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Author Topic: Individual Scientists! May 8th 2017 [7/7]  (Read 6154 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 5th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2017, 03:12:00 pm »

Search the car for a spare set of keys. Then check out a book from the library about high-powered car engines.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2017, 02:15:58 am »

FYI: The stuff listed under your knowledge isn't everything you know, but it is the more important parts. If you want to do something that you feel you should be able to effectively do based on past actions and/or inventions but isn't listed in your knowledge, go for it. Though it'd be safe for you to include some of your reasoning in your actions so I understand.
Finally: let me know if I leave any placeholder-type text. Sometimes I forget to delete the actions I copy+pasted to facilitate writing out the update.

May 6th, 2017

Despite the sheer difficulties of the task you set off to accomplish today, you manage to really work wonders. The Collector Bot, or C-Bot, is suite to a number of innovations from yourself. Firstly, it moves via four small legs, allowing it to traverse landscapes such as the scrapyard with only minor difficulty. It's powered by multiple sets of consumer batteries that run out in the course of a day's use, so unfortunately you'll have to pay around $5 to power it for a day. Storage is rather small, but workable, as it holds 1u of most items in an open-top bin. The storage isn't great, but it works for now.
It's the internals where you really innovate. You don't know how you managed to do it, as this is all rather complicated stuff. But you did it.
Networking allows for a fleet of bots to, given an area of land, semi-intelligently cut up the land into sectors for each bot to work on, and if linked to a nearby display, is able to give the display real-time information as to the status of each bot and its current loads, and its sub-zone. So if you have a group of bots and a way to do so, you can simply upload the region and the bots will automatically divide it up and begin work. Experience in programming this makes you proficient in Basic Robotic Networking.
The recognition was much more difficult - a bot has to be able to recognize relevant pieces of useful materials and evaluate whether or not it can be fit into the storage container. You were able to implement the core functionalities but the current recognition suite is limited to only broad recognizing. Things like "scrap metal" work, but "scrap metal with usable bolts" is simply too specific for the webcam and recognition suite to process.
The point system, though, was the hardest part. If it wasn't for an insane degree of luck you wouldn't have been able to even get it working. As it stands, a bot is able to recognize the points value of items and attempts to optimize their total score. Networking allows bots to access the scores of individual bots but competition is nonexistent - a bot simply processes the points of different items and discards scrap with less points for scrap with more points to increase its total score. Yet your work here has gained you a minor insight into machine learning, granting you the knowledge of Basic Machine Learning.

Control is an issue. A bot lacks a display and you even lack a computer to plug them into. The programming was actually done at the library then painstakingly uploaded to the robots via a process that is most certainly not practical for uploading orders. At the moment orders are sent via an extremely simple "interface" consisting of a couple LED lights and a pair of buttons. The orders have to be programmed in over relatively large amounts of time for a single bot, and controlling more than one bot, even with networking, is largely unfeasible using this method of control.
The "computer" you made inside is also a problem. With just electronic parts used, the computer is incredibly simple - it has an almost nonexistent storage and the capabilities you've programmed so far already stretch the computer to its limits. If you want to make it more advanced the first step in doing so would most certainly be investing in the bot's computer, whether that's via better parts, or designing a better integrated computer yourself.

You made one Collector Bot today. You had to spend $47, almost completely depleting your current stored cash. 2u Advanced Mechanical bits were bought as you needed things like small servos and motors to actually power the legs, and 5u Mechanical Bits were used in the making of the rest of the legs. A cheap webcam was bought for $20 to allow the bot to "see". For the actual computing part, 4u Electronic Parts were used for the integrated computer, and 4u Scrap Metal were used in the making of the body. Well, actually, 3u were used, but you had to buy another piece of suitable metal.

You would be testing out the Collector Bot with the rest of your time today, but you can't afford the batteries needed to power it with your measly $2.

