.curse" check and clear any actual injury data instead of deleting the wound outright in that case.
Would that play nicely with syndromes that do stuff on a body part by body part basis? Like, say, bruising or blistering whatever body parts the syndrome's material comes in contact with?