There are several principal issues with airborne assaults.
Mobility: It is extremely unlikely that you are dropping enough vehicles for everyone, or even enough for more than a few small expiditionary forces. Enemy artillery can make advancing pretty-much fatal. And being surrounded means that you can't advance without stretching your lines.
If you can't move then the enemy is free to manoeuvre as they please, which is very very bad for you.
Air power can help a lot here. Acquiring a heavy airfield can increase vehicle supplies as heavier transports can land heavier loads than a pkausible parachute could hope to, and it is probably possible to make kit-transports that can be transported with a very low volume and assembled relatively quickly, provided that you don't mind weaknesses in your armour...
Bombers. especially tactical bombers, can provide cover for an advancing line, counter-firing on artillery and such.
Bombers can also inhibit enemy advancements to help secure your own lines, strategic bombers are more viable here...
But running your entire operation on aircraft is going to burn through a massive amount of oil there will be down-time...
Weight: More mass means heavier armour and bigger guns. This becomes more and more of an issue as range increases. There will pretty much always be a situation where there is a super-heavy tank rocking up on the far-side of a field and nobody can get close enogh to make a dent in it, while it can freely pass the time blowing up bunkers and foxholes while a field of antiaircraft guns behind it make your support forces sad. Your own armour will be ill-equipped to ignore even man-portable antitank-rifles. and while the enemy artillery can blow up a house from the next village over, your mortars will be hard-pressed to blow up a car over a nearby hill.
Aircraft can serve as antitank and heavy artillery, guns generally defeat armour, and we will probably be dropping in wheeled guns(Or perhaps some sort of microtank/self-propelled turret?) in the 160mm-200mm range which can reasonably defeat most armour that will be fielded. But much like a fleet without gunships, you are still unlikely to ever see anything like a line of medium-heavy tanks that can just rock through an opening in the enemy lines and hold a front while infantry moves in to secure it...
Resources: No matter how you look at it, aerplanes are not the most efficient form of bulk-transport and air-based supply-lines have trouble with consistency. The enemy will probably have more of everything...
It might be plausible to visit on occasion, but living there is a very dubious prospect.