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Author Topic: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)  (Read 96271 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #795 on: January 03, 2024, 09:47:46 pm »

I have been thinking recently they should actually be turning stuff into charcoal and filling old mines or something like that. But you're just going to be tempted to burn the coal sooner or later. We got it from the moors why not pump it back into the moors, heh.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #796 on: January 03, 2024, 10:37:05 pm »

Artificial-bog industries... I bet someone has looked into it.
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #797 on: January 03, 2024, 10:41:05 pm »

I have been thinking recently they should actually be turning stuff into charcoal and filling old mines or something like that. But you're just going to be tempted to burn the coal sooner or later. We got it from the moors why not pump it back into the moors, heh.
Bonus, if society collapses we'll have that store of energy dense material to kick start the industrial revolution again!
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #798 on: January 11, 2024, 11:07:37 am »

I have been thinking recently they should actually be turning stuff into charcoal and filling old mines or something like that. But you're just going to be tempted to burn the coal sooner or later. We got it from the moors why not pump it back into the moors, heh.
It'd have to be some place deep and lifeless. Cos it's been an old truth that smashed up charcoals and ash mixed into soil are super good for enriching the soil with carbon, encouraging the kind of bacteria and plant growth that kinda defeats the point of being a "carbon sink" that encourages the release of carbon already stored in the soil. Might be a decent alternative to agrochems tho. Like imagine vineyards or orange plantations making their own organic fertilisers


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #799 on: January 12, 2024, 05:46:31 am »

I had considered "solar sintered glass entrapment" in sealed saggar crucibles several times.

When done under hermetic conditions, the environment inside the kiln rapidly depletes all available oxygen, and the carbon cannot turn into CO2, and instead "Just melts" and mixes with the glass. This should produce a geologically stable form of carbon that is mechanically sequestered, and the energy to perform the process can come from low-tech, inexpensive solar sources.

Doing this with human garbage (specifically, plastic wastes, but the chemistry shouldn't care too much about other organic impurities in the waste stream) could in theory resolve a number of ecological and economic problems all at once, but good luck getting the funding to start a pilot waste disposal operation.

the NIMBY folks will swear to heaven and back that the resulting black glass causes cancer and disruptions to their orgone responses, or some other nonsense.

To work correctly, the glass must melt below 400C, which means a high-soda glass, but there are numerous ways to accomplish that.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #800 on: January 12, 2024, 09:07:00 am »

I had considered "solar sintered glass entrapment" in sealed saggar crucibles several times.

When done under hermetic conditions, the environment inside the kiln rapidly depletes all available oxygen, and the carbon cannot turn into CO2, and instead "Just melts" and mixes with the glass. This should produce a geologically stable form of carbon that is mechanically sequestered, and the energy to perform the process can come from low-tech, inexpensive solar sources.

Doing this with human garbage (specifically, plastic wastes, but the chemistry shouldn't care too much about other organic impurities in the waste stream) could in theory resolve a number of ecological and economic problems all at once, but good luck getting the funding to start a pilot waste disposal operation.

the NIMBY folks will swear to heaven and back that the resulting black glass causes cancer and disruptions to their orgone responses, or some other nonsense.

To work correctly, the glass must melt below 400C, which means a high-soda glass, but there are numerous ways to accomplish that.
One of the funniest things I've seen from NIMBY was the woman who managed to block a charging port for EVs outside her house then when she got an electric car couldn't get the council to put a charging port outside her house or even in her neighbourhood, citing the stop order she had filed for


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #801 on: March 26, 2024, 02:14:39 am »

One of the largest eruptions in Earth’s history could have wiped out humans. Here’s how scientists say some survived
Quote from:  Katie Hunt
“People start to increase the percentage of fish in the diet when Toba comes in. They’re capturing and processing almost four times as much fish (as before the eruption),” he said.

“We think the reason for that is because if Toba is in fact, creating more aridity, that means it’s going to be a shorter wet season, which means longer dry season.”

The team theorized that the drier climate, counterintuitively, explains the increased reliance on fish: As the river shrank, fish were trapped in water holes or shallower streams that hunters could more easily target.

Blue vs. green corridor
The fish-rich water holes may have potentially created what the team described as a “blue corridor,” along which early humans moved north out of Africa once they were depleted of fish. This theory contradicts most other models that suggest that humanity’s main migration out of Africa took place along “green corridors” during humid periods.

