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Author Topic: Arms Race: Embassy  (Read 31248 times)


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #120 on: May 15, 2017, 11:50:06 pm »

The Entrepreneur's Weekly
Forenian Politics, Forenia and the Anti Comintern pact -Marynovka Violetta Romanovna
After recent, very intense elections, in which the parliament building caught fire, the recent decision was made for Forenia to sign the Anti Comintern pact, which as the name implies, is a form of alliance in case of an attack by the Soviet union. As any long time reader knows, the FCP is against communism and socialism, however, the majority of the FCP airs on the side of caution due to the fact that Germany and Japan, the first two nations to sign the Anti Comintern pact are both fascist governments and not capitalist unlike Great Brittan or the United States of America, who too, where possible nations we could have allied with. In more positive news, I am glad to inform you dear reader that the FCP has gained six seats in these following elections, all of whom are true examples of what a hard working Forenian with a small loan can accomplish. -page 2

Forenian Socialist Party splits apart, proof of the failure of socialism? -Adam Pennington
Due to joining the Anti Comintern pact, the disillusioned Socialists have gone underground despite not even being banned by the government. They have been seen taking things out of their headquarters and pulling it to the docks and into the tunnels where hopefully, some common sense will finally come into their empty heads in those caves and they come out embracing capitalism, unfortunately however, that doesn't mean that the threat of socialism is gone, as it turns out, a few of the members of the FSP have half of a brain and know that hiding around in a cave wont do anything to further their cause which is ignorant of the real world. This group of ex FSP members have formed the Forenian Worker's Party which, while slightly more realistic and less completely vacuous, is still a threat to this great nation and capitalism-page 4

The local Entrepreneur, Joe's Flotsam shop -Vincent Mediean
This week of the Local Entrepreneur, we look at the small and surprisingly successful local business located on Liikanen Street in the city of Nevarask who's products are completely from the sea. From cheap, burnt metal from what was once a ship that can be used for a project to jewels found in small boxes in the sea, the store sells almost anything one can expect to find if they look hard enough in the pacific. When asked what the key to his success was the owner, Joe Simon, responded by saying "Its actually quite easy to make a profit when there are literal tons of things that someone can consider valuable being sunk in the ocean every day with the current war. If I had to say the reason for my success was, it would be the war, and that's not even mentioning the new rise in tourism.". Despite the cash being made from his store, he has stated that he has no intention to expand his business, when asked about this, he simply stated that he had to much to do already and that he simply liked keeping it on a local level.-page 7

The Jesters corner -Robespierre
Q: What did one Cannalan paratrooper say to the other?
A: Crunch

Q: Why do we bury Cannalan's twenty feet under ground?
A: Because deep down, they're really nice people.

"It's a bird! It's a plane-- wait no we have no air support, nevermind" -- Cannalans on airplains

More on page 9

Capitalism Ho!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 01:40:10 am by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #121 on: May 16, 2017, 01:22:25 am »

A recent spread of apparent propaganda has been spreading. Experts attribute this disturbing trend to "a Guano of Anarchists" even though the existence group has not been confirmed, nor even if it does exists, that it is a group. The troubling material includes instructions for a "silly walk, with which to combat the Brits" that involves bending one's arms and legs, holding them perfectly still, then gyrating backwards, a plea to "Give lead-lined hats to the poor.", and some disturbing imagery.
Do not give in to temptation, the link is your enemy.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #122 on: May 16, 2017, 06:32:55 am »

The Independent Forenian

For the people, by the people.

Exclusive Feature: Socialism Underground by Amir Alwaqie
Two months ago, the Forenian Socialist Party made headlines by going underground, both figuratively and literally, causing a more moderate branch to split off to form the Forenian Worker's Party (FWP), which still remains politically active. In the immediate aftermath of the split, almost all FSP Members of Parliament switched to supporting the FWP, with only one holdout refusing to do so and remaining neutral, though voting with FWP interests anyway. Today,  the Forenian Socialist Party is nowhere to be found on the streets and many wonder what became of them. Our intrepid Independent Reporter Alwaqie, however, managed to contact some FSP members and arrange for an interview with them. This is his account.