You earn $4 from your part-time job at an used electronics store today.
Spoiler: Roboson (Roboson) (click to show/hide)

You receive a willing subject early in the day - some person in a grey lab coat. As you didn't form any definitive plans to deal with the test subjects you'd be receiving today, you end up deciding to only take in this person for $20 and practice forming a trance and increasing suggestibility in the subject.
The trance is accomplished after some time. It's not particularly deep, and any unexpected stimuli (that is to say, things that aren't you) will wake the subject out of the trance. Needless to say, this hypnotism would not work in an uncontrolled environment. Time to move on to suggestions.
This goes better, but still not perfectly. You find that with the right techniques, the subject can be instructed to perform basic actions - "walk here", "pick this up", as well as some simple questions. If the suggestion is too "extreme" (keeping in mind that "extreme" is relative) then the subject will wake from the trance without need for an external factor.
Your knowledge of Human Reaction Theory helps here, and after writing everything down, Basic Hypnotism is now something you can reliably perform.

At work, you use your knowledge of the human mind to try and influence your coworkers, but unfortunately they see through your attempts at subtle manipulation. You gain a reputation for being "fake" and "slithery" at work, and your coworkers' opinions of you are decreased. It's not going to affect your job at the moment, but you make a note to be careful in the future with any further actions here. It's definitely not out of the question to try again, as this event was created by a mistake on your part, but without repairing the relationship somehow, another mistake won't be good for your job.

Once back at the garage, safe from the disdain of your peers, you begin to try to use the basic hypnosis techniques learned today on yourself in an effort to increase your self-confidence and generally calm yourself. Normally this would be hard based just on Human Reaction Theory, but thanks to the valuable experience from the subject you tested on earlier today, the process goes much more smoothly than it could have gone. For a bit, you actually start to feel slightly more confident and calm. Nothing huge that will affect your life in any way, but you know it's possible.
You didn't really gain much knowledge from this, though. It's nice experience but nothing new was really learned compared to that test session.

You earn $5 from your part-time construction job today. Your coworkers dislike you.
Spoiler: Nix (NRDL) (click to show/hide)

Jack Flash
The game is finished today.
The release actually goes really well - good exposure and entertainment value leads to you earning $172 in profit! Experience from the whole process leads to more knowledge of Game Development. Though you really don't want to make a career or most of your money off of this. You're a scientist, not some game developer! And, surprisingly, it has been scientifically proven by scientists in New Bound that lightning does not strike twice. Scientifically proven.
You wonder if your knowledge in game development could be used for anything useful or interesting. With some creative thinking, it probably in fact could.

After this is done, you have enough time in your day to spend a couple of hours at the nearby scrapyard, where you find 2u Scrap Electronics. The lack of time is annoying in hampering your efforts, but despite that you still manage to find some valuable scrap.

Spoiler: Jack Flash (Happerry) (click to show/hide)

Billy Quick
Nope. No keys in the car. Just lots of dirt, grunge, and other unpleasant stuff to get stuck on your clothes.

After finishing that fruitless search, you find an informative book simply titled High-Powered Car Engines. Convenient. You take it home after hearing the librarian commanding you to return it on the 11th.
After seeing how much time's left in the day, you decide you may as well pass it by reading the book you just got.

And surprise, the book on high-powered car engines grants you the knowledge of High-Powered Car Engines. You keep the book around in case you have any uses for it later.

Magen E. Tuene
You wake up fairly early in the morning to take advantage of that flyer you found offering $20 to be experimented on with hypnosis. Wanting the money Wanting to improve the state of science, you do it. The very intimidating man performing the tests in some kind of garage does a basic hypnosis routine on you. It feels a bit like you were half-asleep, but other than that nothing of notable happened other than you getting $20[/color]! More money's always great.

With that done, you decide to affirm your intelligence by finding a professional $10 IQ test. A fair bit of time is spent taking it and you emerge from it with a signed certificate declaring your genius-level IQ. You feel very proud even though you already knew this.

You earn $6 at your museum part-time job.

Sausest Fage
The Flour Bomb is renamed to the Noodley Wick!
Y'know, for kids.

Instead of being a totally awesome grenade that one can also eat, the Noodley Wick will become more similar to a fun and festive decorative item for dishes!
You spend some time with the Noodley Wick you already have in an attempt to improve the fuse, using 1u Culinary Ingredients.