“This study … demonstrates the great plasticity of Homo sapiens populations and their ability to adapt easily to any type of environment, whether hyper-humid or hyper-arid, including during catastrophic events such as the hyper-explosion of the Toba volcano,” said Ludovic Slimak, a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and the University of Toulouse, in an email. Slimak was not involved in the research.
John Kappelman's study does sound like it presents an interesting theory regarding human migration.
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #802 on: June 20, 2024, 02:46:21 am »

Whoa this stuff sounds like some kind of unobtainium except it turns out that it is not

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 02:56:57 am by Duuvian »
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #803 on: October 29, 2024, 08:04:44 am »

This stuff is pretty cool. There was some sort of sensor or something that was listed as a limitation to some sort of uber tech I keep reading about in these Debrief articles. It was vulnerable to interference due to being sensitive. I can't recall what it was for, maybe astronomy.

It appears to be a composite involving carbon nanotubes. Now I have a question, science. Will Elmer's Glue stick these nanotubes onto tinfoil or will they fall off onto my shoulder?
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Eric Blank

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #804 on: October 29, 2024, 08:22:46 pm »

If it doesn't, you can sew them on with thread. The holes made shouldn't decrease performance too much.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #805 on: December 26, 2024, 02:30:40 pm »

Just watched a video on a claimed "loophole" in Newtonian physics.

None of the YouTube comments mentioned what I am thinking, which is that anything that looks like a paradox is generally due to an ill-formed situation.  Some of the comments talk about discontinuous derivatives and the like, or time reversal symmetry, or Zeno's paradox.

My observation is that the paradox at least as formulated in the video seems to be failing to account for the missing second dimension. It is looking only at accelerations in the "height" direction, but doesn't look at the acceleration in the radial direction. The only way the ball can move radially is if there is a nonzero net force in the radial direction, which doesn't seem to be addressed in the model.  That is, the model seems to be neglecting the normal force of the dome surface and conservation of momentum in the radial direction in general.

Maybe it's just a failure in the presentation of the video?

EDIT: the idea is "Norton's Dome" if you want to look it up.

EDIT 2: I also have a problem with the description of the alternate solution to the equations, because it is a piecewise equation and had a step discontinuity in the snap when the mass starts moving. There's no explanation for why this is sensible. That is, there is a claim the solution is physical, but the only way acceleration can change over time is with nonzero higher-order terms. So what causes the snap at the discontinuity?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2024, 09:01:12 am by McTraveller »
This product contains deoxyribonucleic acid which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, reproductive harm, and other health issues.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #806 on: January 01, 2025, 03:44:58 am »

I didn't watch the video and I stopped mathing when the Community College had me taking classes I did passably in high school and never saw again, so I can't help you there. It seems like it's likely not taking something into account somehow from the stuff I read about it. Does atomic level stuff have differening ability to balance? Without looking up proper terminology and to infuriate my science teachers I was wondering if the spinny bits were in some sort of balanced pattern such as a gyroscope if such motion has an effect at that level. Also if it's somehow related to gravitational force, I've read about ways to generate a gravitational force recently; I'm not sure if the conjecture argument is based on natural gravity but perhaps if the rule isn't "one standard" for gravitational pull the genrated gravity perhaps could be generated to have a desirable property for the balance so that it would be a steadier force to use for the purpose. I clearly don't know much about that though. If some kind of influence by a reverse time flow is the cause of the difficulty in balancing if I understood the conjecture correctly that would be neat though. These two already taught me that!

Science Breakthrough! Quantum tier internet!! Now to figure out how to THROTTLE IT SO MY STEAM TAKES FOREVER
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #807 on: February 26, 2025, 12:52:25 am »

A groundbreaking invention that produces fuel from thin air could transform atmospheric carbon dioxide from a threat into a potentially valuable resource.

Spoiler: From the article (click to show/hide)

Syngas is metal! Hydrogen and Cardon Monboxides rule...

It does sound like it would be more useful than pumping underground and I think sometimes paying rent for the facilities for a long time.

Spoiler: From the article (click to show/hide)
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #808 on: February 26, 2025, 03:29:57 am »

Now the question is, is it more efficient than just growing plants for biofuel, and how environmentally damaging is mining for the resources to create this artificial plant?
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #809 on: February 26, 2025, 05:05:16 am »

Sounds like the long-known process of taking water (...because you clearly also need hydrogen) and carbon-dioxide to produce basic hydrocarbons, which is one of the ways that rocket fuel is going to be created on Mars, etc.

Didn't see enough detail to see if it was a new approach. And, effectively, is what plants do (including after they get buried and compressed/heated in sediment), and can be considered equivalent to trickle-charged solar battery storage for when you need a burst of energy later.
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