The route to the Socialist Party's warrens begin, as many correctly suspect, in the abandoned tunnels that worm their way under our capital's busy harbour. The Socialist accompanying me, a young woman by the name of Alinova, leads me from the basement of a disused warehouse through a maze of twisty little passages with only a small lantern, and I estimate that we have gone nearly a mile in the darkness before she stops next to a brick wall at an intersection.

She knocks on and whispers something to the cracks in the bricks, to be replied by a mechanical grinding noise, along with the wall sliding aside. On the other side is a bored-looking young man lounging in a chair, and next to him a lever and an intricate mess of gears that opens the entrance. This part of tunnels is clearly inhabited; dotted with electric lightbulbs and the odd wall-painted mural depicting socialist utopia and the FSP flag, it is not an altogether unpleasant place to live. There is no disguising the rather pungent aroma of sea salt and fish, though. Or perhaps that is salted fish?

We continue down a few more lit tunnels, before she opens a door into an office. It is rather small and spartan, with only the barest minimums of a table, two chairs and a closet. It is the man behind the desk I am here to see, though - average of height and build, he is physically unassuming but the steel in his eyes gives me a glimpse of the Socialist leader's iron will. Equally intimidating are the two bodyguards who occupy most of the remaining space in the room.

He introduces himself as Kazimierz, a name which I do not recall to be among the FSP leaders. Nevertheless, I press on with my questions.

"How did the FSP construct this underground hideout in only two months?"

He chuckles. "Never underestimate what the workers can do, when freed of the shackles of capital. We are industrious, and nothing is more inspiring than the socialist ideals we work toward. I will tell you, you have not even seen a tenth of our base here. Unfortunately, you cannot be allowed to see the rest, not without joining us."

I politely decline. "What is your opinion of the Forenian Worker's Party, which has de facto taken over the FSP in Parliament under the leadership of Engineer Mulisakova?"

"Brave men, the lot of them, and that engineer too. Brave, but foolish. We know which way the wind is blowing, and let me tell you, there won't be a Parliament much longer. Can't trust the NFPP, they're all fascist scum. I would urge Mulisakova not to listen to their honeyed lies, and watch his back for betrayal if he does".

I diplomatically refrain from pointing out that there is no wind in the tunnels. "Are you aware that Engineer Mulisakova has referred to the FSP as "sewer hermits"?"

His face twists. "You've seen for yourself, what we've got going on down here. Hardly a sewer, in any sense. And to him I say, better a sewer than an unmarked grave."

Again, I diplomatically refrain from pointing out that my sense of smell cannot tell the difference. Instead, I ask, "What is your opinion of the government signing the Anti-Comintern Pact, and the sharing of the RPG-28A design with the Wehrmacht?"

Unfortunately, his reply cannot be printed word-for-word to avoid offending our readers' sensibilities, but needless to say the impression I had was that he did not approve of it at all. It took him a few minutes to compose himself, during which I noted some interesting aspects of the room, such as that the door appeared to be entirely made of stone, as was his chair. The next, and last question I was able to ask was "Is the FSP going to hide down here indefinitely?"

"We are not hiding!" he insists. "Merely... biding our time. We've got plenty of food and drink, we're expanding and fortifying the place day by day, and we're making progress on farming down here as well." I begin to wonder what exactly one can grow underground without sunlight, before his next sentence catches me off-guard. "And we're not just focused on surviving, either. We're working on building new things too. Tell that to the fascists."

