"Hey guys you know our already awesome aerial torpedo? Let's make a better one, awesome isn't good enough"
Our torpedo has been repeatedly called out for being too delicate to easily air drop from a good height and speed, forcing our aircraft to fly low and relatively slow to deploy it, and for being too short ranged to deploy except from a good distance within the enemy's AA umbrella which is a bad place to be flying lower and slower. Both of those issues are worth fixing individually, and together they're definitely something to be looked at as soon as we have a free revision.
I'm fairly certain we fixed that? Around the same time we finally got the magnetic detonator we initially wanted... The range is still crap though, but we don't have to do any of that 'low and slow' nonsense.
Aluminum flak jackets would be a sensible choice, but that is revision-worth.
I would like to have a decent destroyer in our navy. Neither we nor cannala have a decent destroyer (I am actually not even sure if Cannala has any destroyer-class ships), and the Archer has been shown repeatedly to be near-useless. I honestly can't remember a single time the Archer was mentioned in a positive light.
We sort of have that with our current uniforms?... I mean, mangalloy isn't as light but it should protect from shrapnel no? Yes, I'm talking about our uniform with
all the pockets, not Tiger Armor. It has a mangalloy chest and back plate, plus helmet.
Pretty sure the Archer has been mentioned beating up Corsairs once somewhere.