Unfortunately, the edibility is not improved. At all. Whatsoever.  You mean, it's... technically... edible. But that doesn't mean it's an enjoyable experience. But you march on, knowing that not all decorative items are delicious and that it can always be improved later!
Reliability, however, is massively improved. The fuse now takes exactly 5 seconds to burn, and you improved the safety of it making the fires merely "decorative". It might sting a bit if you put your fingers or face right next to it, but surely people aren't stupid enough to do that, right?

A patent is effortlessly required from the Quik-Patent™ government agency for $10. With this done, you come to the pasta kitchen where you work and after way too long, get a meeting with the owner. You tell them that they'll be able to manufacture the Noodley Wick given it's only created on the property and doesn't leave the property. The owner seems to ponder a bit before offering you $50 for it.
You're given some time to decide on this. You can accept, decline, make a counter-offer, or somehow do something else regarding this.

You earn $6 from your part-time job at a pasta kitchen.
Spoiler: Sausest Fage (RAM) (click to show/hide)

James "Scrap Lord"
You pay $16 for 2x Large Beakers of sufficient quality for your intentions, and while at the commercial area home to the store selling the beakers, decide to do some research.
Asking around at various shops reveals that a small water purifier - enough to purify 2u of water every day - is $40. A moderately-sized water purifier, enough for 5u water per day, is $85. A large one, making a resounding 15u/day, is $225.

With plenty of time left in the day, you spend most of it in the scrapyard. You find 4u Scrap Metal as well as a Hammer. This is all brought to the garage where it is "neatly" stored before you turn in for the night.

Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #62 on: May 05, 2017, 05:21:52 am »

1. Go to an internet cafe, research as much as I can on the effects of auditory and olfactory stimuli on people in suggestive states.
2. Research what I can on mind-altering substances, their usages, and the principles behind them.
3. Continue to work hard at job, focus on being amiable but professional, give co-workers distance so they forget about attempt at manipulating them.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2017, 03:08:32 pm »

I, um, actually only intended the fuse to be the Noodley Wick. The Flour Bomb uses a fuse as a component, but is a separate invention.

Anyway, I will study sauces while working and purchase additional supplies for the final touches. I shall then attempt to produce an inner tube of sauce that will mix with the flammable mixture and render the Noodley Wick edible, nay, tasty even, if it is pierced, such as when chewed, while leaving it flammable provided that it suffers only common contortions.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2017, 05:00:47 pm »

Scavenge for more engine parts in the scrapyard, then tune up the car's engine using my spare engine parts. Check around to see if there are any drag racing competitions going on.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #65 on: May 05, 2017, 06:47:58 pm »

Buy a small water purifier, and then hook up the large beakers to the purification set up. Begin searching for even more scrap and purify a bunch. If time start researching catalysts, and working on one to speed up the process.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #66 on: May 05, 2017, 07:07:13 pm »

I'll see if there are any jobs available at a nearby college. Community college may be a good first step, though I don't expect a great pay. I'll point out my IQ credentials, as well as how I could learn and teach most subjects, given but a day or two in advance. Y'know, before I do this, I'll return my books to the library and loan a book on college-level teaching methods.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #67 on: May 05, 2017, 07:11:42 pm »

Jack Flash
Go scavenge more electronic parts today, with an eye towards picking up any that could be used to create a small drone.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #68 on: May 05, 2017, 08:13:23 pm »

Spend the day collecting scrap with C-bot. Especially look for computing parts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 6th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #69 on: May 05, 2017, 09:53:43 pm »

I'm considering popping on the waitlist. So, I'm just going to PTW for now. Way too tired to do anything other than screw up (And it's just a meaningless description! How sad is that ;))
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I've been told that waffles are no longer funny.
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 7th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2017, 12:47:43 am »

@RAM: Woops. I'll restore the flour bomb and keep the noodley wick as a separate invention. The flour bomb still gets the benefits of a reliable fuse.
@Roboson: I forgot to deduct your 3u scrap metal from last turn, so I did it now.
@Yottawhat: I'm not exactly too proficient with cars, so the exact statistics (like mph) matter less than how "good" the car is in general. Like if I say it has a really good top speed but the one I list is actually bad, compared to other cars in the game, it'll still have a really good top speed. If I say "this car is super fast and can go a blazing 20 mph" then it's still super-fast, though it wouldn't hurt to point out the speed.