With that enigmatic statement, he gestures to his bodyguards to escort me out of his office, where Alinova is waiting to lead me back to the surface world. The walk back to the movable wall and through the tunnels passes quickly, and before long I am blinking as my eyes acclimatise to the sunlit surroundings again. She quickly turns back down the stairs into the basement, and the only evidence I have left of my foray into the Socialists' den are the three pages of scribbled shorthand replies that I have jotted down in my notebook.

One thing is for sure, my readers, the FSP did not vanish like the proverbial morning dew, as many think. Nor does it seem that they plan to do so, or go quietly should the government find means and motive to evict them from their subterranean lair. One can only wonder: what exactly is it that they are doing down in the dark? And how will the government respond to their thinly-veiled threat? Only time will tell.

United Forenia Forever!


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #123 on: May 16, 2017, 11:53:04 pm »

THE FORENIAN COURIER: for all your news needs.
After a heated debate (Of which several parties accuse the NFPP of cheating in by calling in tiger armoured FSG members), the NFPP announced that the power invested in the prime minister of forenia had now been split into the purely executive role of Dictator, who is elected on the death of the former dictator, and the prime minister whom is responsible for running the country proper and appointed to the position by the dictator. The sudden change has left the position of prime minister empty, with many expecting Nikolai's protege Tarik Karim to be appointed to the position.

Dictator Antonov announced the formation of the executive council today, designed to act as a technocratic counterbalance with the now renamed representative conclave. Appointed by the Dictator with the prime minister's recommendation, the 20 seats are filled by leading specialists, scientists and engineers from the civilian sector to advise the dictator and prime minister and to act as a second layer to the legislature. The appointment to those seats are likely to come later in the year.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 12:48:32 am by Taricus »
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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #124 on: May 16, 2017, 11:58:17 pm »

Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

Powder Miner

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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #125 on: May 17, 2017, 12:21:05 am »

In a shocking peak to the political violence these past few months, the National Forenian People's Party, assisted with the help of Tiger Armor equipped members of the FSG militia, seized a modicum of power in the parliament earlier today, claiming to oust the previous prime minister and establish a new position of "dictator". This new dictator, Nikolai Antonov, enjoyed two hours of establishing his new powerbase before events struck that once again radically altered the political landscape of this country, albeit simply returning it mostly to how things were before.

During his commencement speech, intended to curry popular favor with a sufficiently glorious display, Antonov hired a pyrotechnics expert to create displays of fireworks and light to symbolize the shining glory of the would-be new regime. Unfortunately, Antonov made the mistake of hiring a specific Put A Rocket On It Party parliament member in order to create this pyrotechnics display: Benedikt Bogdanov, the PAROI member also responsible for the burning down of Parliament last season by accident. Showing characteristic zeal for explosives, but also characteristic lack of regard for them, Bogdanov loaded one of the fireworks canisters with anti-tank rockets instead, one of which veered wildly off-course and struck Antonov in the back mid-speech before detonating. It took an hour and a half to gather up the pieces of Antonov's remains, including ten minutes spent arguing with a fanatic NFPP member until he agreed to relinquish his glorious dictator's left foot.

In the chaos immediately following Antonov's demise, multiple parliament members secured weapons and headed back to the Parliamentary building, and the FSG members were then faced with a dizzying array of weaponry. Even now, the emergency meeting held by the parliament is much more armed than even any previous sessions of Parliament had been -- not only pistols, but rifles, recoilless rifles, and even RPGs have become a fairly common sight in the Parliamentary building, as well as partially-worn Tiger Armor. One FSDAO parliament member (one of those to gain seats after the recent election that also gave seats to the NFPP) took things beyond the point of reason, outstripping even his fellows, by wearing a full suit of Tiger Armor, four guns, two knives, and a dozen grenades attached to the outside of his armor, to the point where it became impossible for him to be understood and difficult for him to even stand up safely. One thing is for sure: though the Prime Minister has been restored, and even though such coups are likely to be less easy in the future, the outlook and atmosphere of Parliament is undoubtedly going to be irrevocably marred and made more violent by this incident for much time to come.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 02:23:47 am by Powder Miner »


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Cannalan Pirate


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #127 on: May 17, 2017, 01:58:22 pm »

The Independent Forenian

For the people, by the people.

