so no ports though? no bases? kind of sad I guess. How do you log out? Can you just log out in open air on your vessel?
EDIT: Also, I'm thrilled to learn that this will be available for mac users! Wooooo!!!
People made airships that looked like houses for a bit as a laugh and put them on the islands. Thats not a viable thing anymore but airships that can make airships are a planned in the near-future thing.. so 'bases' would be carrier-ships.
When you log-out and your vessel's not docked, your vessel vanishes after some short amount of minutes (not sure, 5mins?).
You can leave your vessel docked on a island, but it (and the dock) would take damage from understorms over time if i read the patch notes correctly... so i guess after a few days of dockage it might either vanish as if you logged out if the dock breaks.. or crash into the island and slowly start breaking over more time.
EDIT: The ship appears again when you log-back in, in the same exact spot it vanished from. (if you were standing on it when you log-out you would still be standing on it when you log in)
To be clear, while engines require fuel, the floaty devices don't. Your ships can 'float' and go up/down as long as the atlas-reactor (floaty thingy) is not damaged/can support the current weight of ship. (you get upto atm 3 upgrade-techs for the reactor via chests). Sails also don't require fuel (although they can be destroyed by any of the wind-walls/storm-walls/sand-walls, so you can only use them for local cruising at slow speed, and direction largly effects speed.
The 'walls' basically seperate the world into varios island sectors all sharing the same biome. The more difficult wall you go through the harder biome you get to, and the tech you find in chests and resources found on islands is biome-dependant (although some stuff is in multiple biomes). theres 4 biomes atm. you basically go wilderness-biome/-wind-wall-/Expanse-biome/-storm-wall-/remants-biome/-sand-wall-/badlands-biome.