I warned you about weed bro! I told you dog!
But seriously, now the Cannalans have an Expense credit. That's not good. At this point, I think I can call their actions for the turn: make jet fighter, revise jet fighter, use expense credit on jet fighter. They don't have a research credit, but with (some) applicable experience from the turboshaft engine they could make a jet fighter comparable to ours, and given that the Thunderbird's weakness is repeatedly stated to be its numbers,
if the Cannalan jet is less expensive we could lose air superiority. Thus, I think we should
spend the revision on making the jet engines non-[Complex], bringing the Thunderbird down an expense level. This will also help out any future jet aircraft we make as well.
I like the sound of a new carrier, but what Nuke says is right, steam catapults are anachronistic. We should go for rocket catapult instead, since we already have experience with rockets
and it could lead to us making a Rescue Moon Rocket to #BringKotBack. Rocket catapults are a thing at this time,
Fighter Catapult Ships already exist and some bright mind will get the idea to extend that to
Catapult Aircraft Merchantmen (CAM) as well in less than a year. Rockets will be easier for us than going for a steam catapult at this point in time, and if we're not spending the revision on it as well, best make sure the carrier is no more complicated than it needs to be.
Also, eS, the rockets are on the catapult, not the plane, so our planes won't need to be revised. And it's pretty ridiculous to claim that we'll run out of rockets, after all, we don't seem to be running out rockets for the Sarukh, or avgas for the Haast, or rounds for our AS-AC18s. Logistics isn't a thing in this game.
BTW, at this point I should also mention that every other real-world navy except America and France launch jets only with a ski-ramp with no trouble, so catapults may be a little overkill as well. Nevertheless, I don't think our jets quite have the thrust-to-weight ratio of modern ones yet, so probably better to invest in a catapult for safety as well.