PM attempts to seize power; is cut down to size.
The two hour reign of Dictator Nikolai Antonov was brief, but explosive. It highlights that the unsanctioned violence gripping the streets is to be found within the halls of parliament as well, though opinions are mixed as to whether this is a good thing, as it means the government is more representative of the people, or a bad thing, highlighting the dysfunctional nature of politics in Forenia.
Most can agree, however, that the NFPP has shown itself to be no better than their predecessors in the high halls. Those who had hoped for change in this new electoral landscape were naive, and should remember: power corrupts.   
Continued on page 4.

Invasions galore! Mutriqa under attack.
With the annexation of Myark evidently not enough, the government has launched a new campaign to conquer the island of Mutriqa to the north. A government spokesperson had this to say:
"We received credible reports that the communists on Mutriqa were supporting- hang on. *inaudible whispering* I mean, what I meant to say was, this is a mission of peace, to protect Mutriqa from piracy, a very real threat, as evidenced by the latest raid of the island, which the UFN was sadly deployed too late to prevent. In future, we shall be sure to send our peacekeeping anti-pirate forces with greater haste."
Continued on page 5.

Forenian Sentinel Group grows in number.
The increasingly threatening FSG has been gaining new members at a rapid pace. Their promise to rid the streets of unsanctioned violence seems at odds with their tendency to start fights with anyone they don't like, which they do outside of designated rioting areas. As the paramilitary arm of the NFPP, the FSG is in fact another branch of government, one even less constrained by the law in its ability to harass citizens and suppress provincial rights. After their part in the recent brief coup, it is clear that they will stop at nothing to ensure that the NFPP gains power.
Continued on page 6.

Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #128 on: May 17, 2017, 05:55:42 pm »

The Entrepreneur's Weekly
Forenian Politics, The two hour coup -Marynovka Violetta Romanovna
Yesterday, the NFPP lead by Nikolai Antonov with the help of the FSG militia, stormed the parliament building and took it by force, proclaiming their leader Antonov as the dictator of Forenia. As one would expect, the Coup didn't last long and ended in the death of Antonov just two hours after his proclamation of control over the government when making his speech to try and win over the populous in an attempt to cement his rule, during his speech, he had Benedikt Bogdanov, the put a rocket on it party member responsible for accidentally burning down parliament a few months ago, control the pyrotechnics and rockets to make his speech all the more grand, unfortunately for Antonov, Bogdanov supporting the way things use to be and should be, ended up carefully setting up one of the rockets to veer off course to slam into Antonov, causing him to explode, violently. Reportedly, it took about two hours to get all the peaces of the body. After this event, parliament is more armed then ever to make sure an event like this doesn't happen again, and a few members of the FCP are considering making Bogdanov a national hero for his quick and clever assassination that saved this great nation. -page 2

The National Forenian People's Party, proof as to why Fascism is a threat to Capitalism -Adam Pennington
As most of you already know, the recently attempted Coup d'etat by the NFPP which naturally failed in spectacular fashion not only proves that Fascism is vying for complete control and domination of the government like the socialists, but also proof that it is impossible to simply stand and be idle if we want to protect the glory that is Capitalism in our great nations government. More must be done before these obtuse, doltish, simpleminded, unavailing and unprofitable ideas are finally put to rest under the superiority that is capitalism, and while it may be only a matter of time, if we all do our part that matter of time will come much quicker. We will prove to these unenlightened dolts why capitalism is superior, either by way of money, intellectual speaking, or other methods. We must remember that the fascists in Germany and Japan are just as much of an ally as they are a threat to capitalism, and we must make sure that they help us without pushing their ideals upon us. -page 5