May 7th, 2017

After getting your daily paycheck, you spend $5 of batteries to run your C-Bot for today. You spend a fairly long amount of time programming in the points for scrap and computer parts into the C-Bot. Once this is done, you let it loose.
You personally don't get much done, and the limited storage of the C-Bot means the majority of its time is spent ferrying scrap between you and its site.
You get 1u Computing Parts, 1u Scrap Electronics, and 1u Scrap Metal. Most of your time is spent finding the computer parts. Really, at this point and for parts of the quality you're looking for, the scrapyard is quickly becoming an inefficient place to look at.

You earn $4 from your part-time job at an used electronics store today.
Spoiler: Roboson (Roboson) (click to show/hide)

At work, you give your coworkers distance. Surprisingly, they seem to eventually forget about yesterday's transgressions by the end of your work today. Perhaps they just really don't care enough to dislike you for more than a day, but regardless of that, you're in the clear now.

Once at your garage, you make sure everything is in order and walk to an internet cafe. You quickly open the browser of an open computer and start looking into the effects of auditory and olfactory stimuli on people in suggestive states. What you read is full of unsubstantiated theories regarding influences of these factors, and there's no actual data anywhere.
The presence of this (mostly untrue) information does suggest that there's potential progress to be made in exploring this avenue for your own work.

But instead of leaving, you start turning your attention towards mind-altering substances. This being the internet, there's a lot of information about the stuff out there. More than enough to give you the knowledge of Basic Mind-Altering Substance Functions. You know a decent bit more about how these drugs work - what they do to the brain, the mechanics behind the visible effects, and more. The amoutn of information and your existing knowledge on the human mind probably helped a bit here. But with this information all gathered (and written down), you log off and retrace your route back to the garage, where you begin your sleep for the night.

You earn $5 from your part-time construction job today.
Spoiler: Nix (NRDL) (click to show/hide)

Jack Flash
Your luck manifests today at the scrapyards. You find 4u Electronic Parts as well as 2u Mechanical Bits and 1u Scrap Metal. Most of your time was spent looking for the electronic parts and you found a surprising amount of them, but along the way you spotted some mechanical bits and scrap metal. The scrap metal is self-explanatory, and the mechanical bits are useful for the basic functioning of moving parts in things like drones.

Other than that, you mostly just play your own game on the library computers. It's really not that bad.

Spoiler: Jack Flash (Happerry) (click to show/hide)

Billy Quick
You find 3u Engine Parts at the scrapyard after a lot of scrounging around. Bringing all the parts back to your garage proves to be a minor problem given the weight, but ultimately you get the task done.

With the engine parts at the garage, you ta--
Oh, you don't have any tools. After a small bout of indecision you end up buying some Work Tools for $35. You were unsure, but considering what you're doing, they'll probably prove to be handy many times.

Anyways, you return from the store with the tools and get to work. Some car working montages later, you close the trunk, wipe your face, and inspect your work.
Now, as it happens, the engine of a cheap car from 1993 isn't exactly a high-powered car engine, but your knowledge still applies here. You didn't rebuild the engine or anything, but with some replacing of certain parts and tweaking of others using up 2u Engine Parts, you've managed to increase the speed of the car to a very reasonable degree.
The top speed of the car now beats that of most consumer cars and just barely beats most sports cars. The acceleration isn't as improved, but should still reasonably serve the new top speed. If only you had the keys.

The only drag racing competition you can find at the moment is a sponsored one at a nearby race track. You're not really sure what kind of people it's marketing, so if you were planning on showing up, you wouldn't be able to predict what kind of cars would be there. If you do want to go, you can probably just go at any time in the next few days - it's not a one-time event.

Magen E. Tuene
You return your Informative Mutation Book and Genetics Graduate Textbook to the library in a very straightforward process, and borrow a College Teaching Textbook. It definitely doesn't have everything but it could help.
With the textbook hidden secured at the garage, you walk to a nearby community college and apply for a job there. However, upon turning in your application, the person at the front desk gasps. They quickly depart their desk and bring back some official-looking man who appears to be very happy. Without looking at the application, he shakes your hand and tells you that he's happy to be working with you.
You give your requirements that the course prep work must be given in advance, and he just shakes his head rapidly, stating that "Just read from the textbooks! Just read from the textbooks!"