The local Entrepreneur, Kirov's Family Diner -Vincent Mediean
In this edition of the local Entrepreneur, we take a look at a diner in our very own capital on 31st street, the small diner has been very successful as of late and is an American styled diner that serves traditional American food you would expect to find in a diner in America. It serves plenty of different meals and drinks, including coca cola and other soft drinks and the food is of great quality, one can even watch their food being cooked if they look over the counter and see the delicious meal that is being prepared for them. The diner also has a friendly atmosphere inside that fits well with the food served, giving a true taste of America without going through all the hassle of actually going there! The owner, Ustimovich Vitomir Kirov has stated in a interview that "I plan to use the money to expand my business across Forenia, that way everyone can enjoy good American food right in their own neighborhood." Construction of a second diner in the old Arstotzkan capitol is already underway and it wont be long if things keep up till Kirov has taken over a large part of the food market! -page 7

The Jesters corner -Robespierre
Q: What is the difference between a Cannalan, a Cannalan sympathizer, and a lump of dirt?
A: The lump of dirt has a use.

Q: What do most Forelians have that all Cannalans do not?
A: A functioning liver and a working brain.

God made rivers, God made lakes, God even made the Cannalan snakes, thus is proof that everyone makes mistakes.
More on page 9

Capitalism Ho!
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #129 on: May 17, 2017, 06:40:43 pm »

Bit surprised none of the Forenian papers have yet done anything on the island invasion.  It being empty and showing signs of having been ransacked, while outshone by the primary feature of the attempted coup, would probably be worth a lesser article.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #130 on: May 17, 2017, 06:44:55 pm »

Bit surprised none of the Forenian papers have yet done anything on the island invasion.  It being empty and showing signs of having been ransacked, while outshone by the primary feature of the attempted coup, would probably be worth a lesser article.
Honestly I'm a bit surprised too, I imagined armed coup attempts are scheduled in Forenia, to prevent confusion when two parties try at the same time.
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #131 on: May 17, 2017, 07:08:28 pm »

Bit surprised none of the Forenian papers have yet done anything on the island invasion.  It being empty and showing signs of having been ransacked, while outshone by the primary feature of the attempted coup, would probably be worth a lesser article.
Honestly I'm a bit surprised too, I imagined armed coup attempts are scheduled in Forenia, to prevent confusion when two parties try at the same time.

This isn't like the riots.  This seems to have been written up by Sensei as being an abnormal event.

You know, given the backers of the National Forenia People's Party are presumably largely based around nationalism that likely has roots in being against the dictatorial Arstotzkan High Command and the Moskurgan Monarchy, and the fact a major figure of the party has been killed, I would be surprised if the coup doesn't result in lost seats and a party split.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #132 on: May 17, 2017, 07:09:22 pm »

It's a failed coup attempt. The party ought to be all but dead now. As in, no seats, unless there were some seats that didn't come up for reelection.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #133 on: May 17, 2017, 07:11:23 pm »

The armed wing is definitely still around and out in force, and the party is far from dead. Hell I'd say it has more backers now, even if they're foreign.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Arms Race: Embassy
« Reply #134 on: May 17, 2017, 07:19:19 pm »

It's a failed coup attempt. The party ought to be all but dead now. As in, no seats, unless there were some seats that didn't come up for reelection.

Actually, yeah.  The coup attempt alone would have likely hit them hard, but they tried to put in place a government that the revolution was explicitly against.  A lot of major people in the party are probably flat out arrested, those that aren't will be distancing themselves, and the nationalists that focus on an anti-autocratic government are going to leave the party for something different.  If the party isn't dead, it is likely badly crippled.

The armed wing is definitely still around and out in force, and the party is far from dead. Hell I'd say it has more backers now, even if they're foreign.

Actually, the armed wing is probably going to be the worst part hit.  Riots are fine, but a coup is treason.  It is likely that most, if not all, would be under arrest.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon
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