After turning away to... cry? The man tells the assistant to give you the formal details.
Congratulations, thanks to critical understaffing, you now have a job at the local community college, paying a resounding $8 a day!

You earn $6 at your museum part-time job, but tomorrow. are moving to your job as a Professor of General Sciences at the community college for $8 per day.

Sausest Fage
The first thing done today is the rectifying of something that was definitely just a clerical error.
The noodley wick is now just the pasta fuse from the Flour Bomb, and the Flour Bomb remains as it was before, but with the new fuse. You never made a mistake, of course. People are just misremembering things.

Before your job at the pasta kitchen, you buy 1u Culinary Supplies for $2 and begin experimenting with sauces. After some involved mixing and combining of sauces later, you take a taste of the new sauce.
You take a lighter to the sauce.

You add the sauce to the Noodley Wick. It's going to increase the cost of the Noodley Wick a bit (whereas before you could make 2 wicks with 1u of Culinary Ingredients, now you can only make 1 wick with the same amount) but is clearly worth it. The sauce greatly enhances the flavor of the wick and makes the whole thing much more tasty to anyone brave enough to eat it. You record the new recipe for the Noodley Wick down as well as the recipe for the Flammable Sauce, though you're unsure about the name for the latter.
Making the flammable sauce has allowed you to become proficient in Sauces.

For now, you don't give the owner of the pasta kitchen a definitive yes/no on the noodley wick.

You earn $6 from your part-time job at a pasta kitchen.
Spoiler: Sausest Fage (RAM) (click to show/hide)

James "Scrap Lord"
You purchase 1x Small Water Purifier for $40.
Once the purifier is procured, you hook up the large beakers to start producing water. You purify 2u Purified Water today. You wonder why you're not paying for the water bill in this place, but you're glad that you're not.

You spend a couple of hours at the scrapyard in order to leave enough time for the rest of your plans today. 4u Scrap Metal was recovered. With this done, you spend the rest of the day performing electrolysis, getting 3u Formless Iron for 3u Purified Water + 3u Scrap Metal.

You don't have enough time left in the day to fully research catalysts, but with your hour at the library computers you do discover some things. If you wanted, you could purchase a unit of some kind of standard catalyst for $10/u, and each unit of the catalyst would last for a day. Alternatively, you could look into making your own. You have no idea how the result will turn out and it could probably cost up to $20 based on the prices of various chemicals online. The choice is yours.
Well, it is tomorrow, after you get some sleep.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 03:15:43 am by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 7th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2017, 12:57:12 am »

For now I keep the elasta... pastic... my knowledge of tensile pasta and the bombs secret, but return to the shop with a revise, more edible Noodley Wick and the flammable sauce(patent it) in the hopes of gaining a higher price-tag for a more viable product and a broader ability to play with the theme.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 7th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2017, 01:05:00 am »

1. Write down everything I've learned in my notebooks, try to see if laying all my information out helps create a better understanding of the disparate parts as a whole.
2. Try and find places where I can *legally* acquire substances that can trigger certain mental states, specifically focusing on states that help create heightened suggestiveness, calm, and responsiveness to external commands. Note places down.
3. Continue working, try to use my ELITE MANIPULATION SKILLS to cozy up to my boss as subtly as I possibly can.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 7th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2017, 03:11:03 am »

Jack Flash

Use the electronic parts that have been collected to upgrade the Netbook into a better computer. A super computer is probably too much to ask for in one go, but that is the end goal.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Individual Scientists! May 7th 2017 [7/7]
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2017, 03:17:31 am »

This being broke thing is surely not going to work out for me.

 Return my library books, get the largest book on criminology that I can find, a history of murder mysteries and their solutions, and a book on observation and deduction. See if there is a way I can borrow more books.

 Read as much as I can before and after work. Actually, take Cbot to a dump and have it collect stuff as I read, easy stuff like metal scrap this time so it doesn't need much imput and it can focus on collection.

At my job, see if there is an opening in repairs. Used electronic places typically repair stuff in addition to selling it, and I feel as if I'd be better at that bit.

Also grab a newspaper. See the news and check out the classifieds for interesting stuff/events around.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 01:00:43 pm by Roboson »
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